Attention Given To Celebrities # Essay For IELTS

The media pays too much attention to the lives and relationships of celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers. They should spend more time reporting the lives of ordinary people instead. To what extend to you agree or disagree?

Celebrities have been a important part of so many people for time immemorial. There are many of them who admire celebrities, want to know how they live, rather want to become like them. With the times after media gaining power, the lives of celebrities have often been scrutinized in the name of building a bridge between their fans and them. There have even some celebrities who themselves came forward to share their lives. Although few people enjoy knowing about their stars lives, there are many who prefer knowing about lives of common man.

Media surely helps in bridging the gap between a star and a common man. The stories of their stars can prove to be inspiring for the common person. For example-: Recently Deepika Padukone came out and told the world about how she fought back depression. This became a source of inspiration for many who found themselves in similar position. Showing lives of their stars also proves to be motivating for many people. There have been cases when people truly worked hard to become like their favorite celebrities. Even more it breaks the illusion that celebrities were just lucky enough to be successful.

The real problem begins when media tries to over show the lives of celebrities. For example-: talking about their relationships or the places they go doesn’t makes any sense. Even more it irritates the celebrities at personal level. Also, it so happens that sometimes media forgets about the common man! For example-: if a common person achieves something and the media still talks about the lives of celebrities instead of showing the common man’s struggle, it come as quite disheartening to them.

Overall, I believe it is good to show the lives of celebrities but only to an extent where it could be motivating for the common man. Also the common man must be given the undue importance in times of great achievements or great misery.


Report Bad News # Essay For IELTS

The media should limit on how much bad news they report because it discourages people from doing activities which usually involve very little risk. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write at least 250 words.

[PARA 1]

We become what we think, and mostly we think what we see. Media surely has a very important role in our lives. The general decisions about our lives are almost dependent on the news given by media. More importantly, with the globalization we all get to know about things happening around the world. There are so many achievements, inventions and also crime taking place at every moment around the world. The more the media gives attention to a particular topic, more are its chances of getting attention by the common person.

[PARA 2]

Media surely can change the outlook of individuals from negative to positive or vice versa. For example-: if media constantly flashes the news of rape or murders, it is obvious that people will stop their girls or women to step out of the house or take extra care about things around. Constant bad news often causes a level of mistrust among people. Even more there are people who going through a rocky phase in their lives, listening to bad news constantly can cause more negativity in them.

[PARA 3]

However, it cannot be denied that people have the right to know about the things happening around. For example-: if there is a terrorist attack, it is the right of an individual to know about it. Denying people news like this would let them live in an illusion. Even more media could also be quite helpful in the rough times. for example-: when Nepal was hit by earthquake, media coverage made it possible for people to know the condition the people in Nepal are left to live in. This initiated many donations and other helps.

[PARA 4]

Overall, everything works on balance. Although showing only good would make people live in illusion, reporting only bad may make them negative. It must be prioritized by media to show both the aspects of livelihood.


Unhealthy Lifestyle In Children # Essay For IELTS

Most children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools an parents are responsible for solving this problem. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Write at least 250 words.

A child is like a clay, the way it get moulds, the shape it takes. And just like clay, it cannot shape itself, someone else has to do it. The potter of a child’s life are his/her parents and teachers. A child spends most of his/her time with his/her parents and teachers and they have a lasting effect on him/her during the growing years. So, if a child gets lost on the way of success it is the duty of parents and teachers to ensure that he/she comes back to track.

Most of the children admire their parents and teachers, they are his/her first idol and they truly want to become like them. So if children have unhealthy lifestyle it might be possible that they have seen it in their idols. The first step towards changing a child is to make sure that you yourself don’t follow the unhealthy lifestyle. Even more children don’t have a fair judgment of right and wrong and so parents must ensure that they are watching and listening the right things. For example-: often television shows stuff that could be easily grasped by children and is quite inadequate for them.

At present times most of the schools have become just a source of income for many. To change something in a child punishment is often granted. But rather the root of the problem must be found out and this can only be done by a teacher. It is only through interaction of parents and teachers that a child can truly learn.

Overall, a child can truly grow and lead a healthy lifestyle if the parents take their child as their utmost priority and teachers as their responsibility to make sure that child grows to be an asset for the country.






Online Shopping # Essay For IELTS

Buying things on the internet such as books, air tickets and groceries is becoming more and more popular. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Write at least 250 words.

Internet came in 21st century and swept the world with it. After the advent of internet, a whole new market has been created. Whether it is facebook, which allows us to be connected or Google which helps us whenever we need any information or online shopping sites which have changed the way world shops. Gone are the days when people used to beat the heat to buy things for themselves, the time has come when they just order it online! Buying things online has had its share of support and criticism.

On the positive side, the most important benefit that online shopping provide is that they save time. Living in this globalised world people don’t have time and online shopping serves them good. secondly, shopping in INTERNET makes choosing things lot more easier. With a click of a button, you can set filters and then the items displayed will be the one you require. This is unlike the traditional shopping where one has to look at all the things before deciding what to buy. The third big advantage that has come along is that buying things online is cheaper. The websites always offer some discount, making it more profitable for the customers.

Looking towards the darker side, online shopping has surely made people more lethargic. Most of the people avoid walking anymore and this has led to lot of health issues. Secondly, sometimes online shopping causes delay in delivery. This could be quite frustrating for those who want things immediately.

Overall, online shopping has surely been a help to the people who really don’t have much time and has even been cheaper allowing them to buy things at a better price. Although it surely does have some disadvantages but they can be ignored as online shopping has just begun and there is a long road to be traveled.


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