IELTS CUE CARD : Describe a person who you believe is a good listener

IELTS CUE CARD : Describe a person who you believe is a good listener

You should say:

  • Who is that person?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • Why do you think he/she is a good listener?

Sample Answer

Listening is an art that takes time to develop. Today, I’m going to talk about a person who has mastered this art.

She is my best friend. Her name is Rosy. She is a brilliant girl. By profession, Rosy is a senior consultant in an insurance company.  Her ability to listen is one of the things that draws others to her. Rosy always listens intently and makes insightful recommendations. She is so polite that everyone around her feels at ease and liberated to express their opinions without having the fear of being judged or criticised.

I have seen her talent many times. Once I was struggling to make a critical decision about my future plan. I was feeling helpless so I reached out to different individuals, but sadly, no one was able to assist until I got in touch with my dear friend. I should have contacted her sooner, but I didn’t want to involve her in the mess because she remains quite occupied in her work. As usual, Rosy listened attentively and offered a solution that really reduced my level of tension. I wish I could be like her sometimes. Rosy is endowed with many positive traits but her ability to listen and understand others’ perspective are commendable. Being able to call Rosy my friend is a wonderful feeling.

Word Meaning Sentence
Insightful Having or showing deep understanding, perspective The manager was impressed by my insightful advice given on our new project.
Liberated being free When I play football, I feel liberated.

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