CO2 Emission # Line Graph

The graph shows the decomposing carbon dioxide emission trends and its drivers, in east Asia and pacific, 1992-2010.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

CO2 Emission

CO2 Emission

The graph represents the ejaculation of carbon dioxide ,in East Asia and Pacific, over a period of 18 years, and the factors responsible for the gas emission; CO2 emissions, carbon intensity of GDP, GDP per capita and population.

Between 1992 and 2010, factors affecting CO2 ejection changed to some extent but the most marked change was in GDP per capita. At the beginning of period the effect of GDP per capita was similar to other factors, however, by 2010, it almost quadrupled, rising from a mark of 1 to 4. The other factor which showed similar trend was carbon dioxide emission. The effect of the emanation of CO2 rapidly increased from 1992 to 1996, when it first showed a decline for the next four years. After 2002, a steady increase has been observed, resulting in a significant increase of three times, over the period of 18 years.

In two categories, carbon intensity of GDP and population, the repercussions on CO2 almost halved, declining from a mark of 1 to nearly 0.5 in both cases. Thus, by the end of the period, the highest increase was marked in GDP per capita ,and the lowest on population.

Overall, the graph shows that a dramatic change took place in factors affecting the CO2 emissions over the period of 1992 to 2010, the part of GDP per capita showing the most marked change.


Prime Age Employment # Line Graph

The graph shows the percentage of men with different degrees, involved in prime age employment, in Unite d States, over a period of, 2000 to 2012.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Prime Age Employment

Prime Age Employment

The graph indicates what percent of men, in United States, attained prime age employment, having different educational qualifications; less than high school, high school diploma, some college, college degree or advanced degree.

Between 2000 and 2012 percentage of men doing prime age employment, changed to some extent, in all five categories, but the most marked change was in men having high school diploma or some college degree. At the beginning of the period the proportion of such men employed in prime age was slightly lower than the ones with college or advanced degree. However, by 2012 this figure had
declined to nearly 80 percent.

The other category wherein the percentage of employment fell over the period was ,less than high school. However, the changes here were much less dramatic. Proportion of men involved in prime age employment remained nearly steady till 2008 when it dipped by few percent; observing a significant increase after 2008.

In two categories, college and advanced degree, the proportion of men employed remained steady, indicating a slight decline during 2008, after which it remained nearly constant. Thus, by the end of period, the highest proportion of men in prime age employment had advanced degree, and the lowest proportion had less than high school.

In conclusion, the graph shows that the patterns of employment in United States changed to some extent over the period of 2002 to 2012, the ones with high school diploma or some college showing the most marked change.

Percentage Of Poverty-2 # Bar Graph

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows the percentage of households, grouped by poverty, on the basis of access to refrigerator, electricity and water in Ghana for the year 1991/1992 to 1998/1999.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Percentage Of Poverty

Bar Graph

The graph illustrates the level of poverty amongst households in Ghana over a period of seven years i.e. from 1991/92 to 1998/99, grouped according to the access of refrigerator, electricity and water.
The financial condition of households accessing water marked an increase from 1991/92 to 1998/99. On one hand, the percentage of houses categorized as very poor and non-poor saw a gradual increase of 2% and 4% respectively whereas the number of households having the facility of water ,living in poor conditions remained constant.
However, the effect of electricity over the monetary status of households observed a steep decline of 14% and 9% respectively, in the ones classified as very poor and poor; while the percentage increased from 73% to 85% in case of non-poor households.
In contrast, the percent of very poor households having access to refrigerator remained constant at 3%. On the other hand, the proportion of poor households having refrigerator declined from 11% to 7% and saw an increase of 13% with respect to non-poor households.
Overall, most of the houses irrespective of their financial conditions had access to water and electricity, while refrigerator remained to be of less priority amongst most of the households.


Bar graphs

bar graphs

Writing task one: bar graphs

You will be given one or more bar graphs. Your task is to describe the information given in the graph by writing a 150 word report. You are not asked to give your opinion. You should spend around 20 minutes on the task.
What is being tested is your ability to:

• objectively describe some graphic information
• compare and contrast
• report on an impersonal topic without the use of opinion
• use the language of graph description

Guidelines for a good answer
Does the report have a suitable structure?
• Does it have an introduction, body and conclusion?
• Does it include connective words to make the writing cohesive within sentences and paragraphs?
Does the report use suitable grammar and vocabulary?
• Does it include a variety of sentence structures?
• Does it include a range of appropriate vocabulary?
Does the report meet the requirements of the task?
• Does it meet the word limit requirements?
• Does it describe the whole graph adequately?
• Does it focus on the important trends presented in the graphic information?


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