IELTS Letter Tips

Getting a high band in IELTS is not just about knowing the right English, it is more than that. Let us have a look at what it is about –

  1. Answer The Entire Question Properly- Each IELTS letter consist of three parts, three bullets and you need to make sure that you have answer all the points completely in order to score well. Leaving any of the points, you can get penalized for task response. Also make sure that you elaborate on each of the point, this may mean you need to write more about one topic and less about another.
  2. Think About The Type Of Letter- There are four kinds of letters that can be asked in IELTS, and your response to it depends on the type of letter it is. So, if you are writing to a friend, you need to be a little more informal, but if writing to your head or some other authority, you need to be formal.
  3. Use Varied Grammar – There is a score in IELTS for writing varied form of grammar sentences, so no matter you are writing to a friend, make sure you use variety of grammar sentences.
  4. Plan It Right –  It is a good idea to know how you are going to write a letter, what you are going to write, how you are going to end it. So, get the answers to the above questions, before you start writing the letter.
  5. Word Limit- This is the most important thing, no matter how great your letter is, if it falls short of the work limit, even by a single word, you are going to lose marks and that is for sure.
  6. Punctuation And Spellings – It is always a good idea to use punctuation marks, but make sure that it is used correctly, also make sure that the spelling is right. You do lose marks on wrong spellings.