Spread Like Wild Fire
If you have the will to achieve, your success story will spread like wild fire! Read more and find out what does it means.
SENTENCE-: Stop being lethargic get a wiggle on or else we will be late.
MEANING-: get moving or hurry - SPREAD LIKE WILD FIRE
SENTENCE-: often gossips spread like wild fire
MEANING-: spread with great speed - A WILD GOOSE CHASE
SENTENCE-: Don’t be foolish, stop this wild goose chase.
MEANING-: search for something unattainable - WHERE THERE IS A WILL , THERE IS A WAY
SENTENCE-: if you have ever decided on a goal, remember, where there is a will, there is a way.
MEANING-: if you have determination, obstacles will pass soon - KEEN AS MUSTARD
SENTENCE-: That girl you seen standing in the hall of fame, she was keen as mustard.
MEANING-: extremely eager or enthusiastic - KEEP OPEN HOUSE
SENTENCE-: mahatma Gandhi always kept an open house
MEANING-: provide general hospitality - YOU CAN’T KEEP A GOOD MAN/WOMAN DOWN
SENTENCE-: No matter how hard someone tries, remember, you can’t keep a good man/woman down.
MEANING-: a competent person will always fight back after every set back - A DIFFERENT KETTLE OF FISH
SENTENCE-: Don’t apply the general rules to her, she is a different kettle of fish.
MEANING-: a different matter or type of person from the one previously discussed - A KICK AT THE CAN
SENTENCE-: this is your chance, you can either kick at the can or kick yourself.
MEANING-: an opportunity to achieve something - KICK THE BUCKET
SENTENCE-: life is like either you achieve your goals or kick the bucket.
SENTENCE-: if you kick someone when they are down, don’t expect to rise yourself.
MEANING-: cause further misfortune to a person who is already suffering