Speaking @IELTS Or TOEFL?

IELTS speaking section lasts for 12 to 14 minutes. It takes place in the presence of an examiner. Your test is recorded and it is made sure that you are spontaneous. It takes place in three parts.
It begins with the examiner asking you general questions about you. This lasts for four to five minutes.
After this usually a small talk takes place between you and the examiner, which eventually leads to a lengthy discussion on a particular topic.

Speaking section in the TOEFL lasts for about 20 minutes. There are six tasks that take place to find out how well versed you are in speaking. The first two tasks are independent. So, there are questions related to you. Your experience, your life and general stuff about you.
The next four sections are integrated. In the first two you have a reading passage, usually short and a listening section. You need to remember them and then speak about them. You have got 30 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak.
In the next two sections, you listen to a conversation or a lecture and then you are asked to speak on a question asked related to it. You have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.

Decide well. Remember your choices and define your destiny. Make sure you have unique choices. Work hard, work smart, speak well, and achieve your goal.

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Reading @IELTS Or TOEFL ?

Reading section is although common in both the exams, there is certain amount of difference on how both of them, test your skill.


There are three to five sections of twenty minutes each. The reading material is academic in nature. The questions asked are of multiple choices. The reading passage deals with topics you would study in your initial years in university. For example : natural sciences, social sciences, business or arts. You need not to know about these topics. What TOEFL checks is, whether you can understand a completely different topic or not. You are required to attempt all the sections of it. Although there might be a chance that you are not graded on one of them they could be used for experimental reasons.


The reading sections consist of 40 questions. There will be variety of questions asked in order to check your various reading skills like skimming, reading for detail, recognizing writers’ opinions, attitude etc.

There are two versions to it :

IELTS Academic :  It includes three long texts. They could range from descriptive to factual to discursive or analytical. The texts are usually taken from books, magazines or journals. These are selected for non-specialist audience but are perfect for those trying to enter into a university.

IELTS General : The reading material in this module includes general materials available. For example, magazines, advertisements, newspapers, handbooks, guidelines etc. You would be usually reading extracts of these. They would be what you are likely to encounter in your daily life.

No matter what test you take, to get high marks in reading section, all you need to do is read, read a lot, enjoy it and read more.


Band 9 Decoded

Have you ever wondered what goes behind these bands? What does the British council means when it says you got a band 9 or a band 7? What is the difference? Why do we want to be in band 9 or a band 8? And more importantly what does it takes to be in a band 9? What skills I you require?
Well, you are right. Certainly, there are some skills required if you want to be in band 9. There are rather three parameters on which you are checked. So without further ado, let’s begin.


You are required to speak fluently with only rare repetition or self correction. Although there could be some hesitation, but that is content related rather than to find words or grammar. You are expected to develop topics fully and appropriately.


A band 9 uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics. A band 9 uses idioms most naturally and accurately. You must use full range of structure naturally and appropriately. Band 9 posses’ characteristics of a native speaker. What do you mean by the characteristics of a native speaker? Well a native speaker would use structures more accurately and more precisely.


The best way to judge if you have good pronunciation or not is whether the examiner can understand you without any efforts. So, you have to work on that. Speak in a way that people can understand better. More importantly, a band 9 speaker ought to maintain the fluency throughout i.e. pronouncing words should not bother them.

So go on, work hard. More importantly work smart. Don’t work on things that shouldn’t bother you in IELTS. Work on the above parameters. And remember, if you decide to get a Band 9 in IELTS, you surely can.


Books For IELTS

Books are our best friends. We all have heard of it, but the fact is that this one thing is true. So, before you go on to prepare for your dream, just go on and get an introduction of the one of a kind best friends you can have while preparing for IELTS.

Cambridge IELTS

t contains four authentic papers from Cambridge ESOL. This proves to be a great exam practice. This book contains four complete tests for academic candidates. And some extra reading and writing modules for general training candidates. What makes it best for the students is the comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts.

How To Prepare For IELTS

This book has been published by the British Council. It contains practice tests, tricks, and tips for IELTS. This is the second best book to prepare for IELTS after Cambridge IELTS8.So, if you are done with Cambridge, and want to prepare more, go for this book. It contains the answers to all the questions given.

Barron’s IELTS Super Pack

This book can be used either by the ones taking the general or the academic. It contains material for both. There are a total of 10 full-length practice test with answers and has special help provided for the IELTS vocabulary.

There are although many other good books available, but these are some of the best in the market. Even more, you could prepare from the study material you get when you register for the exam.

It does matter what books you refer, but what matters more is whether you study from them or not. So, go on, work hard, and live your dream.


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