IELTS Listening Sample Question # Monkey
IELTS Listening Sample Question Monkey
The audio has been taken from 6 minutes English, by BBC.
Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
- What are humans descendant from?
- What is group of animals, of which apes and monkeys are part of, called?
- Which organ differentiates between apes and monkey?
- What is the word for the situation when one barely manages to escape a difficult situation?
- What word is used for a loud, unpleasant sound?
- What are small apes called?
- How far can the gibbons voice travel?
- What kind of songs do gibbons sing?
- What is the word used for the different kinds of calling for different purposes?
- What is the gradual process of change called?
- apes
- primates
- tails
- close shave
- screech
- gibbons
- 1 km
- duets
- context specific calling
- evolution
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