IELTS Speaking 2017 Questions # Resolutions

We often taken decisions and resolutions or make goals. Some people make quick decisions while other take time. Then there are some who take advice from others before they make decisions while there are even people who prefer taking decision on their past experiences. This time we are looking at the recent questions asked in the third section of IELTS speaking on resolutions and how one takes them.

How do you usually make decisions?

Decisions are never always life changing. There are so many decisions that we make. With the usual everyday decisions, I take them instantly without much of thought. If 5 out of 10 things work out because of it, I go with it. But, for the important decisions that ones that I take rarely, I mostly take advice from others. But, then ultimately talk it out with myself. Most of the times, I know what I really want.

Do you ask for advice when making decisions?

Yes, I do ask for an advice. Because, when people give advice they share their experiences. And it makes decision making quite simpler. Like, recently I asked a friend if I should buy a iPhone or not and she told me her experiences of having it. I ultimately decided that what she did not liked about the phone like single sim, does not bothers me. But, what she felt is okay, like camera, is important for me. So, with advice I don’t look for the decision that I should take rather the experiences others have had.

Whom advice do you usually take?

Mostly I take my father’s and best friend advice. It is not because they have the most experience of life. But, I think they are the two people who would give their best advice to make sure I take the right decision. And so their advice is not just practical or what seems right, but also what seems right for me.

What characteristic should a public person have to make decisions?

The most important thing that a person especially a public person needs to make decisions is experience. The more he or she knows about the not working things, the better decisions he or she will take. Also, they should be ready to try new things out. Sometimes what did not worked for a particular situation does work out for a similar one in later years. I think it is also very important for the person to know when to stand by the decision and when to roll back.

Has it become more difficult to make public decisions with the introduction of new technologies?

I think definitely yes. With the coming of internet and smart phones, every decision that a VIP takes comes under scrutiny very soon. So, before the decision gets implemented everyone has already passed their judgement on. This does makes taking decisions harder. For example, when Narendra Modi decided to go with demonetisation, he could see the exact results of it on his phone. People posted on twitter and Facebook their opinion on it. Reading thousands of opinion on one decision does makes it tough call.


IELTS Speaking 2017 Questions # Work

Part I of the IELTS speaking section is where you get asked questions related to work or home or anything that is about you. This time let us have a look at the latest questions asked in the IELTS Part I of the speaking section.

Tell me something about your work.

I work at an Indian MNC as a software engineer. Our organisation has different streams in which one can work on. I am part of the DNA i.e. the data and analytics team. So, my work requires me to write queries and procedures for handling data and analysing it. Recently, we did an analysis to find the trend of data and helped our customers in selling their products.

What do you do at work?

Our company offers lot of extra curricular activities along with work. So, for my project, I am working on Hadoop and Oracle. For most part, we are either setting up replications or writing codes to make sure that we are able to deal with data in a better way. The amazing part about data is that it is dynamic. So, we consider one thing and write a code but then data changes and we have to make changes. Our main task is to make sure that there are less of changes required.

What do you usually do after work?

When I am not working, I either attend the toastmasters sessions or do something about a club that I recently joined. The club is about handling the employee grievances. Back at home, I usually read a novel or write blogs.

What do you take with you when you go out?

I think I always take some money with me when I am out. It could be as less as 10 bucks but I make sure I do have some money with me. Also, I ensure that I have my specs and a pen with me.

Are the things that you take with you always the same when you go out?

The basics i.e. a pen, some money and my specs, well they are common all throughout. But, other things do vary. So, sometimes I carry a book as well or my ATM or my makeup things depending on the place I am going to.