IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a festival that is important in your country

IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a festival that is important in your country

You should say:

  • When the festival occurs?
  • Why it is celebrated?
  • What people do and explain what you like or dislike about it?


India is a country of festivals and celebrations. Today, I’d like to talk about one of the most popular festivals of North India. It is known as Diwali.

It is celebrated every year either in the month of October or November. The festival represents the victory of good over evil and its historical significance is related with Sikh and Hindu religions. According to the Hindu mythology, Diwali is celebrated to mark the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. The people of Ayodhya welcomed him by illuminating and decorating the whole city with earthen lamps.

So, Diwali is a festival of lights. The preparations of the festival go on for a month. People renovate, clean and decorate their homes with lights and candles. Another special thing about Diwali is making floral or geometric patterns on the floor using bright colours. Also, people do a lot of shopping for their households and buy gifts for their loved ones. In the morning, most families visit temples. In the evening, all family members worship the Goddess of wealth, take blessings from their elederly and enjoy various delicacies and exotic sweets. Thereafter, adults and children burst firecrackers.
I too enjoy celebrating this festival with my friends and family as it keeps us connected with our tradition. The only thing I dislike about the festival is the bursting of firecrackers. It creates air and noise pollution which causes health problems among elderly and the young ones. Even pets suffer a lot because of the loud noise caused by firecrackers.

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IELTS CUE CARD : Describe a person who you believe is a good listener

IELTS CUE CARD : Describe a person who you believe is a good listener

You should say:

  • Who is that person?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • Why do you think he/she is a good listener?

Sample Answer

Listening is an art that takes time to develop. Today, I’m going to talk about a person who has mastered this art.

She is my best friend. Her name is Rosy. She is a brilliant girl. By profession, Rosy is a senior consultant in an insurance company.  Her ability to listen is one of the things that draws others to her. Rosy always listens intently and makes insightful recommendations. She is so polite that everyone around her feels at ease and liberated to express their opinions without having the fear of being judged or criticised.

I have seen her talent many times. Once I was struggling to make a critical decision about my future plan. I was feeling helpless so I reached out to different individuals, but sadly, no one was able to assist until I got in touch with my dear friend. I should have contacted her sooner, but I didn’t want to involve her in the mess because she remains quite occupied in her work. As usual, Rosy listened attentively and offered a solution that really reduced my level of tension. I wish I could be like her sometimes. Rosy is endowed with many positive traits but her ability to listen and understand others’ perspective are commendable. Being able to call Rosy my friend is a wonderful feeling.

Word Meaning Sentence
Insightful Having or showing deep understanding, perspective The manager was impressed by my insightful advice given on our new project.
Liberated being free When I play football, I feel liberated.

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # TV Presenter

Describe a TV presenter.
You should say:

  • who is she or he?
  • what programme does she or he present?
  • how does she or he present the program?

and explain why you like / dislike him/ her.


Sample Answer 1

Today, I’d like to talk about a renowned TV presenter. He is our country’s favorite TV show presenter, Kapil Sharma. His serial, Comedy Nights With Kapil is one of the most famous and funny television programs. Even people from foreign countries watch this show and come to experience Kapil live.

Kapil Sharma has changed the way comedy shows are hosted in India. Some people often say that he is the country’s finest comedian and one of the best presenters our industry has ever seen. There are many Bollywood stars who wait to come into his show and every movie that is about to get released is surely promoted on his show.

One thing that I love about him is that he knows how to make people laugh and the witty answers that he gives, it is truly amazing. At times, there are people in the audience who try to be over smart with him or maybe sometimes rude with the guest stars. Without losing his temper, Kapil Sharma cleverly deals with them and makes everyone laugh.

Kapil Sharma shows have two parts. In the first part, funny scenes are enacted in a family setting using dialogues, dance and music. In the second part, celebrities come to the show to talk about their life, achievements, challenges and their talent. Kapil and his team create a funny environment in which everyone gets engrossed.

I think one reason why everyone loves him and his show is because in some or the other way it strikes the chord. We can see some irritating and lovely characters in his show that we can relate to. And then, the dialogues are so amazing that people tend to repeat them in their daily conversations, making it a great show.

Sample Answer 2


I love watching TV shows hosted by presenters. Today, I’m going to talk about my favorite TV presenter. His name is Rannvijay. He hosts the most famous youth show called Roadies. Apart from being its presenter, he also takes part in selecting candidates for the show. He is one of the best TV presenters that our television industry has seen in almost a decade.

His presentation style is very interactive and people-centric. The way he connects with the audience in the show is amazing. Another things that I really like about him are his speaking style and fairness. His voice is commendable and when the participants are wrong, he finds it not at all difficult to tell them that they are wrong. At times, when any candidate experiences injustice, he is the first one to come forward. So, it is not just about reading the given script, but about managing the entire show, making sure that the candidate’s true color comes out.

In one of the shows, Rannvijay was also the participant and he played his part really well. There were times when he lost and the other times when he won.  But, the most important point was his never dying spirit. And this is the spirit that he tries to bring in the contestants and in some way in the whole nation. I really admire his talent.

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IELTS Cue Card : Talk about something you lost and then found

IELTS Cue Card : Talk about something you lost and then found

You should say:

  • What it was?
  • How you lost it?
  • When you found it?
  • And explain how you felt about this incident.

Sample Answer

Today, I’d like to talk about an incident when I lost a valuable item. Fortunately, with some help I managed to find it later.

This happened around the autumn of 2019. The final semester of my Bachelor’s in Computer Science was about to be over and campus interviews for placements were in full swing. All students were instructed to carry their original academic documents with them for verification.

I had kept all the required documents in my laptop bag. Among them were original mark sheets, passing certificates, my passport, national identity card and birth certificate. Needless to say, the bag held some very precious cargo.

That day I had to give several interviews. After they were done, I was glad, for they went very well and now I could go and relax with my friends in the cafeteria. As planned, all my friends reached the cafeteria and there we discussed about our interviews and placement chances. Some of my funny friends imitated strict interviewers. At one point, we all were rolling with laughter.

Later that day when I reached home, I realized something; I had lost my laptop bag in all the commotion. My first reaction was to call up my best buddy, who then calmed me down and asked me where I had last seen my bag. Together we concluded I must have left the bag in the cafeteria itself. At that time, I was filled with dread, my mind was whirling with everything that could go wrong. Finally, we decided to check the cafeteria, the first thing in the morning.

The next day my friend met me at the cafeteria entrance and we described the problem to the manager. He was very responsive and he immediately directed the staff to find the bag. After trying hard, it was found under the sofa. Thank heavens! Getting it back was a big relief. I was grateful for everyone’s cooperation and understanding.

Suffice to say, this incident gave me quite a fright. Moreover, it taught me the meaning of “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”, a lesson we will perhaps never be taught enough.


Some useful vocabulary words with meaning
commotion A sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement
whirling to (cause something to) turn around in circles
Suffice to be enough
fright an experience of fear that happens suddenly


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