IELTS Speaking: Part 3 – Follow up questions related to animals

IELTS Speaking: Part 3 – Follow up questions related to animals

Follow up questions related to animals

Q. 1: Do you think being cruel to an animal is the same as being cruel to a human?

Answer: Certainly, it is. Most animals can’t protect themselves when someone hurts or kills them but they do feel pain. So, in a way animal abuse is much more inhumane.

Q. 2: Should people be allowed to hunt animals for their own entertainment?

Answer: As far as the entertainment is concerned, nowadays people have a lot of means to entertain themselves, so they shouldn’t be allowed to hunt animals for pleasure. In my opinion, hunting for fun should be banned globally. There is no point in killing helpless animals just for the sake of enjoyment. It is morally unacceptable.

Q. 3: How can we help protect endangered species of animals?

Answer: Protecting endangered species is a challenging task. It requires a lot of efforts and commitment. As an individual, we can financially support charities that work for threatened animals. We can even work voluntarily for such organizations.

Q. 4: What sorts of human activities make it more difficult for wild animals to survive?

Answer: According to a World Wildlife Fund report, farming, deforestation and hunting are the major human activities that have threatened the lives of thousands of animal species. Human induced climate change is also a serious threat to wild animals.

Q. 5: Is it fair to make pets out of wild animals?

Answer A:  Honestly speaking, I’m against making pets out of wild animals. They’re called wild animals for a reason. They’re supposed to be free in the wild. Freedom is their fundamental right. If we really want to have a pet, there’re plenty of other options.

Answer B: It’s an interesting question. I’ve never thought about it. But, may be if we have the appropriate facilities, then I don’t suppose raising young ones should be a problem, although it might be a moral dilemma for some.

Q. 6: If a shark kills a human in the sea, should it be hunted down?

Answer: I don’t think so. Hunting is not a feasible solution to this problem as it can affect the ecology of the ocean. In my view, other precautionary measures like nets, drum liners or tagging can be more effective in dealing with the issue of shark attacks.

Q. 7: There are no intelligent animals except humans? Do you agree?

Answer: It’s true that humans are highly intelligent. But, other members of the animal kingdom show signs of intelligence. Chimps, elephants, bottleneck dolphins, dogs, cats and crows etc. are some examples of smart animals. Scientists are busy discovering just how smart they really are.


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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample Questions # Living Healthily

Health is one of the most important aspects of our lives and although we tend to ignore it more often, it still remains the backbone of everything we achieve in our lives. This time we are talking about some recent questions asked in Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking about living healthily.

Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?

Times have changed, I believe. There was a time when people stopped caring about their health but I believe in recent times, people have again become more aware of their health. Most people prefer doing some sort of physical activity in their lives to make sure they are healthy. When making small decisions like the food they prefer, people are going for, much healthier foods.

What costs are involved when you are ill in your country?

It depends on the kind of hospital we go for. The government hospitals are way too cheaper than the private ones. Also, having medical insurance and things in place, cost does become less. However, for the daily workers, the cost of getting ill is usually high.

Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?

Definitely yes. I think as the person starts getting old, they start getting the signs of bad health. It is during that time that people realise the importance of health. So, one can see a lot of old people going out for walks or jogging.

How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

The best way a person can be encouraged to stay healthy is by talk and promotion using advertisements. So, if there are few who get motivated by it, then there are others who start following. Also, one can motivate others to be healthy by adopting a healthy lifestyle for themselves.

What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

The ways by which people stay healthy in my country is usually divided into age groups and sometimes their income as well. So, the younger group is usually found in the gym or playing a sport. With age, the older generation prefers walking or jogging along with nature. With different income groups, the higher ones usually have their personal trainers, while the middle of the lower finds out ways for themselves.

Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?

The only reason that people have for continuing their bad habits is that they have become their habit and as they say bad habits die hard. So, even when people know that it is harming them it is quite tough to stop doing things that they have inculcated in their routines for a long period of time.

Do women pay more attention to their health than men?

In my country, women are always more concerned about their men and their family more than they are about themselves. But as an individual, I think yes, a woman make sure that she does not indulge herself into the habits that are not good for her health.

Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years?

In my opinion, yes people have become more health conscious. It could be because of the influence of their favourite stars or the images that are being portrayed. Even more, with advancement in technology people have very less to do physically, so there has a sense of consciousness among people for their health.

How can children learn to have a healthy lifestyle?

The best way a child can be taught to have a healthy lifestyle is by showing them how to have one. If we as a society in large, will try to be healthy, every child will adapt to it. Like, a child learns about cigarette only when he or she sees someone lighting a cigarette and likewise if he or she sees someone leading a healthy life, he or she will lead one for himself or herself.

Do you think the government should promote a healthy lifestyle among the citizens?

I think yes there should be campaigns by the government for a healthy lifestyle but I also believe that government can only do a certain part to it. It always boils down to the individuals if they want to go for it or not.

Would you say modern science and technology has more of a positive or a negative influence on people’s health?

