CUE CARD – Describe an interesting song

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an interesting song
You should say:

    • Who the song is ?
    • What story does the song tell ? / What it is about ?
    • Whether the song is popular ?
    • And, explain why you think it is interesting ?
Sample Answer

Music is one of the most beautiful forms of art, and I listen to it whenever I am feeling the blues. Today, I am going to talk about a motivational song that I love listening to, whenever I am thrown by failures in life. The song’s name is believers, by the worldwide famous band Imagine Dragons.

The song really helps me get through the impossible days when it is really hard for me to get out of bed and kick off my day. It gives a very inspirational message about the failures of life and urges one to push one’s limits and go beyond them. It empowers me to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and keeps me going even at my worst. This song put forth the never give up attitude in life even when everything appears to be the end of the world.

The song is quite popular across the globe and definitely forms a part of every individual’s playlist, especially the young blood. Like many other youngsters, I also listen to this song to work my way out through the hurtful days of life. Thanks to one of my close friends Niya, who suggested I listen to this song when I was going through some personal mid-life crisis.

I was emotionally tormented by the loss of a family member and felt emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. At the time I also was not able to cope with the work and thus, my work-life balance was not very good as there was a lot on my plate. It was at that time, that I started listening to this song and overcame my demons. This song is meaningful in a lot of ways, as it is inspired by the band’s own personal struggles that they went through before actually gaining popularity in the mainstream.

Thus, this is a song that I found particularly interesting.

 Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.

Q1. Why are many music competitions popular in India ?

There is a myriad of music competitions that are widely popular as they are really enjoyed by people from across the remotest corners of the country. Singing shows such as the Voice, Indian idol, and Voice Global are some of the very popular music competitions that people like to watch. It is because of these public platforms that a lot of talented individuals are getting an opportunity to display their singing talent.

Q2. What kinds of music do young people like ?

I think young people like listening to a lot of pop and hip-hop music followed by some rap music as well, which is slowly taking over the music industry. Young bloods these days want to listen to something they can relate to and not something that is superficial and fake. Thus, these are the kinds of songs that young people like listening to.

Q3. What kinds of people like to listen to traditional music?

I believe with the advent of western music, we have somehow managed to suppress our traditional music forms, and thus, a very handful of individuals enjoy traditional songs and these are generally the locals of a particular community who are true to their roots and promote their traditional music.

Q4. Why do you think old people like old songs ?

I believe that old person like old songs because they do not relate to the songs that are presently in trend. Moreover, the old songs remind them of their era and their time when life was supposed to be very simple, unlike the modern competitive world. The old songs have slow beats and are full of life with a deep sense of meaning to it. They feel very connected to it. Therefore, old people like to listen to old songs.


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IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a product from your hometown

IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a product from your hometown

Talk about a product from your hometown.

  • You should say:
  • What it is
  • How it is made
  • What it is used for
  • And explain its significance in your hometown

IELTS CUE CARD Talk about a product from your hometown

Sample Answer

Today I will talk about a product from my hometown. I come from a small village in Ghana, my native lands have a rich history in handicrafts production and development. But for now I shall focus on the most versatile of them all; the basket.

Our handmade baskets were traditionally made from fibrous materials such as plant roots, backwoods, vines, banana leaves, cane and papyrus. These were naturally decomposable if rather flimsy. A good basket made in the traditionally manner could last two to five years. Now however, baskets are commonly made of plastic, wire, and in some cases, recycled materials. These have a far longer lifespan and not all are eco-friendly.

When I refer to a “basket” I imply a woven material crafted into all manner of shapes for all manner of different uses. Most young girls are taught from a young age how to braid these materials into cases, trunks, jar like containers, jewellery boxes, carry bags, winnows; anything with in the realm of possibility.

That’s why you can never find two identical genuine handmade baskets. There will always be something different among them, be it the structure, pattern, shape, lid, row count or material, anything can vary.

The art of crafting baskets is a cherished tradition. With the tourism industry booming, handmade baskets are a very good income for a rural household. This also gives some power back to the females of the village, in a male-dominated society, they still have a voice, because it is their craft keeping the family afloat. During farming season, the grains are winnowed and sifted.

