IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Politeness

IELTS Speaking

Politeness is a kind of behavior shown by people. Often people who are polite tend to make more friends. Well, whatever, be the case, let us have a look at some of the questions related to politeness.

What according to you is politeness?

Speaking Answer: According to me, it is just a way of interacting with people. Some people tend to be polite, means they speak softly and are less likely to use harsh words for others. It is for some the way that people treat others ,the way they want themselves to be treated. I agree with it. It is also about saying please, thank you and sorry whenever required.

Who taught you to be polite when you were a child?

Speaking Answer: I think no one actually taught me. I learnt it by seeing people around me. My mother is very polite and she talks to people very nicely, no matter what the other person is saying I don’t remember her losing her patience. She once told me, that don’t raise your voice in an argument, but rather improve your point. I have kept these things in mind and have benefited a lot because of my politeness.

Why is it important to be polite to people?

Speaking Answer: I think because of two simple reasons: first most people tend to react the way you talk to them. SO, if you want others to be nice to you, you have to start it by yourself. Secondly: because we all are living busy lives and it feels good when people talk nicely to each other.

Do you think people have become less or more polite since the time you were a child?

Speaking Answer: I believe, people have become more of open minded, less formal and more bold in making statements. So, they tend to just say as it is. But, this does not necessarily mean that they don’t respect their parents or elders. I think the problem is that people are not able to express what they feel in a better way.


IELTS Speaking # Weather

IELTS Speaking # Weather

IELTS Speaking Question 1: What’s the weather like in your country ?

Answer: In my view, the weather in my country(India) can be defined comprehensively by one word; Monsoon. It conveys the idea of rhythm of seasons which our exceptionally diverse land witnesses and monsoons are the reason behind this unification. India being in temperate belt zone shows the assortment in its weather. But northernmost and north-eastern part has almost cold weather whereas coastline area of country has uniformity of weather throughout the year. From December to February there is a lovely winter season, from March to July we experience hot summer, from August to October there is a rainy season and from late October to November we have autumn. And these four seasons are seen in a repetitive manner.


IELTS Speaking Question 2: Does the weather affect your mood?

Answer A) Yes! Weather does affect our mood. We experience drowsiness in winter and exasperation in high summers, whereas spring brings up positive alleviation in our mood. Even psychologists have proven that crime rate and psychological well being-ness are highly proportionate to the change in weather and crime rate shows a drastic decline in pleasant weather conditions.

Answer B) As far as my prospect is concerned, weather does not show significant changes in our mood, it’s the situation which plays the role in mood change. The scientific reason behind change in weather is the temperature and pressure belts of earth, which do not comply with the secretion of hormones which results into change in mood. So, it’s irrelevant to say that weather has an effect on our mood.


IELTS Speaking Question 3: How do rainy days make you feel?

Answers A) Well! Along with rain drops, rainy days bring ecstatic changes around us. We can enjoy variety of dishes sitting at home and seeing rain drops makes us feel blissful indeed. The precept outside elevates our mood. The tiny drops of water seem wrapping the happiness around them and more likely tend to be the lifeline for vegetation, along with sheer boon to draught prone areas and deserts.

Answers B) Frankly speaking, I feel slightly uneasy during rainy days. It’s muddiness all around the street and every class of society gets the day to day life affected due to mud and water gathered all around. Sometimes heavy rainfall halts the life and people don’t even have proper access to household commodities. From transportation to electricity everything has ceased to be stopped. In rainy season not only the quality of drinking water gets worse but also untimely rain affects our vegetation adversely. Many diseases like Malaria, Hepatitis and Diarrhea etc. also spread their tentacles during this weather.

IELTS Cue Card Latest Question # Future Course

Education is the one thing that empowers people and we are living in a time when it is not just about doctors or engineers any more. People are taking so many unconventional courses and doing great wonders. This time let us have a look at the CUE CARD SAMPLE ANSWER for the question asked in RECENT IELTS EXAM.

Describe a course that you wish to study in the future.

You should say :

  • what the course is
  • why do you want to study kit
  • where would you like to learn the course

explain what impact will it have on your future

  • You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes
  • There is one minute to think about what you are going to say
  • you can make some notes to help you.
Making notes

This is something that is going to help you when speaking because not only they give you the structure but also remind you of the vocabulary. Now, there are two parts to the notes that you make.

  1. Vocabulary notes
  2. Detail notes

The topic for the cue card is related to education, courses and your future. Some words, that can help you are –

  • intensive course
  • distance course
  • to meet a deadline
  • take a year out

These are the the answers that you get when you ask the questions to yourself.

Course : photography

Why: help in the blogging business

Where : foreign university like California institute of arts, JJ school of applied arts.

Impact : help in getting good photographs for the blog. make videos and expand the blog.


I had always wanted to do something that I loved. However, the real trouble began when I simply did not knew my passions. So, after working for two years in a corporate I took an year out to figure out what really makes me go gaga. In the year out, there were lot of realisations. I realized that I love writing and so started a blog of mine about the travel experiences I was having. With that going on roll, there were certain things the game of blogging told me. Like, you need to be a good photographer as well if you are thinking of planning a travel blog. It just gives you so much more space.

So, I wish to study photography in near time. There have been few universities that I looked on like the University of California and the JJ school of applied arts. They offer some really nice courses and the faculties tend to be really good. Being a good photographer helps in implementing the right thing for the blog. There are times when you get the content looking at the picture. So, when you don’t know the context of the picture you cannot justify the picture.

Even more, when working on a business there is so much more involved in it. One has to learn how to meet deadlines and an intensive course in a good university, just gives  you the right context. With photography, I think I will be able to take the blog to the next level. Bringing in video content like interviews or simply the real true mundane life and writing content to say what the picture could not.




IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Magazines And Newspapers

Magazines and newspapers are a form of print media to give information. Magazines are more topic centric, so there is a sport magazine or fashion magazine, newspapers, on the other hand are more general telling information from different areas.

Speaking Question: Which magazines and newspapers do you read (why)?

Answer A) I prefer reading magazines on travel. Being a travel host, it is very important for me to know about more places and understand them theoretically, before taking on my camera and team along side. Travel magazine also help me to understand the perspective of the other person for a same place that I have also visited. Apart from it, I like fashion magazines as well. Not for the reasons of fashion, I find them good entertainer when one wants to just spend time idly.

Answer B) I only read magazines and newspapers if I’m waiting someplace and they are there, and there is no other alternative. Most of the time, I prefer doing something on my phone. But, either ways, I like to read sports magazine. Cars and their engines excite me for the most part. I mean, there are fantastic cars out there and in magazines, a perfect description is given. Newspapers, I rarely read. I prefer getting the news on either phone or television.



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