There are many ways in which modern science and technology have helped, like in curing diseases and making operations better and more successful. However, there have been some negative impacts as well, I believe if we keep focusing on the positive impacts, the negative will surely become minimal.

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IELTS Cue Card #event when you were congratulated

Describe an occasion or event when you were congratulated.
You should say:

  • what was the occasion
  • when was it
  • who congratulated you and why

and explain how did this make you feel.


Sample Answer :

It’s a common gesture of appreciation that one receives on doing something good and worthy. We get appreciations for the good things we do for others or for our great achievements or personal excellence. One similar occasion when I was congratulated was when my debate team won the district/ county level championship.
It was 2012 and I was in my 10th grade. I was an influential member of my school debate team and had participated in a lot of different solo and team debate competitions. The yearly inter-school division/ county level championship was considered to be the most amazing and prestigious tournament and the in those days the finals was broadcasted on local TV channels as well as on the radio and on the internet.
Our school had a very bad past history as it was not able to win the championship before 2012. They had their last victory in the 90’s and everyone was waiting to hear the winning bells again. Though some of the debate teams participated till the semi-finals of the championship but never made it to the finale.
That year I was heading the debate team and to everyone’s great astonishment, we won the finals. Most of the people of our city watched the finals on TV and were super excited, happy and proud to see me on air and it was an added attraction that we won.
The school arranged an assembly specifically to congratulate us for our achievement and I found more than five hundred students, their guardians and local people who were eagerly waiting for us and were present there to join us in this victory. I was so proud about the whole team and excited about the occasion and when all those people started congratulating me, I felt like I was flying above the sky and my happiness knew no leaps and bounds.
Later I received many congratulations and appreciations as I grew up in my life but none of them mattered as that one occasion. We walked through the gushing crowd towards the stage of the auditorium and people stood up, greeted us and  clapped their hands. Lot of teachers, local political leaders, upper-level government employees and renowned personalities were also present there. The ceremony went on for almost 3 hours and we got many gifts and bouquets as well. Ill always remember that moment.(395 Words)

Follow-Up Questions :

Q1. What kind of people are successful in your country ?
Ans In India, generally movie stars, politicians and business tycoons are the most popular and successful people. Influential people who make social and environmental changes are also considered successful.

Q2. Is the definition of success the same today as it was in the past ?
Ans Success has different meaning to different people. People in the past considered success to be more about respect and dignity and paid more focus on the idea of getting known. The idea of popularity still remains the same but today people evaluate success in terms of money and material possessions acquired.

Q3. Why are some celebrities and movie stars more successful then others ?
Ans Some celebrities are famous because the generation today is bias and they prefer knowing or watching only those  certain celebrities who are more popular and they don’t really prefer quality. They just go with the brand name and they prefer to stick with the passive crowd and go along with fan following.



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IELTS Cue Card # You learned from a member of your family.

IELTS Cue Card # You learned from a member of your family.

Describe something useful you learned from a member of your family.
You Should Say:

  • What you learned?
  • How this became useful later in your life?
  • Have you taught it to someone?

and explain why it was important for you.

IELTS Cue Card # You learned from a member of your family, IELTS BAND7 DEHRADUN

Sample Answer :

I grew up in a small family with 4 members. They are my mother, father, my sister and our dog named Oreo. Because we were so less in number, I got to observe them very closely and I had the opportunity to learn many good things and values from them and it is in fact natural that a kid would learn things from his/her family members.

I picked up strong determination from my mother, reading and artistic abilities from my father, understanding and compassion from my sister and lot of adorable tactics from my dog. I have learned how to handle head-end stress and bad times from my parents. I learnt a lot of things from them, not that other things I learned from other family members are of less importance, but the values that I learned from my parents are different and have had a long lasting impression on me till date.

I find my dad very charming, caring and he holds a great personality and aura. He has been a voracious reader and because of that, he is more learned and wise than people of his age. Initially, I thought that how could he know so much? Over the time I became close to him because of my fascination with stories, and he used to often help me with my studies. He started inspiring me to read novels and books other than my academic ones. He read me stories  with vivid audio change and with a lot of verbal exaggeration and that helped me grow an interest towards books.

I am grateful to him that he so painstakingly explained different topics and help me grow good as a person. Because of his contribution, I have started reading books of different genres whenever I get time which I think is a better investment than spending time idly.

I have carried ahead with passing on this legacy of inspiring the young family members and cousins to read books, I often read them stories which would be interesting to them and give them sweets, candies, ice-cream as a reward on completing the story.

Follow-up Questions:

Q1. Why should we learn from others?
Ans. As a matter of fact we are individuals and everyone of us is different. This gives us ground for learning a lot of new things. It gives us the opportunity to identify our own strengths and accordingly work on the weaknesses. It helps us grow as a human being.

Q2. What are the importance of having friends?
Ans. Friends play a very important role in our lives. They help us to be strong and stay motivated when times are bad. They stand as a never ending support in our lives. I think one should always value friends.

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