The topic of an essay

The topic of an essay can be one of 3 possible types:

a description of an opinion,
an argument or
a social problem.

Any essay you write on any topic must have structure – you can receive (or lose :() points for it. Structure means having at least 4 paragraphs (5 is better). The first paragraph is introductory, the next two or three are the actual essay body, and the last one is the conclusion.

The first thing to do is to understand what kind of topic is before you.

•for an argument – you need to explain both sides and agree with one of them
•for an opinion – you need to present another point of view and say which one you agree with and why
•for a problem – you need to explain it, discuss and offer a solution and discuss it too.


Here are some Essay For IELTS

Space Exploration
Report Bad News
Online Shopping
Importance of Fashion
Freedom Of Speech


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun , India – 248001

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