IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Communication
Communication is the way in which people interact with each other and get their points across others. Opinions need to be shared and there are different ways of doing it. You can do it either using spoken words or using written words. This time we are looking at the different ways of communication.
What are the main differences between spoken and written communication?
Spoken and written communications are two different aspects of communication and come with their own varied differences. Written communication is stronger as compared to the spoken words because it is only when the words are written down so they get the meaning and confirmation to be true. However, in the scenario of informal language, it is often the spoken communication that gets the advantage over the written one!
To what extent do you think the media influences how people communicate with each other?
Media definitely has a major impact on the way people communicate with each. With the new age sources for communication, like twitter, youtube, facebook coming over in the scenario, people often express their opinions quite frankly. Even more, most people tend to use media for better communication while others have even created facades for communication.
Do you think there are differences in the way men and women communicate?
Men and women are two different species and so do have different ways of communicating. Their thought process is different and their way of communicating henceforth is unique. Although I am not in a favor of grouping the two, most men are likely to be a bit louder, use more humor and while communicating tend to use more flamboyant words. On the other hand, women are slightly gentler when talking. They tend to be more respectful of the other person and use gestures while interacting.
Do you think that people become better communicators as they get older?
Communication is something I believe comes with time. Some people tend to become better as they grow old, but I think it is more of a matter of experience rather than just age. For instance, someone who has always lived a bit aloof with most people might not be good at communicating with people when compared with someone who has been very indulgent with people around.
Do you agree that education has a strong and positive effect on people’s ability to communicate effectively?
Education does not teach much about communication when only going to school or colleges is considered. This is something that most of the generation gets to do. What matters is how the students have utilized the education system. Some of the students get bullied in schools and colleges and this does impact the way of their communication in later life.
What impact has the growth of technology had on the way people communicate and how do you think this will develop in the future?
Technology has seriously impacted the way people communicate more than anything else. The change from communicating over a letter to the smartphones has been dramatic. With technologies advancing, things are definitely going to get better or for that matter different. There is a possibility of being able to interact with people in virtual environments as well.
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