Make A Sentence # Rearrange Words

Jumbled up words bring along with them a new series of questions. Below are the words that have been jumbled up and you need to rearrange the words to make proper sentence out of them.

Given below are sentences that have been jumbled up. You need to rearrange words to make meaningful sentences.


Question – The/ to/ the/ expression / of/ early/ modern/ sexuality/of/reinscription/ is/ conducive / materiality/./

Answer – The reinscription of early modern sexuality is conducive to the expression of materiality.

Question – The/ fantasy/ the/  of/ binary/ opposition/ rehearses/ canon/./unanalyzed/ arbitrariness/ of/ the/ literary/

Answer – The fantasy of binary opposition rehearses the unanalyzed arbitrariness of the literary canon.

Question – The /fantasy/with/ it/ the/  carries / eclectic/./teleology/ of/ the/ of/ the/ preprofessional/teleology/ of/ the/ of/ the/ preprofessional/

Answer – The fantasy of the preprofessional carries with it the teleology of the eclectic.

Question- The/ epistemology/ of/ autonomous /selfhood/ nation-state/./highlights/ the /expression/ of /the/

Answer – The epistemology of autonomous selfhood highlights the expression of the nation-state.

Question – The / instantiates/interaction/./ fiction/ of/ an /anthropocentric/ the /writing /of/ communicative /history/

Answer – The fiction of an anthropocentric history instantiates the writing of communicative interaction.

Question- The/  parallels/ ./phenomenalism /of/ binary/ opposition/the /ideology/ of/ the/ parent-child /dynamic/

Answer- The phenomenalism of binary opposition parallels the ideology of the parent-child dynamic.

Question – The / to/ the/ project/ of/ the /culture/ industry/./post-Foucaultian/ sexuality /is/ socialization/ of / effect/ identical/in/

Answer – The socialization of post-Foucaultian sexuality is in effect identical to the project of the culture industry.



Synonym For IELTS # Find The Synonym

Given below are ten sentences, with each sentence having a word highlighted. Your task is to find the synonym of that word among the four options given.


  1. The fiction of desire may be parsed as the systematization of the gendered body
    1. enjoy
    2. absently
    3. determine
    4. basin
  2. The fiction of normative value(s) recapitulates the invention of the image.
    1. improve
    2. recap
    3. continental
    4. serenity
  3. The emergence of pop culture gestures toward the construction of agency.
    1. flake
    2. channel
    3. disk
    4. action
  4. The linguistic construction of normative value(s) is strictly congruent with the ideology of the gendered body.
    1. ugly
    2. grammar
    3. jade
    4. pessimist
  5. The linguistic construction of the gaze functions as the conceptual frame for the engendering of the gendered body
    1. produce
    2. exact
    3. predator
    4. heretical
  6. The poetic of praxis gestures toward the legitimation of pedagogical institutions.
    1. allotment
    2. guts
    3. authorization
    4. play
  7. The reification of consumption is, and yet is not, the politics of the nation-state.
    1. apotheosis
    2. vibrator
    3. heaven
    4. blossom
  8. The emergence of praxis carries with it the legitimation of the public sphere.
    1. hungry
    2. development
    3. noise maker
    4. coercion
  9. The logic of post-capitalist hegemony may be parsed as the invention of the public sphere.
    1. fabric
    2. tenth
    3. eye
    4. predominance
  10. The logic of the gaze is always already participating in the discourse of the spectacular economy.
    1. afraid
    2. discussion
    3. nuclear
    4. alliance


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B

IELTS BAND7 Dehradun

Sample Listening Question # Chewing Gum

Sample Listening Question Chewing Gum

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. The audio talks about chewing gum.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Which activity is said to improve the functioning of brain?
  2. When did the Singapore government out law chewing gum?
  3. What does “out lawing” something means?
  4. What was the chewing gum chewed by Egyptians made of?
  5. Which word has been used for the action which is not done responsibly?
  6. What happens when gums are stick to a desk or other thing for a long time?
  7. Which kind of cleaners are used to remove dry gums?
  8. What is the name given to the process that requires a lot of people for its completion?
  9. What is the other word of ‘two of a kind’?


  1. chewing gum
  2. 1992
  3. make it legal
  4. Brezin
  5. Irresponsibly
  6. chemical reaction
  7. high pressure steam
  8. labor intensive
  9. very similar


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IELTS Practice Reading # Does Flying Harm ?

Source :,8599,1654488,00.html


Given the rage (angry fury) that air travel can provoke (to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex)in even the most tranquil (free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm)among us these days, it may be surprising (causing wonder)that riot (a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons,as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy,etc., in the streets)police aren’t a more regular feature at airports. But Sunday’s pitched (to set at a certain point)battle between roughly 500 environmental activists and a phalanx ( a group of heavily armed infantry formed in rank sand files close and deep, with shields joined and long spears overlapping)of baton-wielding police at London’s Heathrow airport wasn’t about long lines, delays, lost luggage or missed connections. Instead, the protesters (an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, oftenin opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid)— who had demonstrated outside Heathrow all of last week — were trying to draw travelers’ attention to the impact on climate change of the carbon gases emitted by the aircraft in which they fly. A placard (a paperboard sign or notice, as one posted in a public place or carriedby a demonstrator or picketer)from one activist at Heathrow expressed it thus: “You Fly, They Die.”

Airplanes operate on petroleum fuel, which means they release large amounts of carbon dioxide when they fly. Commercial (able to yield or make a profit)air travel is currently responsible for a relatively tiny part of the global carbon footprint —just 3.5% of total greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But the unique chemistry of high-altitude jet emissions (an act or instance of emitting)may produce an additional warming effect, while the explosive (tending or serving to explode)growth in air travel makes it one of the fastest-growing sources of carbon gases in the atmosphere. And unlike energy or automobiles, where carbon-free or lower-carbon alternatives (a choice limited to one of two or more possibilities, as of things,propositions, or courses of action, the selection of which precludes any other possibility)already exist, even if they have yet to be widely adopted, there is no low-carbon way to fly, and there likely won’t be for decades.


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