Cue Card Talk about an item of clothing you enjoy wearing

IELTS Cue Card # Talk about an item of clothing you enjoy wearing.

Talk about an item of clothing you enjoy wearing.

You should say:

  • What that item is
  • Where you got it from
  • How it looks like
  • And explain why you enjoy wearing it.


Cue Card Talk about an item of clothing you enjoy wearing

Sample Answer:

Clothes and accessories have come to represent more than just simple survival gear. They are a window into someone’s life, their personality, their wealth, their age and their experiences. We all have some clothes we enjoy wearing immensely and others that never get to see the light of day.

Speaking on the former, I will talk about my favorite hoodie. Right off the bat, when I mentioned hoodie it is obvious that this hoodie is going to be very comfortable and quite possibly oversized; well you would not be wrong in that assessment. But perhaps what you might not be able to deduce at first glance is the emotional value of this hoodie due to the memories it carries.

I received it back in 12th class during our graduation party as a gift from the school. I was endlessly curious as to what the shiny silver foil held. Out came a comfy back hoodie, it had my school logos on the sleeves and all of our batch’s names on the back forming a giant 2015. I was incredibly touched and distantly realized I might have torn up a little at the flood of memories in my mind.

I instantly put it on, and true enough, it was even more comfortable than it looked from the outside, for the inside had been lined in fleece. My mother will tell you how difficult it is to get that hoodie away from me once I have decided to wear it. The hood shape is simply perfect; even though it is oversized, it doesn’t slip into my face. The pockets can store more than what you would think possible, and why the sleeves sit snugly at my knuckles, just where I like them. But most importantly, I feel like I am enveloped in a big hug whenever I wear it, it reminds me of simpler days, of sunshine and laughter, of badminton on Sundays and swimming on Wednesdays. There is no doubt about it, that hoodie is my favourite piece of clothing.


High-level useful words and their meanings :
Right off the bat (American phrase) – immediately or right from the start
fleece the thick covering of wool on a sheep, or this covering used to make a piece of clothing
Snugly in a way that fits closely
comfy comfortable


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IELTS Cue Card you saw an interesting bird

IELTS Cue Card you saw an interesting bird
    The first time you saw an interesting bird

  • When did you see it?
  • Where did you spot it?
  • Who were you with?
  • And Elaborate on why you found this bird to be interesting.

IELTS Cue Card The first time you saw an interesting bird

Sample Answer

Today I am going to narrate a particularly vivid memory about a flock of parrots.

I was around 12 years old at the time. My family and I had just moved back from Europe to India. This was a large shift for me as I had spent the majority of my little lifetime abroad and knew precious little about my home country.

It was my first day of school, assembly period to be more precise. The school held its assembly in the open-air amphitheatre. I had just been told to stand in line with what I presumed was my new class. Everyone had their heads bowed at prayer time and I was trying my very best to blend in as inconspicuously as possible. As the national anthem started up, everyone stood at attention, this was again, a very foreign concept to me, but I copied them all the same.

Just as I raised my head, I recall being quite shocked to see a flock of brightly coloured parrots zoom over my head. I was in awe at the time, I couldn’t believe that such exotic birds could just roam free in such natural abundance. For you see, back in Germany, parrots could not even be found in zoos! The ecosystem and bird species were poles apart. While jays, magpies, longspurs and pipits are a common sight in the north-west, here in the south we have pheasants, peacocks and parrots. For a twelve-year-old, you might just as well have shown me saber tooth tigers; I was that blown away.

What’s more, later that day when I was walking home, I spotted an old man feeding some parrots by hand! As if this was a common sight. Those two events left a memorable impression on me, for I had learned first-hand how different the world was around the globe, and what was peculiar in one part, might be a common tale in others. The parrots that I saw that day, symbolized that thought for me. That is why, even today, parrots are more beautiful and exotic and interesting to me, than they would be to most locals.
(355 Words)


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Correct or Incorrect ?

In each of the following pairs of sentences, one sentence is correct, and the other incorrect. Choose which you think is correct in each pair and then look at the answers to see if you were Correct or Incorrect :

a. The government should improve public transport.
b. Government should to improve public transports.

a. I go to shopping everyday.
b. I go shopping everyday
a. I like playing computers.
b. I like using computers.
a. I am not liking hot weather.
b. I don’t like hot weather.ANSWERS

1. a
2. b
3. b
4. b


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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Describe the weather. 

You should say:

  • what the weather currently looks like
  • how the weather changes over time
  • how the weather impacts your daily life

and explain how the weather makes you feel at different times.


Sample Answer:

Right now we are in the Autumn season of fading October. The weather seems to be rather chilly, foggy, murky or grey if you will. In particular, the clouds have been obscuring the sun for the past week or so. Although thus far it has not yet rained properly, only slight drizzles have occurred that last for a quarter-hour at the maximum. Meaning that currently, I have to wear light woollens if I don’t want to freeze or feel numb.

Speaking of which, whenever I go out for walks I have noticed that in the mornings there is a cold stiff breeze and heavy fog. On the other hand, in the afternoons the clouds seem to give a bit of leeway, letting some feeble sunlight through to warm the frost off.

The days are overcasting and dark, which can sometimes affect my mood negatively. Soon however it will get even colder and glummer. Personly I don’t really look forward to winter seasons as the weather always becomes turbulent and unpredictable. During such weather I tend to feel lazy and unproductive, wanting to remain inside and inactive.

Rather I much prefer the fresh breeze of the spring, the warmth and welcoming atmosphere of summer. Similarly, there is no problem of humidity or unannounced rainstorms in these seasons. I always feel far more productive in the springtime, I seem to get a whole year worth of work done in a day! It appears my mood lifts as the sun comes and the breeze goes. Although I don’t seem to be affected much with the change in humidity levels since I learned to adapt my skincare routine long ago.

Overall, the weather is a very important governing factor on my mood and in my life.


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