IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Early Reading

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Children who start reading earlier in their lives, perform better later in their school studies.

How important are reading skills for the child’s academic success?

What other pre school factors influence a child’s later academic achievements?

Write at least 250 words.

Reading helps in the intellectual growth of the child and the earlier one starts reading the better for the child. Although some people believe that the only way a person can grow is by reading academic books, I believe a person reading a varied range of books from early childhood is more likely to have a wide horizon.

Reading books from an early age has great benefits. One of the primary benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning in general. For instance, a child who is able to understand the way words are put together in an early age is more likely to get a grasp of math and science. Secondly, it helps in developing a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well when she enters school.

Even more, it has been seen that toddlers who read books tend to  grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment.

However, the development of child is not entirely dependent on reading books. A person can help in the child for his/her development by teaching them the art of listening, so that he or she is able to grasp concepts easier. Even more, a child can be taught the art of interacting with people.

Overall, in my opinion, reading surely has a positive impact on the child and helps in the later years of life. However, one must not take for granted that just by reading the IQ of a child will improve, several other factors surely play the role.




IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Computers

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Computers are everywhere and with this increased dependence on computers, some people suspect that it might cause us some issues in future.

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


Computers have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. In fact, one cannot imagine to get through a working day without it. However, some people believe that the increasing dependence on computers is more likely to cause problems in future.

Computers have surely transformed our lives. It is believed that in future it will bring about great advantages to human race. Firstly, computer will enable to make human task easier. For example, cleaning of the home can be done with the minimum effort and time with the advent of robot maids. Secondly, it is more likely to transform the education system. Computers when combined with Internet, helps in broadening the subject area. Like, a student can not only benefit from what is given in the book but also understand better using internet videos and web pages.

Although, computers have helped the human race, it has also given rise to new problems. Firstly, cyber-addiction has led humans to become more isolated, inactive, and depressed. Secondly, accessing to some important data is costly, and users might be targeted by cyber crime and lose all of their saved data. For example, a user’s bank password might be hacked by a professional hacker and thousands of dollars might be stolen by him.

Overall, like every tool, computers although have helped us, have even caused some issues. In my opinion , we cannot stop using computers or even we can’t lessen the uses of computers. The development of technology will follow its own track no matter what we think about it. The only possible way is to make our way out of the negatives to the positives.



IELTS Listening Sample Question # Robots

IELTS Listening Sample Question Robots

The audio below has been taken from 6 minutes English by BBC.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  1. Which movie was taken as an example to talk about robots?
  2. What is the word used to describe the work of humans done by machine?
  3. What makes a job more likely to be done by a robot?
  4. The percentage of jobs that will get automated in UK, in next 20 years?
  5. How is the job done at office referred to as?
  6. The ability of the computer to copy human intelligence is  called?
  7. What phrase is used to talk about stuff that you want to be successful?


  1. Star wars
  2. automation
  3. social and emotional
  4. 35%
  5. white collar
  6. artificial intelligence
  7. fingers crossed


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Synonyms For IELTS # Closest In Meaning

Given below are sentences with a word that has been highlighted. Out of the four possible synonyms, given you need to find out the word that is closest in meaning with the word highlighted.

  1. The remaining seven founding members can sign the agreement.
    1. amateur
    2. accord
    3. fang
    4. hop
  2. A historic verdict was rendered on Friday.
    1. devour
    2. decode
    3. knuckles
    4. accomplished
  3. It is inevitable that such a ruling occasions on evaluation of where India stands.
    1. happy
    2. imminent
    3. aquatic
    4. bleakness
  4. There are several cogent agreements.
    1. Compelling
    2. retreat
    3. sonic
    4. clay
  5. The sexuality of an individual is fundamental to the person’s autonomy.
    1. hoist
    2. creator
    3. amputation
    4. freedom
  6. The community’s long battle for equal rights has reached its logical conclusion here.
    1. completion
    2. sand
    3. crafty
    4. cable
  7. It is rare that a decision made by the supreme court of one country gives cause for cheer across the world.
    1. wreck
    2. guilty
    3. heretic
    4. Judgement
  8. An outdate provision cannot be allowed to violate fundamental rights and offend human dignity.
    1. sorrow
    2. homemade
    3. arrangement
    4. glory
  9. Their cases emanated from the states of Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee.
    1. duke
    2. sauce
    3. emerge
    4. hearing
  10. These precepts are applicable as much to the guarantee of equal protection under the Indian constitution.
    1. acrobat
    2. code
    3. regret
    4. stun

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. A

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