IELTS Essay # Increasing no. of fast-food outlets-Causes and effects

IELTS Essay of Increasing no. of fast-food outlets-Causes and effects

Nowadays, there are a large number of coffee shops and fast-food vendors on high streets and in town centres. Why are there so many of these outlets?

Sample Answer


Cafe and food stalls are the new normal in high streets and town centers, becoming the cheaper alternatives to high-end restaurants and bistros. This essay explores the reasons behind this trend and its impact on society.
One of the reasons for the increasing popularity of café and fast-food outlets is their ability to cater at quicker speeds in comparison with restaurants. This is well received by students and people from the working class who have strict schedules and short break durations. Another reason for this trend is the lower operational costs of cafés and food stalls. Majorly due to their small-scale venture, the expenses on staff salary, regular running costs, and ingredients are far less than those of restaurants.
Turning to the impacts of this phenomenon, so far it has had a positive impact on society. First and foremost, it has given people a platform to follow their passion for entrepreneurship. A case in point is that of food truck owners who do not have huge sums of money or the experience to manage a restaurant, however, they tend to become successful fast food sellers. Another important factor is that small-scale cafés and food joints support the local economy. Further, these outlets provide a wider range of food items, sometimes the same as the ones in restaurants, but at a cheaper price – an obvious benefit for consumers.
Overall, I believe that the increasing presence of small food ventures is a massive boost for their local area and their general population. It can provide newer culinary options as well as serve society through other means as well. (267 Words)

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