Global Warming # Essay For IELTS

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Global warming is one of the biggest threat to environment.

What causes global warming?

What solutions are there to this problem?

The most threatening thing to the planet at present time is global warming. It has caused the ozone layer depletion rising the number of skin diseases and causing upheavel in the nature.

The predominant factors resulting in the rising global warming are the increased levels of CO2 and deforestation. CO2, which causes ozone layer depletion, comes from various sources, but the one that causes the most dramatic effects, is the CO2 emitting from the fossil fuels. Another cause of these emissions is the burning of gasoline for transportation, which continues to increase because of our demand for cars and also our increasing worldwide consumption, resulting in an increasing need to transport goods. The third major issue is that the forest responsible for maintaining the CO2 levels are being cut down at faster rates than being planted.

Nevertheless, there are potential ways to reduce the effects of global warming. Firstly, ten trees for each tree cut, must be planted, so as to reduce the effects our future generations might face. Secondly, governments must find alternative ways to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, to travel. Thirdly, awareness among people regarding global warming and its effect must be made. Pupil travelling in cars alone must be fined and they must be asked to pool their cars for travel.

Overall, although global warming is a big issue, if proper steps are taken by the government and individuals, we an get over the issue and save our planet.




Parks Vs Residential # Essays For IELTS

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Although many people value public parks, but some believe that this space could rather be used for residential areas or develop business to boost economies. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The population all around the world is increasing with a rate faster than the earth can handle. With this increasing population, some people believe that to meet the requirements, public parks must be converted to business or residential areas. However, in my opinion, parks are very important for the emotional stability of individuals and must not be closed.

The importance of parks cannot be understated. Firstly, parks help in community revitalization. Considering the stressed lives people live in, parks provide the perfect environment for people to meet and release stress. Secondly, they provide holistic environment to children. Most children don’t learn things in the closed walls of classroom and need to interact with their peer or play with them. Thirdly, parks promote public health. Many people don’t have time to go to gym, parks help them giving the right environment for jogging or cycling.

However, some people believe that the world requires more of money and space to live in. Although the urgency cannot be denied, but if the space of parks is allocated, it could lead to unhealthy environment for kids as they would be deprived of place to play and enjoy. Even more, it could lead to unsafe localities as park surrounding the locality, marks its boundary, allowing security guards to ensure the security.

Overall, it cannot be denied that we are in urgent need of space and importantly money for the over populated world, but I believe destroying parks might not be the right option.


The Salary Confusion # Essay Idea

In many countries, there is a huge difference between salaries of different individuals. There are some who earn more than 100k per annum and even some who merely survive. With such huge gaps, some people believe that it is not good for the economy of the country and also creates a feeling of injustice. However, there are even some who believe that the more one works, the more they must be paid.
Let us have a look at some of the ideas that can be used for the essay.
Giving high salary to some is good for country

  1. People who work hard must be rewarded with high salaries. They deserve it.
  2. High salary often work as a motivating factor to work even more.
  3. A person has their own personal needs. Giving high salaries to the worthy employs deters them from leaving the country.
  4. High salary is often the sign of a country’s wealth.

There must be a limit after which salary must not be raised

  1. It is the duty of the government to ensure that wealth is evenly distributed among country men.
  2. Limiting high salaries bring about more equality among people.
  3. Capping high salaries prevents the rich from controlling certain aspects of the society.
  4. Limiting high salary means that more money could be spend on public services allowing more room for overall growth.


Is History A Waste Of Time

History for many has been that subject, that goes above head and hard to remember. Many fumble over its dates and others don’t understand the reason of those wars. No, matter what it be, history for some, remains subject of, “why should I even study it?” However, there are even some people, who believe history to be a very essential subject to understand the present.

This topic could be asked on either agree/disagree or discuss. Let us have a look at some of the ideas for the topic, Is history a waste of time?

History is a waste of time

  1. Most of the people, rather than understanding the event tend to memorize the dates, names and facts of history. This information is not useful in our daily lives.
  2. History is rarely relevant in the lives of individuals so it is better that they focus on science and technology.
  3. Many school ciriculum are fixed and rarely changed. So, there is no current history, the only history that helps understand the world we live in.
  4. Each historical event has its own different perspective. An individual can understand the event in his/her own way, making the event and its teachings irrelevant.

History holds importance in lives

  1. History helps young people understand their culture and country and explains the reasons for their current status.
  2. History teaches us travesties such as holocaust. Knowing them makes it sure that such events don’t take place ever again in future.
  3. History tells us about the battles our forefathers have fought to give us a bright future. This helps to give respect where it is required.
  4. Valuable information can be found in history, such as traditional medicines. Understanding them can help us make use of them in our present lives.
  5. History helps to understand change. It shows what led to the circumstances and what could be the future if we continue doing the same.


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