IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Days

Are all your days same?

Answer A) I am a travel show host. So, for most of the time I am travelling and during those days, I think every minute is different. One does not know what is going to happen in the very next moment, especially when we are shooting in locations where either crime rate is high or the red light area for instance. We are always on run and landscapes change just as fast as the time ticks away. During the days, when I am home, they are different initially, when I need to meet lots of people, old friends, get in touch with relatives, spend time with my family. But, after some time, they tend to become monotonous, however that is for a very short period of time.

Answer B) I am a student, currently doing my Bachelors. For me, most of the days are same. I need to go to college, attend the classes, do practicals, then assignments and take tuition, so they are very much the same. It is only on Sundays or other holidays that I get time to spend with my family and friends. During these days, we either go out for a nice dinner or visit a near by place.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Class

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

These days, many children have difficulty paying attention and concentrating in their classes at school.

What are the reasons for this?

How can it be dealt with?

Write at least 250 words.

In recent times, teachers have observed that children are less likely to pay attention in the class. This has resulted in a decrease in the quality of teaching methods, as often teachers believe that their efforts are being wasted.

One of the major reason for this is the growing market of coaching classes. Most of the students take tuition classes for the subjects, being taught. This creates an environment, that no matter what the teacher is teaching, they will learn it later on in the coaching class. To solve this problem, the quality of teachers must be improved and also a belief must be brought among them, that school education is enough for them to do well in life.

Another reason for the distraction among children is that, teachers are now not allowed to take strong disciplinary actions. As a result, often children do whatever they want to, because they know the limits of the teacher. Even more, researchers believe that this might be possible because of the unhealthy diet that people are taking. The issue can be solved by allowing teachers to take more strict actions, and yet maintain a limit. Also, parents must take proper care on what the children are eating.

Overall, children are facing issues in concentrating in class because of lack of discipline or more faith in coaching classes. However, if proper time and consideration from teachers and children are given, it is possible to bring back children attention in class.





IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Learning

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer Learning

Learning is a continuous process and to be able to be able to succeed in your life, it is very important that you are involved in continuous learning process. Let us have a look at some of the questions related to learning and possible answers.

What is the most important skill nowadays?

Computers have revolutionized the way the world operates and have become an inevitable part of our lives. One can find them everywhere and there use has become very important. So, I think computers, is that one skill that has really become very important. Also, with the coming of internet, more and more people tend to pay bills and book tickets and do the others things online.

Are there any traditional skills in your country?

Most of the people in our country are well versed in sewing and weaving. In my childhood, I remember wearing sweaters weaved by my grand mother and mother. Also, one can find many people employed in the business of sewing. People, in my country tend to get the clothes stitched by tailor and even there are many who wear clothes sewed by them.




IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Fear Of Crime

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Many people are too scared to leave their home because of a fear of crime.

Some people think that with better government and law, the problem can be solved, however, others are of the opinion, that nothing can be done.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


We are living in an era, post the world war, and although, several peace organizations have been build, the fear of crime has developed among people. To add to this, several terrorist activities, also with the other crimes, have added to this fear. Although, some people believe that there is no way out of this, others are still hopeful. In my opinion, nothing can be done alone, but surely with the combined efforts of people and government, we can improve on it.

There are several reasons why people are skeptical of any improvement. Firstly, it is believed that fear is a state of mind which is perpetuated by the media. For example, we are often bombarded with negative news, the moment one opens the television or newspaper, you can find maximum of negative news. Secondly, an opinion has formed that the crime is because of the structural issues in the society which cannot be handled. Like, a person with no food or money is likely to steal.

On the other hand, there are even people of the opinion that there is still hope. If only the government can increase the police in local communities and encourage more ‘neighbourhood watch’ schemes, there are chances of improving the situation. Even more, media must also be encouraged to present more positive stories in the news about how crime is being tackled rather than the focus on the negative.

Overall, a wide opinion is formed that nothing can be done for the crime rates. However, there are some views that we can improve the situation. In my opinion, we can reduce fear by combined efforts of media, government and individuals.


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