Idioms For May 2 #5

Know something like the back of your hand
Sentence-: She knows java like the back her hand.
Meaning-: Know something very well.
In the nick of time
Sentence-: I got to the class just in the nick of time.
Meaning-: Not too late, but very close.
Hit the hay-:
Sentence-: I hit the hay as soon as 10:00 p:m.
Meaning-: Go to bed.
Fill in for someone
Sentence-: I tried to fill in for my mother, but then I realized there are some people who can never be fully filled up for.
Meaning-: Do their work while they are away.
Sentence-: I can’t come to the tour. Right now I am broke.
Meaning-: To have no money.

Prepare well for your IELTS. Make sure you know the vocabulary like the back of your hand and be ready to succeed.

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Cut It Out # Idioms For IELTS

Life in itself, is beautiful, right? But, sometimes, here or there, we do make goals, things we want to achieve in life. To do that, one needs to cut things out. This time we are looking at some of the idioms related to goals and dreams !! If you want to succeed, cut out on the inessentials of your life.

Sleep on it
Sentence: You need to sleep on it before you ask other people to act on it.
Meaning: Think about something before making decision.
Cut it out
Sentence: His songs are so irritating, can you please just cut it out!
Meaning: stop doing something bad
Give someone a hand
Sentence: In this world, where there is terrorism, loneliness, a brighter world can only be created if we start giving the needy a hand.
Meaning: to help
Keep one’s chin up
Sentence: The path to success can be difficult but if you really want it, all you have to do is keep you chin up and your desire burning.
Meaning: Remain brave and keep on trying
To get the ball rolling
Sentence: After all the hard work I have put in starting the venture, I guess the time has come when we can get the ball rolling.
Meaning: start something especially something big
The thick of something
Sentence: Chandini Chowk is the thick of Delhi.
Meaning: the busiest or the crowded part of something
Thick and fast
Sentence: India won thick and fast.
Meaning: rapidly and in great numbers.
In the nature of things
Sentence: It is really hard to change something that is in the nature of it.
Meaning: something that is inevitable.
Go nap
Sentence:It takes guts to go nap.
Meaning: risk everything in an attempt.
The nature of the beast
Sentence: His laziness is the nature of the beast.
Meaning: something that cannot be changed about someone and must be accepted.

If you want to get a high score in IELTS, remember, all you got to do is keep your chin up and when the time arrives let the ball rolling.

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How Canadians Speak?

How do Canadians speak?

You must wondering, what do I mean how Canadians speak? Surely they either speak in English or French. But then there are some words that they speak differently from others. For e.g. Canadians usually add a “eh” after everything they speak. And today, we shall see some of them.
Canuck: it is a word for Canadian. It is so famous that Canadians have a hockey name after Canuck. Hockey is a very popular game in Canada.

  1. Toque: It is a winter hat. Toque is a French word and is pronounced as to-k.
  2. 2-4: it means 24 beers in a case. Canadians, also have a holiday, named May 2-4.
  3. Mickey: it is the smallest amount of liquor you can buy in Canada.
  4. A “40”: It means alcohol of 40 oz.
  5. A “60”: It means alcohol of 60 oz.
  6. Poutine: It is French fries with cheese and gravy (beef, fat).
  7. Double-double: It is a coffee with two creams and two sugars. You use it when you visit Tim Horton’s. A double-double won’t mean the same in every restaurant.
  8. A dart: for the world, a dart may be a game but in Canada, it is a cigarette.
  9. Weed: it is a slang term for marijuana. Taking marijuana is not legal in Canada. So, if you are going to study abroad, better stay away.
  10. Eh!: a tag question. You would find Canadians speak a lot of ‘eh’. It is kind of similar to ‘huh’.
  11. New fie: new fie is used for the people who are from New Finland. They are regarded one of the most generous people.

So, if you are one of those who want to go study Canada, surely go and try a double-double or maybe poutine, stay away from weed and be a Canuck.


Describe People Accurately-2

There are so many people around you. Some of them work hard, some get angry easily. Earlier you learnt few words to describe people. We will carry on with it and grasp some more words.
1.Hard-working-: If you really try to do your work in the best possible way and if you are truly devoted to your work, you can call yourself a hard-working person.
Sentence-: Hard-work is the first step towards being successful.

2.Self-conscious-: it means similar to embarrassed or you can say you feel uncomfortable.
Sentence-: in my initial days of performing live, I used to be so self-conscious, because I realized that there are so many people looking at me.

3.Cool-headed-: You call someone cool-headed if they are they are very relaxed person and don’t panic easily.
Sentence-: we need doctors who are cool headed because they need to handle quite tough situations.

4.Hot-headed-: this is not an opposite of cool-headed. It means you just get angry quite easily.
Sentence-: You are so hot headed; do you even know the meaning of smile and courtesy?

5.Two-faced-: It does not mean the person literally has two faces. So, if there is someone who pretends to be someone on face and behaves differently behind your back, call them two-faced.
Sentence-: the girl is so damn two-faced. She is so nice on face, but once you turn back, she is the meanest of all.

Express yourself. Express accurately and increase your band. Live your dream.

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