Common Errors In English
English is often a confusing language. There are some words with similar meaning yet pronounced differently and then there are some words with different meaning yet pronounced similarly. Imagine what will happen if you write I am bringing my friend kernel instead of colonel.
Let us have a look at some of the common errors made –
Clothes are garments.
Cloths are dusters or scraps of material. - COLONOEL OR KERNEL
Colonel is a senior officer.
Kernel is the inner part of a nut. - COMPLEMENT OR COMPLIMENT
Complement is something that completes something or that goes well with something else
Compliment is a praise or to praise someone. - CONFIDENT, CONFIDANTE OR CONFIDANT
Confident means to be assured.
Confidant (either male or female) or a confidante (only a female) is someone whom one tells their secrets. - CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS
Both refer to diseases. However,
Contagious refers to the ones passed by bodily contact.
Infectious means passed by means of water or air.
They can even be used otherwise, such as, infectious laughter and contagious enthusiasm. - COORESPONDENT OR CO-RESPONDENT
Correspondent is someone who writes letter.
Co-respondent is cited in divorce proceedings
Now, we shall be using these words for this week, and in the end let us share what we have learned and how we have used these words.