Picture Questions

Picture questions


When candidates see questions as pictures and not words, they often ‘go blank’ and don’t think logically about what they can see in the pictures.

This is simply because they are not expecting this kind of question and it is very easy to overcome.

Picture questions are often in section 1 of the listening test in the form of multiple-choice questions. Normally, you will see four pictures that have something in common and there will be a written question above the pictures. You have to listen to a conversation between (usually) two people and decide which picture answers to written question.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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Listening Test Tips

Listening Test Tips

Listening Test Tips

1. If you can predict the sort of things you are going to listen for during the listening test, you can reduce the amount you need to listen to. At the beginning the IELTS Test there is a 2.5 minute introduction. Use this time to read through the IELTS listening test booklet and try to get a general understanding of what the sections are going to be about – even this simple type of prediction will help you.

2. As you scan through the booklet, look for maps, charts or illustrations – these often give you a good idea of what the topic of a section is going to be about.

3. After each section you are given one minute to check your answers. But how can you check your answers if you can’t listen to the tape again? Use this time to scan and get an idea of what the next set of questions are going to be about.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

IELTS online simulator

IELTS BAND 7 Home page



1. If you don’t catch the answer to a question, it’s natural to think hard to try to remember the answer. If you do this, you will miss parts of the tape and possibly won’t be able to answer other questions. When you miss the answer to a question, forget it – go onto the next question. Remember – you only listen to the tape once. The answer might be repeated on the tape anyway.

2. If you miss the answer to two or three questions, again, miss them out – you won’t be able to remember the answers.

3. If you get to the stage where you are totally lost, you may have to wait until the other candidates turn their pages before you can find out where you are in the questions. Of course, this is not ideal but if you have to do this, don’t panic – if you panic you will have even bigger problems.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

IELTS online simulator

IELTS BAND 7 Home page

True/False questions for listening test

Have a look at these other ‘traps’ that you can get in True/False questions for listening test:

i) Changing the modifier only


All students have to register before 08 August.

Most students have to register before 08 August.
Answer: False
ii) Changing the answer twice.

Peter decides to go to the cinema.

PETER: Let’s go to the cinema, there’s a new film on.
JANE: I’d like to go to the theatre instead to see the play.
PETER: OK, that’s fine, we’ll go to the theatre.
JANE: Great, thanks, oh no – maybe the cinema would be better.
PETER: OK – the cinema it is then
JANE: Are you sure?
PETER: Yes, sure. No, the theatre – definitely!
Answer: False


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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IELTS BAND 7 Home page

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