Understanding The Reading Passage

Now, first thing first. Read the instructions carefully and then read the questions properly. Make sure that you have understood what is being asked in the questions and what are the details that you need to focus on. You can even make a note of what are the questions related to it.write down the keywords asked in the question.

For better understanding, let us have a look at the keywords of the questions asked in the passage.

  1. Concern of the parents.
  2. Changes observed in the girl.
  3. Failure of genetic test
  4. Country which launched 10000 genomes project
  5. Aim of genomes project
  6. NHS owned company
  7. NHS health records
  8. issue with 1000 genome project
  9. Large-scale genomic analysis of its population.
  10. Precision Medicine Initiative
  11. For questions 11-13 look at the first line of the summary and match it with first line of different paragraphs. You will find out the paragraph from which the question has been put up. (note – it is also possible that the summary question is from the entire passage, but either ways, make sure you know the starting point of the question).

Now, once you have found out and written all the keywords, try to find out these keywords in the reading passage. Remember, you are not given marks on how well you understand the passage, you are marked on how many correct answers you have got. Make sure that you don’t waste your time on understanding the paragraph, line by line and word by word.

To develop that skill, read a lot of stuff and if you are having issues with that go to level 1.

Once you have found the keyword, the answer also lie nearby it. Also remember, there are often some traps for you, so make sure you understand the question carefully and read the line having the keyword, before answering the question.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. True
  7. False
  8. True
  9. False
  10. True
  11. Closest blood relatives
  12. twice
  13. Drug and procedures