IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Humour

Laugh, we all do. Rarely is a person who has yet not laughed. So, if you get questions on Humor or laugh, it would  mostly be in the first part of the speaking section. Now, let us have a look at some of the questions related to humor and their possible answers.

What kind of things make you laugh?

Well, mostly sarcastic things tend to make me laugh. When I am with my friends and family, someone is pulling each others leg, things go really tickling. Other than that, the comedians who take sarcastic note on the things happening in real life, I find them funny.

Do you like making other people laugh?

Oh! I love it. I believe, humor is that one thing that make people more comfortable with each other. Even it is really good during those heavy times. So, I really like people smiling and try and make more people smile.

Do you think it is important for people to laugh?

Yes, laughing makes things easier.Just imagine, someone is state of misery, but even they can smile at that time, it makes misery look very small. More importantly, we have got this one life, not laughing because of some stupid tensions, does not makes sense to me.

Is laughing the same as feeling happy?

I think it is not exactly the same, feeling happy is more of like a state of mind. So, people may be happy when they achieve something or when they are with their loved ones, it does not mean they need to laugh. On the other hand, laughter is more like an expression, you tend to laugh when something funny happens.


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