IELTS Cue Card # Story About Space

IELTS Cue Card ‘Story about space’

Describe a story about space (real or fictitious) that you have read about or seen in a film or on TV.

    You should say:

  • when you read about or saw the story
  • what happened in the story?
  • whether the story has any significance today
  • and explain how you felt about this story.

ielts cue card space story

Sample Answer:

I am a person of varied taste when it comes to reading a book, watching a movie and or listening to music. When it comes to movies, I prefer watching sci-fi the most. Today I would like to talk about a Hollywood sci-fi movie “The Martian” 2015. Mark was the lead character, which was played by Matt Damon.

The plot of the movie is pretty simple yet it keeps you woven and intrigued. Mark gets stranded on Mars because of a storm, his team thinks he is dead, as the last telemetry from his suit indicates no sign of life. From here on his journey of survival on Mars begins. Mark, being a botanist, improvises a farm inside the habitat utilising Martian soil fertilized with human waste. He even produces water by extracting hydrogen from leftover rocket fuel, and utilizes the stock of potatoes he had from his expedition to make new crop of potatoes for himself, as he was to stay there for another 4 years before help could be sent to him.

The story-line has a huge significance with today’s age as we are eagerly looking forward to colonise the Mars. Even NASA assisted the filmmakers with depicting the science and technology in ‘The Martian’ since it saw the movie has a potential of promoting space exploration.

Right from my early childhood days, like any other kid of my age I was really fascinated by outer space, the universe and the explorations made by the astronauts. One thing which has always fascinated me, is the possibility of life on the other planets. To an extent, the movie has answered this question and also solidified my belief regarding the possibility of life beyond our planet Earth. (287 Words)


Writer: Akshay Tomar



IELTS Cue Card 2018 Questions # Exciting Situation

Often in life, we get into some exciting situations, the kind of where we do not know what exactly needs to be done but the mere fact that there will be so much fun, we get dragged into it. This time we are looking at a recent IELTS cue card that talks about an exciting situation one have been into.

Describe a situation that was new and exciting for you. You should say:

  • when was it?
  • when did it happen?
  • what did you do?

and explain why it was exciting and how you felt about it?


Over a period of time, I have realized that if you love doing something it always brings new opportunities and excitement in life. Today, I am going to talk about a thrilling day I got to spent because of my job. It was a few years back and I was working for a writing company back then. My job was to create new blogs for their website and it was mostly working from home. However, I used to often go to the office to meet the staff and my senior for inputs on the website.

One day, my senior asked me to write a script for the product the company will be releasing in the upcoming quarter. It sounded so exciting to me that once I had written the script I thought the work was done. Until one day I was told that I will be the assistant director for the shoot. The day of the shoot came on a fly. On the day of the shoot, I got to meet the best photographer of our town and then a really good actress. The entire day when by in cuts, retakes and it was really exciting.

The mere fact that I was on the sets of a shoot gave me goosebumps. The takes and retakes made feel as if I am a director. I remember coming back home late and my mother scolding me, but it was the best day I had lived in some while and nothing else mattered.



IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Teenage Brain

Teenage Brain

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

You can download the audio from the below link –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. What is a sweatshirt with a hood called?
  2. What part of the brain is connected with basic emotions?
  3. Which term describes the situation when you have to stay at school after the day to do some extra work?
  4. What are sudden changes of mood called?
  5. Which chemicals in the body stimulate cells and organs into action?
  6. What is the age when we start becoming adults?
  7. Which part of the brain kicks you to taking risk?
  8. Which part of the brain stops you from taking risk?
  9. What is the synonym of “slows down”?
  10. What is the other way of saying clever?
  11. When someone copies a style in an exaggerated way to make others laugh, what is it called?
  12. Which phrase is used to say that you are talking evil or threatening about someone?
  1. hoody
  2. limbic system
  3. detention
  4. mood swings
  5. harmones
  6. adolescence
  7. limbic system
  8. pre-frontal cortex
  9. inhibit
  10. brainy
  11. parody
  12. to demonize


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Band Test score of our proud students 2017 Results

IELTS Band Test score of our proud students 2017 Results

There is no pass or fail in IELTS, scores are graded on the band system.

Listening(30 minutes):
• Four recorded monologues and conversations
• A range of question types
Reading (60 minutes):
• Three long reading passages with tasks
• Texts range from the descriptive and factual to the discursive and analytical
• Includes non-verbal materials such as diagrams, graphs or illustrations
Writing (60 minutes):
• Two compulsory tasks
• Task 1: a 150-words summary of information presented in graphic or diagrammatic form
• Task 2: a 250-words essay presenting an argument on a given topic
Speaking(11 to 14 minutes):
• Face to face interview
• Would be asked to describe oneself or speak on a familiar topic.

Results 2017 list

MonthStudent nameIELTS Band
October-2017ARYAN ANAND8
October-2017PRATEEK KOHLI7.5
October-2017Prateek Verma7.5
October-2017SHAGUN THAKUR7
October-2017MUKUL BATRA7
October-2017SIMRAN GURUNG7
October-2017FIZA JALEES7
October-2017RICHA MITTAL7
October-2017VINOD CHAUHAN7
October-2017SUDHA SANGAR6.5
October-2017ARPIT MARWAH6.5
October-2017VISHESH NANDA6.5
October-2017JASWINDER SINGH6.5
October-2017RAVINDER KAUR6
October-2017ANUJ KUMAR6
October-2017RIZWAN ALI6
October-2017IQBAL HASAN -6
October-2017MANOJ RANGHAR6
October-2017SONIKA NEGI6
October-2017HIMANI SHARMA6
October-2017VARUN GAIROLA6
October-2017Ajay Kothiyal6
October-2017PRAVEEN RAWAT6
October-2017SANJAY RAWAT6
October-2017SHIV POOJAN6
October-2017RUTVIK PATEL6

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

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