The grains, herbs and spices are stored in cases and jars. They are transported in carry bags to the market. There is hardly a task in my village one can think of that does not pay homage to the art of weaving.

In this way, the basket is more than just a product for our village, it is survival, it is our voice, and it is our craft. (333 Words)


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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Animals

IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Animals

Describe your favorite animal. IELTS latest cue card 

You should say-

  • what kind of animal it is?
  • describe it briefly.
  • why do you like the animal?
animal. best ielts band7 coaching in dehradunSample Answer One

I like all animals in general, but I think my favorite would be a dog. A dog is a domestic animal and can be seen in almost all houses and streets of my country. The best part about dogs is that apart from being a great keeper, they also shower love on their owners. A person owning a dog gets love and care from the dog and the dog makes sure that no one harms his or her owner.

Although, most people like dogs, everyone has different choices as there are various breeds of dogs such as pugs, a golden retriever, bulldog, and German shepherd etc. Interestingly, the characteristics of dogs depend on their breed. For instance, a bulldog is more aggressive than a pug and is more likely to bite you. Even more, the food requirements vary with breed. As a matter of fact, a smaller breed would require more energy and food than a larger or a medium-sized breed. One needs to know the breed of the dog and provide the food accordingly.

A dog surely becomes a part of the family and often it has been seen that they get weak in the absence of their owners. The connection between dogs and humans is almost electric and I believe one must surely have one.

Sample Answer Two

Earth is full of different creatures and various organisms. Humans are the top of the food chain on this planet and share the planet with other living organisms. Animals form a big part of our ecosystem and help us preserve nature and restore balance in the ecosystem. There are various majestic creatures that inhabit our lands but the one that fascinates me the most are snow leopards.
Snow leopards are solitary creatures and they are found in the entire Himalayan range and central Asia. These beasts are a thing of beauty and their distinctive fur and color easily differentiate them from an African or Asian leopard. Their coat is white and grey in color and it helps them camouflage with local surroundings. Their thick coat helps them stay warm in chilling Himalayan weather. They are very shy creatures and perhaps that is the reason why very less is known about their behavior and habitat. Their diet mostly consists of antelopes and Himalayan goats that are found in abundance in the mountainous terrain.
Sadly the human-animal conflict has caught up with these beautiful animals too and today they are considered as critically endangered by the World Wild Life Federation. There are less than 5000 snow leopards out in the wild and drastic measures are being taken to conserve their numbers. There is a famous documentary recently made by the BBC and its titled Blue planet. The crew filmed for almost 4 extensive years and captured some great footage of the majestic creatures. For the first time in history, they were able to capture footage of a snow leopard making a kill. I feel sad that we as humans are not doing enough to protect these animals and are adamant upon destroying their habitat. (299 words)

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Holidays

Describe A Holiday You Really Enjoyed.

You should say :

  • where did you go for holiday and how long did they last?
  • who do you go with?
  • talk about an interesting thing that happened during the holidays.


I love travelling so for most of my holidays I go on to some untrod-den path and visit new places. I remember going to one such holiday to my Mysore. I had a week off from my office and thought to surprise my friend and visit the city as well. Now, I had never been to Mysore and thought that we both will figure out the place for ourselves but to my surprise when I went to his home in Mysore, I came to know that Anish, my friend was out of station and will come next month, so I was left with two options. One, I could go back and the other to stay and go on with the holiday alone.



I chose the later one. He arranged the keys of his house and I did finally had a place to live. So, the next was to go on and visit places. I must say, people at mysore were really helpful and helped me in enjoying various places. I remember, I was passing by a big banayan tree and was surprised by the length of the tree and some one came to me and told the history behind the tree and also the importance of it. It was real fun because I had not known the person and we went on talking in great lengths about the tree and the various places and history of Mysore, in particular.

I visited the Mysore palace, Mysore zoo, Krishana raja sagar and many other places.

The best part about the trip was that although I was alone, it never dawned upon me and I went on visiting a completely new city all alone and along way making friends.



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