IELTS Speaking Latest Questions # Shopping
The third section of IELTS speaking i.e. the discussion section is where you will be asked more general questions. The answers to these questions need to be complete and not simply one or a two liner. This time we are looking at some questions that were recently asked in IELTS speaking third section related to shopping.
Do you believe shopping is more popular than it was in the past?
With globalisation and factors like advertisement and media improvement, definitely yes, shopping has become more popular than it ever was!! But, I think the due credit does goes to the shopping malls and the fancy ads or the display of lives of public figures. People want to look or behave a certain way and shopping surely helps. With the coming of credit cards, it has become so much more easier for people to buy things that they want, no matter they can afford it or not.
Do you think shopping affects our society positively or negatively?
Anything done under limits is always good. So, shopping surely is a positive thing when it is done in limits. It only worsens when people start doing it for show off or to become someone like. So, a person who is shopping for some change of clothes or to buy things required, is doing well for the mental health of himself or herself. However, someone doing excessively merely to show off is affecting the society because others follow soon.
How does advertisement affect our shopping trends?
Advertisement have a very major impact on our shopping trends. With people leading a busy life, most people take decisions very fast. So, if there are ten companies trying to sell a particular product, the one with the best ad is surely going to take away the maximum customers. The bigger impact is, ads often elude people in buying things they might not necessarily need. So, for example, a person with mattress may go and buy a new one because there seem to be more benefits in the new one.
What kind of shops do teenagers like in your country?
We are living in a world where people are so different and that shows off right from the teenage years. So, there are some teenagers in our country that love to shop for clothes or the new video games. But, then there are even some, who love books and you would find them grounded in book shops. Overall, most teenagers in our country and mugged up in books with little time left for other activities.