Electronic waste has become a serious problem # IELTS Essay

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Task: Electronic waste has become a serious problem.
Why is it a problem and how it can be solved?
Write at least 250 words.


E-Waste is the term used to describe old, end-of-life or discarded products. It consists of all waste from electronic and electrical appliances which have reached their end-of-life period or are no longer fit for their original intended use and are destined for recovery, recycling or disposal. Recent years have witnessed a drastic increase in the amount of e-waste. This has become a pressing problem for many countries. In this essay I will look at why e-waste is dangerous and propose some solutions to tackle this challenge.
E-Waste contains both valuable as well as hazardous materials which require special handling and recycling methods. It contains ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastic, glass, wood and plywood, printed circuit boards, concrete, ceramics, rubber and another items. Iron and steel constitute about 50% of the waste, followed by plastic (21%), non-ferrous metal (13%) and other constituents.
Due to rapid advances in technology electronic appliances become obsolete quickly. This coupled with explosive sales in consumer electronics, means that more products are being disposed of, even if they still work. As an example, In the USA, about 400 million units per year of consumer electronics are scrapped, according to recycling industry experts. Recycling e-waste is not like recycling cardboard. These products are not easy to recycle and they are not designed for recycling.
The matter of the fact is that discarded electronics are managed badly and most e-waste still goes in the landfill in spite of hazardous, sometimes radioactive, materials like lead, plastic, chromium, mercury, beryllium, cadmium and acids. Moreover, all around the world, the quantity of electrical and electronic waste generated each year has assumed alarming proportions. Thus, e-waste has become a threat to the environment.
However, there are ways to deal with this rising issue. Effective e-waste management skills and techniques should be developed and implemented. Producers can contribute their share of work by taking the responsibility of e-waste management. They should reuse the parts as it would be more than appropriate since it is already their field and it would be a profitable business for them. Making consumers more aware of the ill-effects of improper handling and disposal would also be beneficial. In fact, some companies are already getting a head start by placing especially dedicated e-bins.
To sum up, e-waste management has become the need of the hour. I believe that governments and manufacturing companies should give a priority to this issue.

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Essay is bit longer and contain 390 words. IELTS require 250 words approx. So please just carry idea from above essay.

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IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Violence

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership than under female leadership.

So, for peace to prevail, female leadership can be considered as a better option than male leadership.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


The wars and struggles are part of the world history for a very long period. However, with advancement in technology, it has all become much faster. Although, the ware has been evident, some people believe that the world is at more peace when a female is at power, rather than male. In my opinion, this can be because of the characterstics of women, however, it is about great leadership than gender of the leader.

The history has showed us some of the most ruthless rulers, and mostly they have been men. It was Hitler, a male, who contributed significantly for the world war 2. Even more, the first world war was mostly caused by the male ego, assassinations and conflicts of interests among men. Very few female leaders contributed taking decision to have war with other nations in their period of ruling a country.

However, on cannot forget, Queen Isabella of Spain, Queens Marry, a.k.a. Bloody Marry, Victoria, and Elizabeth of Britain, all of them have ruled over vast spectrum of power and  they often have done so ruthlessly, achieving goals with an iron hand.

But, there is other side of the coin as well. When the world saw Hitler, it also saw, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi and when it witnessed Queens Marry, we also noticed, Mother Teresa, Aung Suu Kyi.

Overall, in my opinion, it is the lust of power that causes wars, gender is just a biological existence.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Class

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

These days, many children have difficulty paying attention and concentrating in their classes at school.

What are the reasons for this?

How can it be dealt with?

Write at least 250 words.

In recent times, teachers have observed that children are less likely to pay attention in the class. This has resulted in a decrease in the quality of teaching methods, as often teachers believe that their efforts are being wasted.

One of the major reason for this is the growing market of coaching classes. Most of the students take tuition classes for the subjects, being taught. This creates an environment, that no matter what the teacher is teaching, they will learn it later on in the coaching class. To solve this problem, the quality of teachers must be improved and also a belief must be brought among them, that school education is enough for them to do well in life.

Another reason for the distraction among children is that, teachers are now not allowed to take strong disciplinary actions. As a result, often children do whatever they want to, because they know the limits of the teacher. Even more, researchers believe that this might be possible because of the unhealthy diet that people are taking. The issue can be solved by allowing teachers to take more strict actions, and yet maintain a limit. Also, parents must take proper care on what the children are eating.

Overall, children are facing issues in concentrating in class because of lack of discipline or more faith in coaching classes. However, if proper time and consideration from teachers and children are given, it is possible to bring back children attention in class.





IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Fear Of Crime

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Many people are too scared to leave their home because of a fear of crime.

Some people think that with better government and law, the problem can be solved, however, others are of the opinion, that nothing can be done.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


We are living in an era, post the world war, and although, several peace organizations have been build, the fear of crime has developed among people. To add to this, several terrorist activities, also with the other crimes, have added to this fear. Although, some people believe that there is no way out of this, others are still hopeful. In my opinion, nothing can be done alone, but surely with the combined efforts of people and government, we can improve on it.

There are several reasons why people are skeptical of any improvement. Firstly, it is believed that fear is a state of mind which is perpetuated by the media. For example, we are often bombarded with negative news, the moment one opens the television or newspaper, you can find maximum of negative news. Secondly, an opinion has formed that the crime is because of the structural issues in the society which cannot be handled. Like, a person with no food or money is likely to steal.

On the other hand, there are even people of the opinion that there is still hope. If only the government can increase the police in local communities and encourage more ‘neighbourhood watch’ schemes, there are chances of improving the situation. Even more, media must also be encouraged to present more positive stories in the news about how crime is being tackled rather than the focus on the negative.

Overall, a wide opinion is formed that nothing can be done for the crime rates. However, there are some views that we can improve the situation. In my opinion, we can reduce fear by combined efforts of media, government and individuals.


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