IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Handwriting
We are living in an age of computers and technical devices. Gone are the days when people used to note down important things in notebooks. With smartphones becoming so accessible, people prefer using them for notes. This time we are looking at some of the questions related to the methods of writing that can be asked in IELTS speaking section.
Do you usually write by hand or you use a computer to make notes?
I have been working with computers professionally for around 2 years now and having used computers extensively, making notes on computers is very much easier for me than writing by hand. Even more, because of the lost practice of writing, it becomes really hard to pick a pen and write. So, I prefer using computers.
How do most people write things now a days?
Most people of my age use their smart phones to make simple notes. But, the elderly, I think still rely on paper based writing. For example, making the grocery list. Other creative people like writers also prefer diary writing over computer notes.
Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
Definitely yes. I think the speed with which we are adapting technology, it is very much possible that our next generation would be dealing with computers all the time. It is highly unlikely that handwriting will be replaced by computers in schools in the near future. But, for professional work, digital notes in their full form are just around the corner.
When do children begin to write in your country?
Most of the children start writing by the age of 4, i.e. when they go to school. But, then there are some children who learn to write when they are about 5 or 6.
How did you learn to write?
I lived in a joint family so there were lots of people around me who were interested in teaching me. So, I learnt to write with the help of my brothers and my mother. They used to write letters in the notebook and I was given task to copy the letter or write above it.
Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?
Definitely yes, handwriting is an important thing. No matter, how much we have moved towards digitisation, good handwriting does save a day. When people are always working on computers, to be able to write allows the mind to function in a different way, making it active.
How can children today improve their handwriting?
The only thing that can help is practice and doing it perfectly. So, parents can buy practice books which focus on developing For instance, cursive books. Children should try to imitate the way things are written there. It is by imitating good handwriting can a child learn how to write properly.
What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?
No matter how far we have moved with technology, a good handwriting is a sign of a creative mind. So, when people look at someone whose handwriting is beautiful, he/she is assumed to be of high intellect or having artistic qualities.
Do you love writing?
I do like writing and can write about almost everything. I love writing journals and letters.
Do you prefer writing letters or emails?
I prefer letters because I think, surely emails reach faster, but with letters, there are lot of emotions attached. The wait for letters makes them much more exciting to read.
Do you think some people are still addicted to writing letter?
Very few on that note. Generally everyone prefers letters but there are some who are crazy about them. My mother is one such person. She is so fond of letters that no matter how many other things I give to her, every letter that I write makes her happier than anything in the world.
What are the main differences between handwriting and writing on a computer?
With handwriting, there is nothing called erase. What’s written is written and the only thing you can do is cut it, but not erase. With computers, you can just write down whatever you want to and editing becomes so much easier with it. Also, you can move the data quite quickly if it was written on a computer. You can mail it, store it in a Google drive, whichever way suits well. With handwriting it is more real and there is only one real copy for everything written. Both of them have their positives and negatives. For quick results, it is better to go for writing on a computer but for more personal, handwriting is still the best option.