IELTS Cue Card Latest Question # Mobile Phones

Most people in the world have changed the way they use mobile phones! Gone are the days when phones were just a medium of communication. In the present era, they are much more that! With the integration of mobile phones and internet, one can find people using them almost everywhere. This time we are looking at a cue card when one was asked not to use their mobile phone.

Describe a situation where you were not allowed to use your mobile phone. You should say :

  • when was it
  • where were you present
  • what did you do

also explain, how did you felt when you were separated from your phone

  • Puri
  • visited Jagannath temple
  • was asked to keep phones outside the temple
  • took a coupon and placed the phone in the counter
  • felt bad initially
  • had plans of clicking photos
  • felt more peaceful and enjoyed the temple visit

Travelling is something that I do love and when I was posted in Bhubaneswar for an year, I did visited Puri. Puri is around 60 kms from Bhubaneswar and in there is the most religious temple of India, the Jagannath temple. I visited the temple with a plan of clicking photos at every nook and corner of the temple and write a blog about it. But, to my surprise, I was asked to keep my phone outside the temple. At that I carried two phones and although I felt that may be carrying a camera phone was not allowed. But, I was stopped from carrying my other low end phone as well.

What I came to know later on what that the temple people want you to focus only on the temple visit and get a hold of the ambience of the temple. Irritated initially, I entered the temple and did visited every part of it. But, I think not having a phone for an hour helped me connect with myself in a better manner. At that point, I had no other option but to live in the very moment.

There was no chaos for clicking photos nor for picking any calls or listening to music. I ended up thanking the temple committee for not allowing phones in the arena.


IELTS Cue Card Latest Question # Change

The world is growing and changing everyday and we most certainly can see the changes everyday in our surroundings. It could be a new building that is coming up in the city or a flyover that will change the way transport happens. This time we are looking at a cue card that talks about a part of your city that is changing and tries to note down the points on your feelings about it.

Describe a part of your city that is changing. You should say :

  • where is it
  • how is it changing
  • why is it changing

and explain, how do you feel about this change.


  • Dehradun
  • already beautiful. part of smart city plan
  • flyover construction on the national highway roads
  • reduce traffic
  • helps transportation bus to go on their smooth pace without affecting the normal lives pace
  • great attempt by the government to ensure safety at roads and faster movement

Our country is seeing major changes in the recent years. With economy of our country growing, the shift has now come towards making the country a better place to live in. As a result, our government has decided to make 109 cities in the country as smart cities and Dehradun also falls under this plan. We have seen in the present day, the construction of sewers and water pipe line all over the city. But, I think one major change that I would like to talk about is the flyover construction on the national highway roads.

All through the city, there are three major highway out of which two are used for daily communication as well. Construction of flyover took place on these roads. Although, during the construction we faced lot of issues. Because, the road got narrower and until the flyover was made, everyone had to go through it making it difficult to traverse through those path. Even more, there was lot of dust left during the flyover making.

However, once completely constructed it made our lives so much more easier. We had to not bother about those racing trucks as they usually passed over the flyover. This helped in reducing the traffic and more importantly the risk of accidents. I believe it was a brilliant step taken by the government to ensure safety as well as faster pace for everyone while commuting.



the action of building something, typically a large structure.


bridge carrying one railway line or road over another.


travel some distance between one’s home and place of work on a regular basis.


IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Family Member

Most of us live in a nuclear family but no matter what we all have our own extended families. There are some who have a smaller extended family but for many there are so many family members we meet during the summer holidays. But, there are only few we get together well with. The ones with whom we share our secrets and tell them about our fights. This time we are looking at a cue card that talks about the member of the family that you go along well with.

Describe a family member that you go on well with.
You should say :

  • who it is?
  • what relationship you have with that person
  • what that person is like
  • what you do together

also explain, why you get on so well.

  • mayank
  • my brother
  • usually talk or travel.
  • understand each other well and give each other the required time.

I have many paternal and maternal cousins but I think the one person in my family that I really get along well is my brother. We have had our share of fights and ignorance in our growing years but I think over the period of time we have grown closer. His name is Mayank and is presently doing his Bachelors from a State owned university.

Mayank is a carefree yet careful child as I know him. The best part about him is that he knows which matters of life should be taken seriously and which ones should be considered in a lighter mood. This makes it so easy for us to interact because I know how he will take jokes. However, owing to his education and then my job we don’t meet very often but we do talk on phone and whenever we meet we mostly go out on rides to places we have never been.

The best part about our relationship is that we never need to hide anything from each other. Be it any of the darkest secrets or the stupidest habits that we form, we have always told each other about it and helped each other through out it. I think the only reason that we do get along with each other is because we do know each other. We know our problems and even if we don’t we are ready to go an extra mile to help each other.



of or appropriate to a father.


relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth.


 lack of knowledge or information.


having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

go an extra mile

to do more than what is needed.


IELTS Cue Card Latest Questions # Daily Routine

The one thing that is common in all the successful people is that they all have a routine. Most people in this world, however, fail to have a daily routine. But, even then in the anonymity of the day that they will be living there is still left a sense of routine. This time we are looking at the daily routine of the individuals and what are things that they like in their day.

Describe a time of the day that you like. You should say:

  • what time of day it is?
  • what you do at that time?
  • who are you usually with?

and explain, why you like it?


There are certain days in life that are tough and then few others that are easy but no matter what the best part of the day for me are the evenings. Evening is the time when I am out of the office and usually at home or taking a walk in the park near me. When at home, I usually read novels or I am working on my blog. This is the time when I am alone in my room with a tea and either a laptop or a book in my hand. If I am not reading something most probably I am out on a walk with my friend, discussing things that don’t really matter and laughing at all the crazy things that we do. There are times that we go out and make random plans and do the crazy things.

I do love my evenings almost every day. Because they are either as calm as reading books and knowing oneself or as amazing as having fun with a good friend.


My day usually begins at 5 after which I do my exercise and then reading and go to office. Most of the times I am back at home by 8 but sometimes it even extends. But, I think in the entire day if there is one part which I really like about is the morning. Getting up and going out for jogging really does gives me the clarity in life to do things right in the beginning itself. Every problem that I am facing in life gets so easily solved during the jog. Post that, I freshen up and start reading newspaper followed by a novel.

Reading helps me and for that matter everyone expand their base of knowledge. One learns so much more from reading than anything in life. So, I read a newspaper and then a novel and sometimes solve some math problems. The reason I really like the morning is because they help me have a better day all throughout. Because no matter how many problems or issues that I face during the day, I know that I will find the solution the next day in the morning.

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