IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Friendship

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
It is often believed that borrowing money from friend can harm the friendship.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Although with the world becoming materialistic, people have become more self-centric and often the feelings of friendship and love are forgotten. But it cannot be denied that some people have set examples for friends and brother hood. Most people believe that money plays a very important role in friendship and if people don’t bring it in between, the friendship is more likely to blossom.
The sharing of money amongst friend is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it brings in the feeling of trust between friends. For instance, when a person is in financial trouble, it is the people who help him/her during that time become part of the closer circle. Secondly, lending money brings in the feeling that one is not self-centred. With people focusing more on “I”, helping a friend not only gives satisfaction, but also creates a circle of people one is close to and can rely on.

friendship and money
However, if the borrowed money is not returned on time it can even damage a friendship and the perspective of an individual forever. For example- if a person lends money to his/her friend but the friend never returns the money; after some time, the person might want to get in contact but the friend will ignore. This creates ruffle among friends and often the friendship changes into enmity. Even more, borrowing money before understanding the situation of a friend can develop a crack in friendship.
Overall, in my opinion, lending money surely brings in the feeling of trust but it must be made sure that the money is returned on time; else distrust and anger can overshadow the friendship.


IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Live Performance

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Attending a live performance is always better than watching the same event online or on television.

Observing some events in real life as person has more impact on us rather than watching them in your bedroom on television or internet. Liking and disliking changes from person to person, some people are delighted to attend events in live show and others prefer to watch them while sitting in their bed room.
Watching events at the comfort of home brings along with it certain advantages. Firstly, it is a reasonable idea to join the event. For instance, a show of Taylor Swift might cost a person an arm and leg but watching the same show online might be the preference of some people. Secondly, while watching these programs when they are broadcasted one can manage his daily routine by working around.

Live Performance
On the other hand, while attending live events we can enjoy more because of charged audience and amusing environment. The claps of audience, slogans and the interaction with the celebrity can warm up the pleasant environment. Even more, at the end of event we can meet the distinguished people and even can take their pictures with us.
Secondly, live shows bring with them extreme joy and happiness along with them. One makes programmes with family and friends, takes out time and spends some quality time with near and dear ones.
Overall, in my opinion, although it is a good idea to attend live shows but one must not enjoy them at the at the cost of duty and budget.


IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Technology

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
The improved technology allows for rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial, this is dangerous for the society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Digitalisation and the coming of internet has surely changed the way world operated. Some people are of the opinion that the free access to information is quite dangerous for the individual, however others are of the opinion that we have benefited more from technology advancement.
With the availability of every data on click, surely has posed some serious threats. Firstly, the data is no longer secure. For instance, most of the companies now store their data in a particular server or a database. Although some people regard it as safe, if this data gets hacked, the company can get broke.
Secondly, it has opened a new way of crime. Most people are now very comfortable putting their personal lives on internet, especially social sites. If the wrong person gets access to the site, he/she can ruin the person’s life as has often been seen.
Looking towards the positive aspect, technology advancement has surely made our lives easier. Firstly, with coming of internet banking and other services on internet, people can easily do their work without getting into the hassle of waiting in long lines. Secondly, learning was never this much fun. With every piece of information on internet, people who are not financially strong can even study at the best universities and make their career. Example, Harvard University offers several courses online for free, helping millions of people worldwide.
Overall, in my opinion, every coin does has both sides and technology surely has some negatives. But the advantages offered by it, outlook the issues caused.


IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Get A Job

You must spend 40 minutes on this task.

The education system of the country is such that many students are forced to study the subjects at school, even though their interest lies somewhere else.

 Many people believe that such students must be allowed to get a job early while others believe that they must be convinced to work hard at school.


Every individual is unique and some children rebel going to school. With regard to this, there are two opposite thoughts, one believes that children not interested in school must be allowed to find job, while others are of the opinion that it is the duty of parents to mould their children.

There are several reasons for why going to school is crucial for a child. Firstly, one cannot differentiate between someone who is purely disliking studies for factual reasons or is talented in other ways. Secondly, schools provide the academic information required for enlarging students’ knowledge background. Even more, a school provides the environment for all round development of a child.

However, if an individual is not interested in schools, they must not be forced. Leaving school at early stage has its own advantages. Firstly, a job helps students realise their interests and also improve on their social skills. Furthermore, they can get a better idea of the society during a job, which cannot be obtained in schools. In addition, jobs make people more responsible. For instance, one learns how to manage money and live independently.

Overall, in my opinion, what matters is whether the child is getting the required knowledge. Like Angelina jolie teaches her children at home and Sachin Tendulkar left studies after tenth, it purely depends on what the passion of the person is and school does help in figuring it out. However, if a person is already clear of what they want, he/she must be allowed to work in that field.



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