Choice OF Employees # Essay For IELTS

There are people of the opinion that the employers should provide a supportive and pleasant work environment while others believe that it is better to provide the employees with facilities and incentives. What is your opinion.

Write atleast 250 words.


A business can be successful only if it has great team ready to build the business. An employer often has to make attempts to ensure that employees are comfortable with the job. Some people argue that a supportive and pleasant environment mus be provided, however, other believe employees must be given facilities and incentives. In my opinion, it is the combination of both that leads to success.

Many people do a job because they know the work ad it becomes easy to earn money in that field. Providing a supporting environment could be of great benefits. Firstly, an individual will feel more connected with the company. For instance, a employer who makes sure that everyone in the company is treated equally will more likely to have a supporting staff. Secondly, the employees work better in a pleasant environment. This always indicates growth for the company.

However, there are even opinions that it is better to provide facilities and incentives to the employees. For instance, an employer who makes sure that every employee working in night shifts is provided with cab facility is more likely to find an effective staff. Secondly, most people do job for money. Providing incentives could serve their purpose. For instance, a person who is in dire need of money, is less likely to be attracted to the work environment and more focused on earning money.

Overall, I believe an organization is run not by the leader but the team. Providing some facilities and a great environment to work in are the most essential things and employee looks for. The organization , therefore, must aim to balance between both to lead a successful journey.


Freedom To Artist # Essay For IELTS

We are living in an era where there are certain boundaries. Although some people say that artist must be allowed to express themselves freely. Do you agree or disagree with it.

Write at least 250 words.


Art is a reflection of society. As a member of society, there are certain norms and limitation every individual must follow. However, certain people believe that an artist should freely express their opinion through their art. In my opinion, an artist must reflect the real world sincerely, however, he/she must make sure that it does not has ill effects on society.

Giving freedom to an artist can prove to be of a great advantage for the society. Firstly, an art has the power to radically change the society. For example- a movie on the ill effects of smoking can always be more powerful than hundreds of speeches. It is because people feel more connected with cinema and their favorite stars. Secondly, it is the best way to reflect the negatives of a society. For instance- if a comedian makes jokes about marital rapes or murders, it although makes people laugh but at the same time strikes a chord with them. In this way, a serious problem can be solved easily.

There have been instances when artist were not given freedom. For example- when a Bangladeshi blogger was killed for writing about equality, it created a sense of terror amongst every individual. They felt as if their right of freedom has been snatched away.

Overall, an artist can change or mold a society in a particular way. The artist therefore must be free to express themselves, however he/she must be able to differentiate between a positive change and a negative impact.




Government Funding Art # Essay For IELTS

There are many artist who earn very low wages for their art and barely are able to survive on it. They demand that government must fund them and their art. Do you agree or disagree with it?

Write atleast 250 words.


Art, for a long time, has been seen as the easier thing to do. For some reasons, it has dawn upon people that love for literature, imagination, creativity or understanding of philosophy is very easy. Drawing a painting or singing seems quite trivial task that can be done by anyone. This has led to paying low wages to artist as it is thought that they are easily replaceable. It is in recent times, that artists have demanded the government to fund them and their art. I believe that is fair on their part to do so.

In the era, when most attention is being taken by technology, if government funds arts, there will be several benefits. Firstly, it will give people a choice to do what they love. It has been observed in recent times that people often go for engineering or medicines as they are  high paying jobs. If security could be provided to artist more people would take it up as a career. Secondly, art does form an integral part of our lives. Funding by government would help increase awareness among people about the importance of arts. Even more, it will help artists to lead a happier life. Often artists lose their creativity in the struggle of protecting their art and living life. The support from government will surely be of great help.

Overall, I believe we do need engineers and scientist but artists surely make life better. Neglecting them could make our lives monotonous.. Therefore, steps must be taken on behalf of the government to ensure that the artists fell proud of their art and are able to make a living out of the work they love.

Should Art Be Neglected # Essay For IELTS

Few people are of the opinion that money spent on arts is just a waste and the government must focus on areas other than it, like engineering or science. List out what would be the results if government stopped paying attention to arts.

Write at least 250 words.


Art is a subject o human and social skills. In the past it was considered as one of the most important subject for the all round development of an individual. However, with time and with coming of technology and science in recent times, art has taken a back seat. There are people of the belief that it is time that government stops spending money on arts and rather focus on projects under science and engineering.

Although it might sound economical to many, I believe there could be quite upheaval if arts gets neglected. Firstly, an individual might not be able to understand the importance of social skills. This could be quite problematic in a scenario when we are talking about multi-cultural interaction. Secondly, it becomes quite difficult to understand oneself and the complex nature of humans because there is an unawareness about the past. A better future can be made if we know the mistakes of the past. Thirdly, it could be quite disadvantageous for those who are interested in arts. It could give them a sense of rejection.

However, spending money on science and technology can help in making better technologies or doing new inventions. This could surely prove to be a boost for the economy. But, this will surely be at a very costly price. Even more, working more on technology or science might help in solving issues such as poverty or education. For instance, if the infrastructure of internet is improved, more students could be taught using this medium.

Overall, I believe that every subject has its own importance and are important in their own ways, neglecting anyone might not be healthy for a society. Although science and technology help in improving the economy, arts provides the required balance.


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