Hobby # Discussion Topic

You could be given a cue card on hobby and then the general question in section III are related to hobbies. Let us have a look at some of them. The answers are of level Band 8.

We have been talking about hobbies and I would like to discuss with you some general questions related to hobbies.

What do you think are the most popular types of hobbies in India?

For males it is probably cricket or football. For females I think it is either shopping or travelling.

Why do you think these hobbies are so popular?

Because, I think you need balance in life. The working life is quite hard, and one needs balance to be able to go back to work the next day. These hobbies help people to relax a bit and then give their best at work. Also sports is a good way of releasing stress, so they prefer it.

What do you think are the social benefits of hobbies?

Well, it depends on what your hobby is. For instance, if you have a hobby of reading, you are usually doing it alone and there is no such social benefits but if you are doing something like playing soccer or cricket, you are interacting with lots of people and get to know how to interact with people and make friends. It helps in exchanging ideas and opinions’ and more importantly more about them from inside.

Do you think there are any dangers in spending lot of time with hobbies?

Well, if you are spending more time in your hobby rather than your work or may be family, it could turn quite upside for you. You may end up losing some important relationships.

Well, thank you.

This is the end of your speaking test.