IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Math

It is very common to be asked about the subjects you studied in school. Below are some questions with their possible answers, related to the topic.

Are you good at math?

I pretty much like doing math, and math is all about practice, so I tend to do good in it.

Did you liked mathematics when you were at school?

I enjoyed math at the beginning doing simple sums but when things got really complex,with coming of geometry, I started avoiding it, but that was only for a small time. I remember, loving it for almost all times.

What was your teacher like?

My math teacher was really good at it. I remember, him making concepts so simpler that almost everyone understands it. For him, doing sums was not important but understanding the basic idea was and he made us focus on them.

What kind of things did you learned in math?

Initially, we were taught, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. But, in later years, things got complex with algebra, geometry, estimating powers and roots and stuff like that.

Did you used calculator when learning math?

We weren’t allowed calculators until the high school but it was provided once we got into the intermediate. Most probably, because there weren’t any complex calculations earlier.

Did you find it difficult to do the calculation?

No, not really. For me, doing calculations wasn’t that big deal and I got away with most of them.

How do you calculate difficult sums?

It depends. If the calculations requires complex solving, I prefer using calculator but for the simpler one I rely more on my multiplication and addition skills.

Do you think math is an important subject for children to learn?

I think yes. Math teaches people how to solve problems or to interpret and understand data. These are the things one faces in real life and it makes solving them easier. Also, it teaches people to do simple and complex calculations needed for everyday life.



IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Sleep

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Sleep

This is a recent topic that has come up in the part I of the speaking section of IELTS. Let us have a look at some sample questions and possible answers.

How many hours do you sleep at night?

I tend to sleep 7-8 hours during night. However, sometimes due to the work load, I burn the mid night oil.

What time do you go to bed?

I have organized my days as such that I go to sleep by approximately 10 pm.

Do you have a nap during the day?

To be honest, I tend to snooze off mostly, after having lunch. It gives me energy required to carry on with the day because by lunch time I start feeling emaciated.

Do you think sleep is important?

Well, surely yes, it is important. Sleep helps ones body to relax and gain back some energy to perform the task of future. Even more it helps in proper functioning of brain and nervous system.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Weather

Let us have a look at some of the possible questions based on Weather and the possible answers.

What is your favorite weather?

I really like the rainy season. Getting wet in the rain, dancing in rain, eating pakoras and having tea just makes my day. Also, there is a chance of seeing rainbow.

Do you like the weather in your country?

My country has all kinds of weathers, so there is sunny, rainy, stormy and it is nice because one never gets bored of the environment. It is a new day every day and rarely does it seems like the earlier one.

Is the weather the same in all parts of your country?

Our country is very vast and so the weather is quite different in different places. Going towards extreme north, it is likely to be covered for most part of the year while the extreme south tends to be sunny. On the coastal areas, it tends to be tropical wet and high humidity.

Does the weather affect your mood?

Well, sometimes yes. Like if it is a sunny day after long winters I tend to feel more cheerful. While, on rainy days, it is more of calm and light. But, if it is extreme, so for instance, highly stormy or cold, it irritates me, because the work gets stopped because of it.

Does the weather in your country affects the transportation?

Well, it surely does. So, in winters mostly trains or fights get delayed because of fog and sometimes if there is a heavy storm, it takes a toll on the roadways. However, I don’t remember having a major affect on our transportation system.



Television and You # IELTS Speaking

Most of the people watch television and it is very likely  that you are asked questions on it in your speaking section Part I. Let’s have a look at some of the sample questions asked to figure out the relation between television and you.

Do you often watch television?

I used to, I remember being in love with television, but now I prefer reading more as compared to watching television.

What sort of things do you watch on television?

I mostly like watching advertisements in television. For some reason, they just attract me, I mean one gets to know everything about the product in just 30 seconds or so and sometimes they are longer, with a beautiful story. But the point is they are very straight and strike the chord.

Do you ever watch foreign programs or films on television?

Oh! I love watching them. My favorite series is that of Sherlock Holmes. I mean it is so amazing that I am on my toes for most of the time and the way Beneduct acts it is completely fabulous. Movies, I don’t watch much on television, I prefer watching them on my laptop.

What did you watch on your television when you were a child?

I used to watch cartoons, game shows and soap operas. My favorite was Sinchan. I mean it was lot of fun watching that kid doing all those absurd things are irritating his mother and friends and still being there for them in rough times.

Do you think children should watch television?

I think surely yes. Television surely is lot more fun and educational. But the point is that , children must watch it under their parents supervision. If parents take care of what the child is watching, it makes it all the more worthwhile.



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