Tips for Speaking Test

Tips For Speaking Test

speaking test

The speaking test is probably the most difficult for candidates because they have to speak to someone. Here are some

Tips For Speaking Test

Phase 1 Tips :

1. In the first phase of the speaking test, the assessor will ask you questions about yourself. Research the topic! The assessor might say “Tell me about your parents’ jobs.” If you don’t know anything about them, you will be stuck. It can be surprising how little people know about their own situation.

2. Consider this phase of the test meeting someone for the first time and telling them about yourself. Try to be relaxed and keep the conversation going.

3. Don’t worry about lying – this is not a test of if you are a good person. If the assessor says “Tell me about your hobbies and interests” and you reply “I don’t have any” then you aren’t saying enough to allow the assessor to assess you. In situations like this, lie. Make up the wildest story you can imagine


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Phase 3 : IELTS Speaking Test


Phase 3 is where the final score is given to a candidate. This is the part of the test where you must excel. Do the best that you can here without trying too hard or getting yourself into problems. Although a number of sources suggest that scores are averaged between the three phases of the speaking test, this stage is where the ‘ceiling’ is established – you can’t get a higher score than your performance in phase 3.

Phase 3 is much more like a conversation between you and the assessor. Here he/she doesn’t have a script and can ask you anything he/she wants. If you go off topic, the assessor will make attempts to make sure you stay on topic – there’s no point in rehearsing a speech!


Amongst other things, in Phase 3 you will be asked to speculate about the future, give an opinion, suggest a solution to a problem, or describe a process or procedure. Try to come up with a complete answer. If you are asked how you would solve traffic problems worldwide, don’t just talk about buying more buses; consider where the money for the buses would come from, explain how you would raise the money for the buses and persuade people who to use them. This will certainly impress the assessor.

Make eye contact with the assessor. Although theoretically, you could speak great English with your head down, the fact is you may not come across as confident. Although there is no mark for confidence, you need to present yourself in a positive way as possible.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Read the Instructions Carefully




People studying for the IELTS test often answer “yes” when they’re are asked if they have read the instructions carefully in the listening part of the IELTS test. However, in the real-test situation, many people don’t – or at least don’t do it carefully.

As a result of not reading the instructions carefully enough, students could answer the questions correctly, but get band ‘0’ marks for a whole section of questions because their answers do not correspond to what they are being asked to do. This can reduce their IELTS scores by up to 2.5 bands.

A lot of the time, students look at the format of the questions and automatically assume that the instructions are going to be the same as what they have been previously used to – see the examples below.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Few IELTS Essay Tips

Few IELTS Essay Tips

Few IELTS Essay Tips

Few IELTS Essay Tips

•Work on your vocabulary and learn new words, to make sure you will be able to understand the topic or at least take a very good guess.

•Read as many IELTS essays as you can. Reading other people’s essays helps with the ideas, if you don’t have any of your own – “borrow” from others.

•Read as much IELTS essay topics, as possible.
Important! Don’t try to memorize essays. IELTS examiners are trained to look for memorized essays and they will disqualify your work on the spot.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at

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