IELTS Sample Listening Questions # Couch Surfing

Couch Surfing

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

  1. What is a sofa which can accommodate more than one person called?
  2. Which term is used to describe the fact that you are visiting lots of websites?
  3. Which country is one of the most popular destination for couch surfing?
  4. Which word describes “the reason to do something”?
  5. What is the experience of people who have either traveled a lot or have lot of experience of different places called?
  6. What is the person whom house you go as a guest called?
  7. What are the people who like to have people in their house called?
  8. If there is something that is very exciting and seems lot of fun to you, what will you call it?
  9. If a person knows you bit more personally, what do they have about you?

Couch Surfing

  1. couch
  2. surfing the web
  3. Paris
  4. motive
  5. worldly views
  6. host
  7. instinctive hosts
  8. compelling
  9. Inside track