IELTS Speaking # Success And Failure
Success and failure are part and parcel of our lives. No one can live with one thing entirely. Everyone faces both the things and it is the sweetness and sourness of both that makes us what we become. Let us today have a look at some questions that might be asked in IELTS Speaking section.
Is your idea of success same as your parents idea of success?
There is a certain amount of gap between the way me and my parents things. Mostly because they have seen life in some other way, at some other time and faced difficulties of certain different level and degree. According to them, it is very important for a person to have a stable life, earning money and getting married and stuff like that. But, for me, success is happiness. I do need money but more important is the work. For me success is to be able to get up, feeling wow about my life and sleeping with a thank you for a great life, and money doesn’t defines that.
Do you think people focus too much on appearing to be successful?
I think definitely yes. The reason being that we look at a “society claimed” successful person and then try to be like them. So, we define our success on the parameters of what the world thinks is successful. Even more, in our society, it is assumed that the person who has the most amount of money or fame is successful. But, someone who speaks of a content life, with happiness, is assumed to be the non-competitive unsuccessful person. This makes people trying to show about their success stories.
Why do you think money is the most common way of seeing success?
I think this has to do something with the past. In earlier times, people did not had much money. So, anyone who had lot of it and could earn a great lifestyle for themselves was assumed to be successful. And in this fight of becoming successful people have forgotten that earlier people were more happy and content which actually made them more successful.
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Of course it can. It can buy the kind of happiness that is outside, imaginary and something that really does not exist. Some people do claim that the food that one eats or gifts is also giving happiness. But, I think it is more about the love and the care that the person brings along that actually gives happiness. When we talk of the true happiness I think it does not comes from money but from the heart and the soul that we give out to ensure that the other person is happy.
How much pressure do your parents put on you to be successful?
I have never felt any kind of pressure from my parents side on being successful but their unhappy faces when I fail, makes me bleed for success. It is not that I cannot accept failure, its just that I like keeping my failures to myself and bring out only the areas where I succeed in front of my parents.
Will you put any pressure on your children to be successful?
I think yes I will. Not because I want them to be rich or successful, but I want them to understand that success is living life on your terms. Doing things that you love and going for something even if the world is against it, but your heart feels it right. And I am going to pressurise my child for that because the world often very forcibly and easily brings out the wrong idea of success in the minds of younger generation, almost ruining their lives.
Have their been any failures that made you better in your life?
Oh! I had so many of them. But, there is this one particular failure that I had during my class 11th which I just cannot forget. The entire scene of the house and the relations that I had completely changed and I felt so much heat around. It was then that I decided that no matter what I am going to give it my best shot to ensure that I succeed.
Do you think there is a right time to give up or stop trying or you think one should never give up?
I think it depends on the thing that you are trying to hold on or give up. Giving up a job that you picked just for money but your heart is somewhere else, should be easy and should be done the moment you realise it. But, leaving something you love just because there are troubles in it, is not a good idea. In situations like these, it should be more of never give up.
Can you remember a famous person who failed spectacularly at something?
The one name that comes to my mind when thinking of someone who failed spectacularly is Steve Jobs. He is that one man who failed like anything and then rose like never before. It was in his late 20s that he was kicked out of his own company, the one company that he worked out so much to build, he was kicked out, with no job at hand. When most of us would have thought it to be the end, he started a new beginning.