IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Computers Vs Teachers

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

With the increase in technology, computers are increasingly being used for education. Some people believe in the tryst of computers vs teachers,  soon their will be no role for teachers in the classroom.


Computers have brought about incredible change in the education system and the way information is retrieved. The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability. Although experts have made computers more intelligent and interactive, they have yet not become a substitute of human interaction in the process of learning. In my opinion, there is a need of change in the teacher’s role but complete disappearance might not be the most pragmatic thing to do.

Acquiring knowledge through computers is undoubtedly the more fun and easier. At the younger age, the mere fact that the information that you want is just a click away instigates lot of excitement. This, accompanied by the software interactivity contributes to a better grasp of new knowledge. Even more, at higher levels, with the availability of online courses, learning has become more broader.

However, although software have come a long way and with the concepts of smart classes existing, one cannot deny the importance of human interaction in the process of learning. The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its software is.

Overall, technology has surely come a long way and made learning lot more easier. But, a teacher helps in understanding tougher concepts and creating a motivating environment. In my opinion, what is needed is that teachers understand the technology and  bridge the gap between technology and students.



IELTS Letter Sample Answer # New Job

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

You have recently changed your job. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter –

  • explain why you changed your job?
  • describe him/her about your job?
  • tell him/her about some other news as well.

Write at least 150 words.

Dear Akansha,

I am sorry for not writting for so long. My work keeps me so busy, that I never have a minute to myself. Hope this letter finds you in good health. The reason for writing this letter is to share with you a great news.

Do you remember some time back I shared with you the desire of travelling around world and not spend a penny from my side. Well, you may call it luck or blessings, but the fact is that the dream has come true. Two weeks back, a letter from BBC arrived on my doorstep asking if I was interested in the job of travelling abroad and covering the cultures all around the world. All I was required to do was pack my bags and report to their Delhi head quarters.

The decision was quick and I quit my software job to do something I always wanted to do and trust me the decision was worth taking. Apart from this, I will be coming to Bombay next week and would love to meet you. Tell me if you are present in Bombay during that time and we will plan of going to two three places.

Hope to meet you soon.

With love,




IELTS Letter Sample Answer # Relative

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

A family member is coming to stay with you. He/she will be arriving by train in the morning but you will not be at home till evening. Write a letter to your relative –

  • explaining the arrangements you have made for them to get the keys and enter the house.
  • tell your relative how to get from the train to the house.
  • say when you will be at home and what have you planned for the evening.

Write at least 150 words.


Dear Annie,

Hope this finds you well. I was very happy when I received your letter. We haven’t seen each other for a long time and I was very much looking forward to spending time with you. But, a very important meeting has popped up from nowhere and I really can’t miss it.

But, you need not to worry about reaching home. The moment you arrive at the station, just make a call to 7892345324. My friend Anish will come to pick you up. He knows you and I am sending along with this letter a photo of him. He will take you direct home and give you the keys of the house. Along with the keys of the house, there are keys of the scooty,which if you want you can use them.

In the fridge is the food and to the right of the fridge is the oven. Make sure you eat it after heating it. Also, there is ice -cream for you. I will be reaching off by 8 in the evening and we shall go for dinner and there is a surprise for you as well.

Excited to meet you.

With love,



IELTS Letter Sample Answer # Course Issues

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.
You are not satisfied with the course that you have taken in the college and would like to change the course. Write a letter to the course director requesting to change your course. You must include details about
– what course you are doing.
– why are you not satisfied with the course.
– what course would you like to change to.


Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in regards to the issues being faced in the course I am presently pursuing and would like to change it.
I am currently enrolled in the Physics Course p120 that started two weeks back on 23rd of November. While enrolling in the course it was told that there are no prerequisites for taking up the course but as with time passing and harder concepts coming, it has dawned upon me that a graduate level knowledge of mathematics is very essential to understand the concepts.
My previous studies have been based on Literature and especially Indian Literature. The reason I took the course was to broaden my horizon but no matte how much I try it seems quite impossible to understand the concepts with out any prior knowledge of math.
Thus, I am requesting that my current enrollment be transferred from the Physics course to the Indian Culture Course. As unlike in math, I am fluent in literature.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you and the staff.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


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