You Are One Of A Kind

IELTS: You Are One Of A Kind
I hope you have figured out the best college for you. “The one” college that makes you feel special. But then is finding “the perfect” college enough? I will say, you can always have the perfect icing on your cake. So don’t stop there. The icing for your career is the “teachers”.
Does that mean you can appoint teachers you love in your college? NO! Something’s are just good only in dreams of the closed eyes. But then you can always be sure if the college has ace teachers. HOW?
Well, it is easy enough.
1.EXPERIENCE MATTERS-: Go check how much experience the faculties of your chosen college have. The more and better their experience, the brighter and higher your career.
2.PLUS ONE FOR PRACTICALS-: Life is not theoretical, it is practical. Figure out if your faculties have hands on experience. Because if that is the case, the path to getting high scores on the completion of the course is a “smooth walk”.
Don’t assume these to be trivial matters. It is all connected to you, and the most important thing for you, “you career”. Don’t wait and check out your chosen college for the above parameters. Once you are finished with this, come back and we shall tell you, what next to do.
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