IELTS Listening Sample Question # Moon Landing

Moon Landing

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS

  1. In which month did the first man landed on moon?
  2. Which year did the first man landed on moon?
  3. What is the man landing on moon called?
  4. How many people in total have walked on moon?
  5. Which word is used to describe something that is very important?
  6. What genre of books talk about future in science especially one which involves space travel?
  7. Who is the person who gets a training to travel in space?
  8. Name an astronaut.
  9. Which word is used when you want to tell that you saw some crime happening.
  10. How many countries watched the moment when man landed on moon?

Moon Landing

  1. 12
  2. July
  3. 1969
  4. Lunar landing
  5. pivotal
  6. science fiction
  7. Astronaut
  8. Neil Armstrong
  9. witness
  10. 49