IELTS Listening Sample Question # Dress

IELTS Listening Sample Question Dress
The audio below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the male lead more likely to wear in his job?
  2. According to a famous designer, one is never over dressed or under dressed with what?
  3. If some one looks too formal, what word is used to show it?
  4. If someone looks less formal, what word is used for it?
  5. What is the phrase used for something that initiates lot of people to talk about it?
  6. What kind of dress was shown in the blog post of Chinese version of twitter?
  7. What does dressing in coquettishly means?


  1. casual clothes
  2. black dress
  3. over dressed
  4. under dressed
  5. spark a debate
  6. see through
  7. flirty way


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IELTS Listening Sample Question # Food Banks

IELTS Listening Sample Question # Food Banks
The audio below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. The audio talks about food bank in United Kingdom.

Sample questions about food banks

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. How many British people have used food banks?
  2. What word is used to describe the situation wherein people were asked to leave the job?
  3. What word is used for unlimited access?
  4. When there is not enough stock for people by which word do they describe it?
  5. Who along with people, contribute to food banks?
  6. Food banks have turned out to be a meeting place for what kind of people?
  7. What expression is used for food that does not requires to be cooked?
  8. How many people are believed to be living under poverty line?


  1. 500 thousand people
  2. redundant
  3. open door
  4. limited stocks
  5. churches
  6. lonely and depressed
  7. tinned ready food
  8. 15 million


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

Improve Vocabulary # BAND 9

Given below are sentences that have a word that is highlighted. Below it are the possible meaning of the word. Choose the correct option and improve your vocabulary for IELTS.

  1. As alarming as that is, the crackdown will probably get worse.
    1. of, relating to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct.
    2. the severe or stern enforcement of regulations, laws, etc., as to root out abuses or correct a problem
    3. of or like leather
    4. dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter
  2. Corps and its alliesd, of course, view any such opening as a grave threat to the political system and, perhaps more important, their control of large segments of Iran’s economy.
    1. a wanderer, vagrant, or adventurer
    2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject
    3. to confuse or mix up
    4. the 26 nations that fought against the Axis in World War II and, with subsequent additions, signed the charter of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945.
  3. To run for president this year, it’s not enough to be a neurosurgeon, a senator or a former secretary of state
    1. doctor who treats eyes
    2. doctor who treats brain or nerve.
    3. doctor who treats heart
    4. doctor who treats limbs
  4. Nowhere does the Constitution specify that to run for president one must possess a bio out of Charles Dickens or Horatio Alger
    1. something deluding or misleading
    2. a funeral song
    3. to have as belonging to one
    4. a legendary doglike goblin believed to portend death or misfortune
  5. Everybody loves an inspiring narrative.
    1. a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious
    2. an abnormal fear of being buried alive.
    3. a werewolf or alien spirit in the physical form of a bloodthirsty wolf
    4. timid
  6. These people have argued before the Supreme Court and negotiated with world leaders.
    1. to deal or bargain with another or others, as in the preparation of a treaty or contract or in preliminaries to a business deal.
    2. a soldier placed in front of a military company as a good model during training drills.
    3. an eating or drinking companion; fellow diner or drinker
    4. a person who heads a group, company, political party, etc.; a leader or manager
  7. And poor Donald Trump, who was born with a silver spoon and turned it into a gold one, railing about Marco Rubio’s credit cards.
    1. rumor or gossip
    2. an open cask of drinking water. b. a drinking fountain for use by the crew of a vessel
    3. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power
    4. a fence like barrier composed of one or more horizontal rails supported by widely spaced uprights
  8. CNN broadcast the inconclusive results of two reporters’ weekslong quest to find the classmates Ben Carson tried to stab and hit with a rock when he was 14.
    1. a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something
    2. manner
    3. noisy, clamorous, or boisterous
    4. to evade work, duty, etc
  9. CNN broadcast the inconclusive results of two reporters’ weekslong quest to find the classmates Ben Carson tried to stab and hit with a rock when he was 14
    1. any wildly enthusiastic speech or writing
    2. to pierce or wound with or as if with a pointed weapon
    3. characterized by sickly sentimentality; weakly emotional
    4. a Greek choral song or chant of vehement or wild character and of usually irregular form, originally in honor of Dionysus or Bacchus.
  10. All this mythmaking is a politician’s way of showing authenticity.
    1. having a mildly sickening flavor; slightly nauseating.
    2. the accidental omission of a letter or letter group that should be repeated in writing, as in Missippi for Mississippi.
    3. creator of myths
    4. of or relating to dreams


Make A Sentence # Rearrange Words

Jumbled up words bring along with them a new series of questions. Below are the words that have been jumbled up and you need to rearrange the words to make proper sentence out of them.

Given below are sentences that have been jumbled up. You need to rearrange words to make meaningful sentences.


Question – The/ to/ the/ expression / of/ early/ modern/ sexuality/of/reinscription/ is/ conducive / materiality/./

Answer – The reinscription of early modern sexuality is conducive to the expression of materiality.

Question – The/ fantasy/ the/  of/ binary/ opposition/ rehearses/ canon/./unanalyzed/ arbitrariness/ of/ the/ literary/

Answer – The fantasy of binary opposition rehearses the unanalyzed arbitrariness of the literary canon.

Question – The /fantasy/with/ it/ the/  carries / eclectic/./teleology/ of/ the/ of/ the/ preprofessional/teleology/ of/ the/ of/ the/ preprofessional/

Answer – The fantasy of the preprofessional carries with it the teleology of the eclectic.

Question- The/ epistemology/ of/ autonomous /selfhood/ nation-state/./highlights/ the /expression/ of /the/

Answer – The epistemology of autonomous selfhood highlights the expression of the nation-state.

Question – The / instantiates/interaction/./ fiction/ of/ an /anthropocentric/ the /writing /of/ communicative /history/

Answer – The fiction of an anthropocentric history instantiates the writing of communicative interaction.

Question- The/  parallels/ ./phenomenalism /of/ binary/ opposition/the /ideology/ of/ the/ parent-child /dynamic/

Answer- The phenomenalism of binary opposition parallels the ideology of the parent-child dynamic.

Question – The / to/ the/ project/ of/ the /culture/ industry/./post-Foucaultian/ sexuality /is/ socialization/ of / effect/ identical/in/

Answer – The socialization of post-Foucaultian sexuality is in effect identical to the project of the culture industry.



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