Media Projecting Slim Women

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Over the last few decades, the media has projected the image of women as young and thin.
What problems has this caused?
What solutions can you suggest to this?


Media in the changing times has played a very crucial role in defining the decisions made by people. With coming of the digital era and Internet, people are highly dependent on  advertisements to make changes in their lifestyle. One such change that has been observed, is that women are now trying to be slim because the notion that things girls are pretty has grounded people’s mind set. This has given rise to a new set of issues.

Firstly, with portraying slick women as the epitome of femininity, the society in large, makes the women question about themselves. This has caused a shift in the minds, from the importance of being healthy to be rather slim, even if it is at the price of becoming unhealthy. Secondly, this has caused a negative psychology among young girls, who if are fat, look upon themselves as inferior to the ones who are slim. The age when children are supposed to learn and explore the world, the hassles of body, could be quite disheartening.

The most effective solution could be making deliberate attempt, to show all women are beautiful. Movies, advertisements or songs, should portray women as human beings, who could be either fat, short, black, slim, fair or whatever, and yet be successful. This method could act as a counteract to the present notion.

Overall, often media forgets the importance it plays in the lives of people, and takes irresponsible steps. But, if the media tries again, the notions present could be changed for better.


Endangered Species # Essay For IELTS

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and many are endangered.

What are the causes of it and what measures can be taken to solve it?

Write at least 250 words.


The planet is meant to be shared by all species, humans, plants and animals. But, with increasing number of people, an imbalance has been created leading to either animal species becoming extinct or endangered. Deforestation, consumption of animal products, hunting and pollution are the main causes for habitats to vanish. There are several methods such as sharing money among communities, awareness, that can help save animals.

With rising population, we have slowly crept into the spaces of the animals. Since one needs space to live, massive deforestation has taken place destroying the habitats of animals living in forest. As a consequence, animals are forced to relocate and sometimes enter into the habitat of humans. The second reason for such a threatening scenario is the increased levels of pollution. For instance, air pollution is causing death among the birds and water pollution among the fishes.

The first step towards saving the animal species is conservation. The animal habitat must be conserved and human entry must be restricted in those areas. The next pragmatic step could be to give incentives to the communities living near the animal habitat. If the tourism department, gives  a share of the earned money to people living near animal habitat, chances are they will take ownership of animals and take extra care.

Overall, the main reasons causing extinction are the various disturbances such as deforestation and hunting. However, measures like incentives for the community and conservation can help protect the animals.


Re Offenders Of Crime # Essay For IELTS

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Many offenders commit more crimes after suffering punishment for their first crime.

Why do you think it is happening and what measures can be taken to solve the problem?

Write at least 250 words.


A large number of criminals who serve their sentence, often get released, to become even severe criminals. This is mainly because of rehabilitation and unemployment. There are a number of measures that can be used to deal with criminals that re offend.

Jails have a peculiar way of dealing with criminals, they put all kinds of criminals together. So, for instance, a person often found guilty of theft is kept in bar along with someone who has done brutal murders. This instigates in the former to become a bigger criminal once released. The next major issue is that many jails don’t focus on developing skill of the criminals, so that they can find employment once they are out. The absence of skills often forces people to commit crime, yet again.

There are two effective solutions to the problem of repeat offenders. One way to tackle this is to ensure that all people entering jails are given chance to retrain themselves in some skill, so that they are not left unemployed once they are bailed, hence forcing them into the world of crime. Another method of dealing with criminals who re offend is to distinguish criminals on the basis of crime and make sure that people with severe criminal records are not placed with those who are found guilty of minor crimes.

Overall, having training and distinguishing factors in jails are effective in dealing with the issue. If governments implemented these solutions, crime figures would soon drop.


Traffic Congestion # Essay For IELTS

The increase in the amount of traffic is responsible for growing problems in many large cities and has resulted in traffic congestion. What are some of the measures to deal with this problem?


The growth in the quantity of traffic in most major cities has led to the problems of congestion in the peak traffic hours. This has caused increases level of stress along with some health diseases. Although the problem in itself is a major deal, with proper steps the solution can be reached.

Firstly, people must be made aware about the possible measures. For instance, every country figures out about the problems and solutions, but often they get caught up in the files and never reach the common man. Awareness that the problem can be solved, must be made among people. Secondly, sharing car among people, will lessen the number of cars, hence helping to reduce traffic. Thirdly,  if people use subways, buses and other public transport for their travel then traffic can be reduced. For example, in Singapore everybody uses public transportation. By the usage of public transportation, Singapore has no traffic problem.

Even more, it has been observed that the better the quality of roads, the lesser is the traffic. For instance, in countries like America, not only are the roads good they are even wide enough to handle the traffic. This helps in reducing congestion. Even more, government must take steps regarding it,such as increased taxes on vehicles, so that people buy it when they need it.

Overall, in my opinion, a problem can only be solved by joint efforts and therefore, to solve this issue we as individuals need to join hands with government, to ensure better driving experience.



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