High Salary # Essay For IELTS

In many countries in the world, some people earn extremely high salaries. There are two opinions regarding it. On one hand, people believe that this is good for the country. Others believe that government must not allow salaries above certain level.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Write at least 250 words.


The economy of a country is a representation on its country men. In recent times, it has been observed that few people of the country have extremely high salary while others seem to lie in the mediocrity. There are some of the opinion that this distribution of money is good for the economy of the country, however, few others believe that government must restrict earning after a certain level. In my opinion, each individual is to its own. Restricting someone to earn more might not be the best thing, however,motivating others to earn more, will increase the economy by many folds.

We must acknowledge people earning high salaries. Firstly, not every individual works as hard as some others. Allowing them to earn high salaries will be like rewarding people who are greatly skilled and talented. Secondly, high salary is often a motivating factor for people to earn more and work harder. This in turn is beneficial to the economy of the country. Thirdly, giving high salaries deter skilled or talented people from leaving the country. For instance, a developing county if pays its highly skilled individuals high salary , chances are they will stay in the country and could help in the further development of the country.

However, there are certain down sides to paying high salary as well. Firstly, it can be disheartening for some to earn a low salary while others receive a high salary without much justification. This in turn has led to people asking that government must limit the salaries. It is believed that capping high salaries will prevent the rich from gaining unfair control over certain aspects of society. Even more, limiting high salaries will mean more funding for public services which will benefit all people in society.

Overall, in my opinion, an individual who has worked hard and has in turn made them into skilled workers, must surely be paid high salaries. However, it must be taken care that the entire focus of the government must not shift towards them.

The Social Media Effect # Practice Reading

Over the past 15 years, the world as we know it has been taken by storm through the onset (a beginning or start) of social media (websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts). According to Com score (2011) about 90 percent of U.S. Internet users visit a social media site each month. Because we live in such a largely global-society (used to refer to a society that is being built in modern times in which all the people of the world have a good deal in common with one another), creating and maintaining an online presence has become most relevant (bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand) in promoting (to help or encourage to exist or flourish) your brand and expanding (to increase in extent, size, volume, scope, etc) your social network (a network of friends, colleagues, and other personal contacts).

As we know, perception (the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding)is everything; especially in the world of social media. In terms of perception, we all have an ideal self. We all wish to maximize our careers, our profession, and aspire (to long, aim, or seek ambitiously) to be like those who we find most successful (achieving or having achieved success). As the use of social media continues to evolve; the concept of presenting our ideal selves versus our real selves has become more and more prevalent (widespread; of wide extent or occurrence; in general use or acceptance.) on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn.

As research (to search or search for again) suggests (to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc.) for consideration or possible action), your “real self” is what you are – your attributes (to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to), your characteristics (a distinguishing feature or quality), and your personality (the visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others). Your “ideal self” is what you feel you should be; much of it due to societal and environmental influences. From a societal (noting or pertaining to large social groups, or to their activities,customs, etc.standpoint (the point or place at which a person stands to view something), many of us are driven by competition (the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc), achievement (something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort,great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed), and status; hence, the creation (the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating;engendering.) and portrayal (a portrait)of our ideal selves.

Source : The Huffing ton Post



Books Vs Technology # Essay For IELTS

Libraries must provide more books rather than invest in new technology such as computers and e-books.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write atleast 250 words.

We have entered the digital era and with it the urge of digitalizing each and every thing on earth has seen a maddening rush. From books to shopping, every thing has become digital and newer technologies have replaced the older methods. It is in these times that few people believe that libraries must expend more money on books than building sophisticated technologies. In my opinion, the middle road must be taken i.e. books must be the primary focus of libraries, however, technology must not be avoided either.

There are people of the opinion that a library must focus on having more books on their shelf rather better technology on their hand. There are several reasons behind it. Firstly, not every book is available in the digital format. For instance, some specialized books are still available only in paper back format. Secondly, paper books help to concentrate better. Reading online tempts people to search for new books, visit websites and look up links rather than focusing on the book they are reading. Thirdly, a book is a sort of inspiration. Seeing a shelf full of books and topics is inspiring and stimulates imagination.

On the other hand, technology is advantageous in many ways. The same amount of information can be stored in a lesser space when stored in digital format. This means that we require more space to store the paper books, which often turn out to be an overhead.
Secondly, looking books online is often less tedious and compared to roaming about in library. One can easily flip through all the books he/she requires before leaving the space. Thirdly, Internet is more vast than a library, therefore, getting an information is both fast and effective using it.

Overall, in my view point, both, technology as well as paper books have their own advantages/disadvantages. However, neglecting either of them might not be the right thing and one must try to balance between both of them.


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