IELTS Cue Card # Admire

Describe a person, much older than you, whom you admire:
You should say –

  • Who the person is?
  • How you know the person?
  • How this person has influenced you?
  • Why you admire this person?
Sample Answer – One

It has been a pleasure to be able to meet so many great people around. Right from work to school to the place where I live. There have been people who have been successful in the eyes of others and then the ones who were right for themselves. But, the one person who I admire is Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. Although, I have never met him in person, but I know about him from the books and documentaries made on him.

There is something about Steve Jobs that is so amazing that one could just be spell bound by him. From his story to the way he talks and the attitude that he carries, it is almost amazing. And the one thing that I really like about him is that was a born fighter. He never gave up and it is so amazing.

Anyone else in his shoes, would have easily quit when he was kicked out of his company but getting kicked out of his company did not stopped Steve Jobs, he went out and tried his fortune in other ventures and ultimately came back to Apple and then brought back Apple to what it is now. A company we look forward to. A company with principles that are so inspiring. He in so many ways has taught our generation how to lead life.

Sample Answer – Two

There have been several people who have influenced me in so many ways. But, the one person I think who actually brought about a change in the way I think is my father. There is nothing particular as to why I admire him but there are so many things that make me fond of him.

I have never seen a man more hardworking and selfless than him. He would go out and do things right and that is what he has taught us. Starting from a broken family to unfaithful relationships to broken trust to so much more. Being born in a poor family and then rising to do what he has actually done, I think it is truly amazing. There are others like Bill Gates, Sachin Bansal and Indira Nooyi who people think to be successful and yes they are but sometimes I believe had my father also got the right environment, where people would have pushed him forward rather than backward, he might also have had a bungalow near the beach.

But, inspite of that, in spite of the fact that his family has always been against him and there have so many struggles, the one thing that I love and admire about my father is that he has always been very positive. Positive about the things around him, about his life and his future which I believe is truly amazing.



There are so many people we come across, so many of them from whom we learn things and then there are people whom we admire. In today’s cue card, talk about someone who you admire.

You can spend 2-3 minutes figuring out the points that you are going to say. Once you are ready, go on and hit the target. While practicing make sure that you don’t give up on the first attempt, you need to try as many times as you can, record it and then evaluate yourself. Make sure your last attempt is the your best one.

Free IELTS Latest cue card



Women’s Life # IELTS Listening Sample Questions

Women’s Life

The below audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes learning English. The audio talks about women’s life.

You can even download the audio from the below link –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the meaning of talked about?
  2. The speaker uses a  term for woman having no children. What is it?
  3. The speakers tells us about the series organized by BBC that discusses issues that affect women. What is it?
  4. What is the unjust treatment of people who belong to different groups called?
  5. How many female heads of state or government do we have around the world now, in 2015?
  6. What is at the core of the 100 women project?
  7. The speaker uses a term to refer something that is at the central part of something. What is it?
  8. Which term is used to talk about the strict idea of what each sex can or can’t do?
  1. covered
  2. childless
  3. 100 Women
  4. discrimination
  5. 19
  6. live debates
  7. core
  8. sexism


IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Use Of Internet

Internet is that one magic that has transformed the world. We have never been so close to each other and so much aware of the world. We can send messages in a click, get any information the moment we need it, find our lost friends and just do about anything, in just a click. Being one of the most amazing inventions till date, let us today have a look at some of the questions related to its use.

Do you often use the Internet?

Yes, Internet is my life. I am blogger and a systems engineer. Both of them require me to be present online most of the time. So, there are times when I have to do some sort of certifications and then there are things that I want to post on my blog or do some online job. Internet has opened up so many possibilities that imagining life without it is just so scary.

When did you first use the Internet?

I remember using Internet for the first time when I was in my intermediate school, for a project.

About how many hours a day do you use the Internet?

Approximately, I think almost around eight hours a day with four to five hours when I am extensively using Internet for either blogging or doing an online certification.

About how many hours a week do you use the Internet?

I use internet almost every day, so I guess it would be around 80 hours per week. Because, if I am not travelling on the weekends I go for Internet.

Who uses the Internet the most in your family?

It would definitely be me. My parents are not very much bothered about Internet and me and my brother would have tough fight on that. But, I think my brother simply uses Internet to download lectures and see them but with me, I am more of streaming videos or may be searching google whenever required during learning. So, I think I win the fight with my brother being very close to it.

What computer do you use to access the Internet?

When I am using Internet in the office, I use Macintosh. But, at home, I have got my Linux laptop, using which I access Internet.

What are some security issues you must think about when you access the Internet?

Internet is very powerful and it can very easily take everything that you have if you don’t protect it properly. So, we need to make sure that the data regarding our bank accounts when being sent are through proper and protected channels. Also, while buying something we need to make sure that the site that we are giving in our details are safe.

use of internet
Have you ever bought something using the Internet?

Yes, I have bought a couple of things using Internet. The first time that I used Internet to buy something was a phone for my father. After that, I remember I have ordered lots of things online, from the bag that I have, to the shoes and then clothes, novels that I read, there is so much that I buy using Internet.

How can the internet help you learn English? 

There are some great websites available for learning English. There is, and then you have got great lectures by BBC and engVid in where you can learn English. Also, Google is definitely the best way of learning English. Type in the word that you want to find the meaning of, or find out the phrases of words. You have got dictionary, thesaurus and so much more out there on Internet.

How can the Internet be improved?

I believe Internet is pretty much good but if the security of Internet can be some how improved a little more it will be better.

Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet?

Surely yes. With the coming of Internet, people are now able to learn things faster, things that are beyond their financial situations. So, there is nothing that is binding you or stopping you. But, then just like every invention, there are some negative impacts of it as well. You can see so many multi media scandals happening and with internet, there is so less of privacy available.


IELTS Speaking Sample Question # Education

Most of us do educate ourselves, some of us go to formal education while others prefer the non-formal, but every sane person does study something or other. Let us now discuss some of the questions related to studies and the possible answers for them.

What are you studying?

Presently, I am undertaking a course on English Literature from the online courses available from FreeUniversityCourse.

Why did you choose that particular course?

I have been a freelance blogger for past three years and with time I have realized that this is something that I truly love. So, I wanted to expand my knowledge horizon in this particular area. Learning English literature is the first step that I have taken towards because I think the language that I am blogging on, I should be very thorough with it. Post this course, I am planning to take a full fledged course on English writing, to enhance my writing skills.


What job would you like once  you have completed your studies?

I would love to be a travel blogger, once I am done with my formal education. I love travelling and writing, and I think it would be a perfect blend for a career. But, then I might even take up a job as a journalist or may be a photographer.



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