Writing Task 2: Which is more important while choosing a company to work – higher salary or good working atmosphere

Writing task 2

Which is more important while choosing a company to work – higher salary or good working atmosphere


You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Some people think that high salary is important when choosing a company to work for, while others think that good working atmosphere is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Discuss both view points and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Writing Task 2: Which is more important while choosing a company to work - higher salary or good working atmosphere Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun

Sample Answer

Nowadays, jobs have become very demanding in terms of performance and involvement. People have to work to earn a living at any cost. However, selecting a job and the workplace entirely depends on an individual’s value systems. Every person aspires to fulfill different needs to achieve satisfaction in life. Some people think that salary is the predominant motivational factor in a job whereas others think that a congenial working environment is more valuable. I will discuss both the views in my essay.

People usually look for a job which offers a high pay scale. So that, they can maintain a luxurious life style. Moreover, they believe that money can buy everything to gain happiness. A job with high remuneration is also an indicator of success and advancement. As a result, employees do not mind devoting extra time to their jobs to gain promotions and increments .A person having high  income not only has more savings but high purchasing power as well. Additionally, higher salary is also required to spend on possessing luxurious things to build a high social status.

On the other side, some people opt for a job providing a better organisational culture and climate. There are employees who can forego monetary benefits but cannot compromise with their peace of mind. They believe in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, so that they can perform better at the workplace along with spending time with their loved ones. For such people, satisfaction in personal and professional lives are equally important to remain happy.

To conclude, in my opinion, a job with a higher salary may increase our wealth, but adversely affects our physical and mental health. People find happiness in materialistic things, ignoring the fact that happiness is actually a state of mind. Possession of money and power does not guarantee a life full of peace and happiness.

(308 words)

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Writing Task 2: Essay- Hosting International sports events (both the views)

Writing task 2 ESSAY

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
‘Some people believe that hosting International sports events is highly beneficial, whereas others think it is create problems to the host country’
Discuss both the views.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Writing Task 2: Essay- Hosting International sports events(both the views) Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in Dehradun

Sample Answer

Nowadays, many countries are organising mega sports events to improve its economic growth. Some people favours the concept of hosting international sports event by a country, whereas, others believe it is just a waste of time and money. There are valid opinions to weigh both the sides of the discussion, which I will consider in the following paragraphs.

On one hand, it helps in providing an astounding improvement in the infrastructure of the city where the event is being organised. It also builds reputation and dignity of the host country all over the world. Then, it encourages tourism and creates bright avenues of employment. Moreover, the host country also earns very high revenue by selling tickets of the event. Eventually, arranging international sports events boost the economy of the host country.

On the other hand, such mega events adversely affect daily life of the citizens. Government spends huge amount of money in building temporary infrastructure to provide basic amenities and security to the visitors. Moreover, government further recovers this amount from the residents of the country in the form of direct and indirect taxes.By any chance, if the event does not happen smoothly, it brings blemishes to the prestige of the host country.

Overall, I think, in recent years the people’s perception and attitudes have completely changed. Earlier sports industry was least preferred and underrated. But now, due to heavy investments and higher returns, it has become the most lucrative and desirable sector worldwide. Different communities worldwide have started giving respect and recognition to sports and the players as well. Therefore, in order to bring name and fame along with some financial benefits, hosting international events is profitable and acceptable.

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Academic Writing Task 2: Online Courses Vs Regular Courses

Academic Writing task 2

Online Courses Vs Regular Courses

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

‘In today’s world, some prefer online courses whereas others prefer classroom teaching’

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

Academic Writing Task 2:Online Courses Vs Regular Courses IELTS Band 7 Best Coaching in Dehradun

Sample Answer

There always exists a relationship between education and socialisation to advance the cognitive development of an individual. Nowadays, education has become technology driven and easily accessible. Some people prefer classroom learning while others favour online courses. Both the online and classroom classes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Suitability and selection of a course depend on an individual’s choices and circumstances. There are valid opinions to weigh both the sides of the discussion, which I will consider in the following paragraphs.

On one hand, classroom learning promotes the social, emotional and psychological development of the students as they learn together in a group. As a result, students develop skills of team building and group dynamics through mutual interaction and discussions in the classroom. In colleges and schools, classes are collaborative and more interactive. There is a two-way communication between the teacher and learners to understand concepts better. Moreover, it also supports participation and immediate feedback.

On the other hand, in online classes we can take the lectures conveniently anywhere, without travelling to campus. We get the facility to attend the classes anytime due to the option of flexible classes.  Online courses are comparatively cheaper as there is less fees and no transportation and stationary costs are involved. Virtual classes are suitable for those who are working and are unable to attend the regular classes.

Overall, in my view, classroom teaching is better than the online classes. This is primarily, because, the knowledge cannot be imparted in the same way to different types of learners. Different students have different levels of perception and understanding. Students get personal attention of the teacher in the classroom. It further helps the teacher to understand the potential and personalities of the students to teach them accordingly.

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Writing task 2: Why are cities becoming overcrowded?

IELTS Writing task 2: Why are cities becoming overcrowded?

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Cities are becoming overcrowded.
What are the causes of this situation, and what can be done to improve this situation?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer

Urbanization has become a global phenomenon. Metropolises all over the world are witnessing a dramatic rise in their populations. In this essay, I will outline the reasons behind this situation and propose some solutions to tackle it.

The main cause is high levels of migration from the countryside to cities. In developed nations, rural industries, ranging from agriculture to food production and livestock breeding, have been automated. As a result, fewer people are required to manage farmland and farm animals. Many wealthy country dwellers often head towards vibrant cities for a change. In a sharp contrast, mass migration to urban conurbations in developing nations is fuelled by frequent crop failures, unemployment and poor rural infrastructure.

Furthermore, millions of countrymen lack access to basic facilities such as healthcare, education, entertainment and transport etc. They seek a secure livelihood and higher standard of living for themselves and their children. Undoubtedly, mega cities have a developed infrastructure and offer a wide range of educational and employment opportunities. All these features attract young aspirants and job seekers to cities.

The unfettered growth of urban population exerts an enormous pressure on the available resources in cities. It also causes problems like high property prices, poor sanitation, congestion and pollution etc. Therefore, effective measures must be taken to curb the influx of people. Firstly, governments should plan policies for the overall development of the countryside.  Secondly, the excessive dependence on farming should be reduced. For this, other employment opportunities must be generated in rural areas. This can be done by promoting traditional skills like pottery making, knitting, weaving and basketry etc. If people can make a decent living in the countryside, mass migration can be controlled.

To sum up, the causes of this trend are primarily to do with unemployment and underdeveloped facilities in the countryside. The best solution is to bridge the huge disparity between urban and rural areas.

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