IELTS Essay # Juvenile Delinquency

Write an essay in about 250 words on “Youth Crime” and discuss the reasons and best possible solutions of the problem.


One of the disquieting problems faced by today’s world is – Youth Crime or juvenile delinquency. It is also known as “juvenile offending”. When a minor or individual younger than the statutory age of majority, participates in illegal behavior, then it falls under the category of youth crime. It is highly disturbing that the rate of such crimes is increasing alarmingly. Not only in India but around the globe it is spreading its tentacles to enforce criminal activities which lead to an unstable society. Robbery, rape, drug dealing, murders etc. are some of the horrible faces of youth crimes. In this essay, I will examine the reasons behind this worrying trend and propose some solutions.

Recent psychological studies have revealed that 6-16% of male teens and 2-9% female teens are suffering from conduct disorders which drag youths towards such heinous crimes. These disorders can vary from oppositional-defiant disorder (which may not be aggressive in nature) to antisocial personality disorder. Both of them can develop during childhood. But strangely, only 6% of the youth criminals are habitual offenders.

Another reason behind this increasing rate is the higher aspiration of today’s youth and the desire of a luxurious life. Of course, in case of sexual crimes it is the psychological disorder which is the major reason. Not to mention that nuclear families, education system and highly career oriented parents who do not have time to keep an eye on the moral development of their offspring are some other leading contributors.

The world has to be sensitive enough to deal with this challenge. More juvenile courts are to be established and a stringent law is the need of the hour. At educational institutions, psychological counseling facilities should be available and more attention should be paid on the moral development of children, especially teenagers. Rehabilitation process should be up to the mark. Moreover, youth is the most imperative section of our society so for the unblemished future this generation should be morally uplifted.

To sum up, a combination of factors have made our young minds offenders. However, I believe that if we join our hands together, we can make the world a safer place for everyone.




IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Cars

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Cars have changed the way we travel. However, some people believe that there are more disadvantages to it than advantages. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cars?

Write at least 250 words.


Travel is an integral part of our lives and we travel for a great variety of reasons. However, in recent times the number of people owning a car has increased, as people want to now travel with more comfort and freedom.

On the positive side, a private car is more convenient mode of transportation. Having more comfortable seat, ventilation or other novel technologies help people to feel better than using of other methods, like bicycle or public bus. Secondly, it provides more security when compared to public transport. For instance, a women is more likely to feel safe while driving a car at night than coming home late night in public vehicle.

However, a privately owned car also has some disadvantages. Firstly, city travelers have to spend longer hours on traffic jams. With the increase in the use of private cars, the density of traffic has been increased phenomenally and citizens have had to stay longer time on traffic load. Secondly, the use of cars to commute has decreased the average health of car users as they do not need to do any physical movement.

Overall, cars do bring in some great benefits to is owners, in a long run, they tend to harm more than help. But, if the owners take proper care of health and more people pool drive, one will be able to enjoy its advantages better.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # More Than Book

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that not everything that is learnt is contained in the book.

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


An old adage is that, “Books are our best friends”, however with changing times, an opinion that experience matters more has got floated. Although, no one can deny the importance of both in our lives, in my opinion, often experience takes the lead, when compared to books.

Books presents us true facts, history, subject matter expertise, story and knowledge that we need to evolve as a true human. It is only when we understand things around,that we are able to live a better life. However, life experiences teaches us lessons and give us the wisdom to understand life better and act in a more balanced manner.

Secondly, our brain needs to work else it gets junk i.e. one is not able to take better decisions. Books helps the brain to function. For instance, a person who is solving math problem develops reasoning skills that are important in daily life situations. On the other hand, experience instead of theoretically teaching, makes an individual understand situation better.

Even more, some knowledge could only be learned from books like the atmosphere of Mars but can never be experienced by a person. Whereas, experience assists us to become more socially active. Instead of studying materials in an isolated condition, for example in a library, we can meet more people by practicing more.

Overall, a person lives a better life when he/she has the perfect combination of great books and has learnt from the experiences of life.



IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Safety Standards

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Safety standards are important when building people’s homes.

Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


The population of the world is increasing and with that the requirement for houses. To cater to this requirements, new buildings are being constructed at a faster rate. This has given rise to the number of accidents related to buildings.  Some people opine that Government is solely responsible to ensure the safety and codes while others believe that house owners are the persons who should be responsible. In my opinion, government is responsible for building laws, it must be the responsibility of the builder to make sure that the laws are followed.

Giving the responsibility to government is better for different reasons. Firstly, we as individuals pay taxes to ensure better facilities, and the government must ensure that the country men are getting proper accommodation. Secondly, often the law makers are more aware about the constitution and other disasters. So, they are more aware of what should be done.

On the other hand, it is impossible for the government to appoint necessary man power and make sure that the law is being followed. It must be the responsibility of all the people working in construction, including the architect, labor and engineer to make sure the laws are properly implemented. Also, labors should avoid working in hazardous situation ,where they are not provided by proper equipment.

Overall, government is made to show the path of how to work. It is responsible for making laws and strengthening. It must be the responsibility of individuals to make sure that the laws are in acted. In my opinion, the issue can be better addressed if government and individuals work together in same direction.


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