How To In Formal Language ?

When you are writing an essay or a letter or explaining a graph in IELTS, it is expected that you will rite in a formal language. But, what is a formal language?
Although, there is not much of a difference between formal and informal, but some points clearly distinguish the formal and the informal. Here are the points.

  • When writing formal prefer choosing words which are part of standard English these are the words which you will usually find in dictionary without any labels (informal, slang etc.) attached to them.
  • Do not try to fit high ranked vocabulary words. Figure out if there is any importance of that word in a particular passage. Use it only if they are appropriate for your piece of writing.
  • Synonyms are very important in formal writing. Prefer using synonyms of common words such as put, do, get etc.
Although we are in a habit of speaking short forms, such as haven’t, I’m etc. do not use them in formal writing. Rather write, have not, I am etc. Even more, it is preferred if you avoid abbreviations in academic writing. Example-: ad for advertisement.
  • It is usually noticed that in formal writing you express complex ideas. To express them better, you must make sentence using relative pronouns, subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions.
  • It is good if you use complex sentences, but always aim for clarity.

Other things that need to be considered are -:

  1. Limit the use of first person pronouns.
  2. Use passive forms as they focus on verbs than subject.


capital punishment , you agree or disagree # IELTS Essay




Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?




Crime and violence have existed and sustained in our world since centuries. In earlier times, all crimes were designated as one and there was no differentiation between heinous and petty crimes. Death penalty was awarded to all who committed crimes, irrespective of their seriousness but now it is awarded for those crimes which are heinous.

Capital punishment for certain crimes is essential as it deters the culprit to commit the offence again. It instils fear in the person to commit atrocious and brutal offences. If there was no death penalty for such crimes, criminals would walk around free without any fear and repeat such criminal acts of violence. It is only when a criminal or offender fears for one’s own life, does it dissuade him to commit offences. We have had a number of cases in India whereby the death penalty has been awarded. For instance, Kasab, the terrorist who was involved in the terrorist attack in which many people were killed in cold blood at the Hotel Taj in Mumbai, was awarded the sentence and was hanged till death last year. Apart from this, the victims and their families also feel a sense of justice and security which in turn makes them live peacefully.

Yet capital punishment does not always lead to less crime in society. If the crime statistics are given attention, it will be seen that crime has increased manifold over the years, despite the death penalty being awarded in many cases.  This can be supported by the recent rape case which occurred in Delhi, whereby two criminals were given the death penalty but the incidence of rapes have not decreased. In fact, the numbers are growing gradually and each year it surpasses the previous year.

It can be concluded that capital punishment does not necessarily control crime in a society and only has a deterrent effect but it is required in those cases where heinous and despicable crimes have been committed.

Percentage Of Poverty-1 # Bar Graph

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows the percentage of households, grouped by poverty, on the basis of access to refrigerator, electricity and water in Ghana for the year 1991/1992 to 1998/1999.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Percentage Of Poverty

Bar Graph



The graph illustrates the level of poverty amongst households in Ghana over a period of seven years i.e. from 1991/92 to 1998/99, grouped according to the access of refrigerator, electricity and water.

Initially, most of the houses having access to electricity and water were non-poor with the percentage being 73% and 76% respectively whereas refrigerator did not have much effect on financial condition of household with only 24% of households being non-poor. In addition, 11%, 57% and 69% of households living under poor conditions had access to refrigerator, electricity and water respectively.  However, 48% of households with availability of electricity were in very poor situations while 3% and 55% with refrigerator and water found themselves categorized as very poor.

Over a period of seven years, the number of households categorized as non-poor accessing refrigerator, electricity and water substantially increased to 37%, 85% and 80% respectively. Although the percentage of very poor remained constant in case of refrigerator, it declined to 34% in case of electricity and showed a minor increment with regards to water. Similar observations were seen in case of poor households.

Overall, the availability of electricity and water remained major factors in determining the financial status of households, however access to refrigerator did not make any major impact.


The answer provided is of band 6 and there are reasons for it.

  1. There is no clarity in the answer. After reading it, one cannot make out what the graph is about and what are the major issues. This is the major flaw. When answering a question of graph, it is expected that on reading it, you can get a clear summary of graph.
  2.  In the second paragraph, the use of initially is not correct. It is expected that you mention the year clearly.
  3. Repetition of words has been observed in many cases, this is not a good idea.

So, how to answer such graphs.

Rather than going from one point to another again and again, it is better you take a point and explain it better. All the trends observed in that particular point.
Be more clear about the year and it is better if you don’t use words such as initially or later on.

Linking Words

Linking plays a very important role in your essay. 25% of your marks in essay depend on the linking and the cohesion of your essay. It is not only important for you to get the linking correct but you are required to give a range of linking words with perfect accuracy and flexibility. Linking words can be useful for you while listing, adding information, giving examples, showing results or consequences, highlighting, stressing or giving reasons.
Given below are the linking words that can be used in each of the cases.

Linking words for listing are used to either put paragraphs in order or even to list your supporting points in paragraph.

  1. Firstly, secondly, thirdly ….
  2. Lastly, last but not the least , finally
Adding Information
Sometimes you need to support your main idea in essay, given below are the linkers that are used to inform that extra information will be provided.

  1. In addition
  2. Additionally
  3. Furthermore
  4. Moreover
  5. Also
  6. As well as
  7. And
Giving Example
Often you are required to give examples in your writing task. Always writing the same word could make you lose marks. Try to use the given linking words,

  1. For example
  2. In other words
  3. For instance
  4. Namely
  5. Such as
  6. To illustrate

Presenting Opinion
In essays wherein you are required to give your own opinion, following linking words will prove to be helpful to you.

  1. In my opinon
  2. I think
  3. I disagree/ I cannot accept
  4. I admit
  5. In my view
  6. I believe
  7. I concur/ agree
Results and Consequences
These linking words are very useful in when you are required to give solutions in your essay or state the consequences of something.

  1. As a result
  2. Consequently
  3. Thus
  4. Hence
  5. Therefore
  6. So
  7. For this reason
Often while writing essay, you are required to give opinion. Doing this sometimes you have to give your opinion of the opposing form. Given below are some of the linking words that could be helpful for you in such situations.

  1. However
  2. Nevertheless
  3. Even though
  4. Although
  5. But
  6. Despite
  7. Still
  8. On the other hand
  9. By contrast
  10. In comparison
  11. Alternatively
  12. Other option could be
Concluding Linkers
These linkers are useful to start your conclusion paragraph.

  1. In conclusion
  2. To sum up
  3. To conclude


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