IELTS Cue Card 2021 Questions # Favourite Book

Books are the gifts that help change individuals, they are ones that demand the least and give the most.  Everyone has their own favourite genre. Some people love autobiographies, others fiction, some like non-fiction and so on. This time we are looking at a cue card that asks questions about your favourite book.

Describe a book which you read and would like to read again:

  • how did you hear about it?
  • when did you read it?
  • what was it about?
  • why do you want to read it again?

and explain, would you recommend this book to others?

ielts cue card favorite book v2


I am a bibliophile and love reading all genre of books. Today I am going to talk about a book that I loved reading. Although there are many I would like to read again, but I think Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography, ‘My Experiments with the Truth’ has by far been the most impressive book that I have read. I remember I went to get a novel to read and randomly picked this one because I wanted to read Gandhi’s opinion on the entire freedom struggle. It was back in 2014, during my last year of college when I read this book.

The book is Gandhi’s autobiography, it includes special highlights on events that had a major impact on Gandhi’s life story. The book gives an inside view on how Gandhi shaped himself, what sacrifices he made and how he stood by truth even in the darkest of times.

One such event includes the day Gandhi fell ill, the doctors advised him to take some tea as it would help him in recovering faster. It was almost essential for him in his medical condition. But earlier he had pledged that he would not consume meats, spices, eggs or tea, as at the time some research suggested it to be harmful to the body. No matter what the doctors had to say, Gandhi did not consume his tea. I was fascinated by the strong determination the man had.

The story revolves around his life and gives an inner view on the reasons behind the actions taken by him as a leader. I loved the book because it taught me the most important lesson of my life: one should always speak the truth and be ready to die for it.

Mahatma Gandhi was surely a man of strong and true character and in my viewpoint, anyone who reads this novel surely brings home the idea of being a better person.

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Recent Book Cue Card


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IELTS Cue Card # Unusual Meal You Had

IELTS Cue Card, Unusual Meal You Had

Although food is defined as something that people and animals eat to survive, for us humans it is much more than that. For humans, eating and food also have symbolic meanings associated with love, comfort, security, reward and power. Throughout our lives we may associate certain foods with a holiday, past event, or specific memory. Let us look at a cue card that asks questions about an unusual meal you had.

    Describe an unusual meal you had:

  • When did you eat it
  • Where did you eat it
  • With whom you had that meal
  • Describe why you found it unusual?

Sample Answer

I love to travel to new places and make sure that I try out the local cuisine of that region. This is the perfect way to sneak peek into the culture and traditions of the people out there. I’ll like to share with you one such experience I had on my visit to Pune which is a cosmopolitan city in Maharashtra, in western India. One of our local friends suggested us to have a meal at an old eatery called “Manish lunch home”, a place famous for its fresh sea food. We went there and could see a large aquarium placed right in the reception area filled up with crabs and lobsters. I was keen to try crab curry while my husband played safe by ordering usual chicken gravy.
After we placed the order, waiter laid down the table and kept a pair of strange looking cutlery next to my plate. The food arrived and I was served a few pieces of crab with the shell intact. I was supposed to crack the shell using that fancy looking cutlery and then pull out the meat in there. I just didn’t know how to do that. I somehow managed to finish my serving of flatbread with the gravy which was typical of that region. It was spicy gravy with coconut milk base and a tinge of sourness. It was indeed the strangest looking food I had in my life. I promised myself to be careful and sure before ordering something which I have not tasted before.


Q1.Why do people buy foreign food?
Ans. I personally believe that this is a world of consumerism. There is a wide range of exotic, attractively packed foreign foods available in supermarkets these days. Those who can afford to buy , don’t mind spending on these items. Maybe, they think that the quality of those products would be better than domestic ones.
Q2.Why are humans facing food shortage?
Ans. According to me, there are two main reasons why we are facing scarcity of food. Firstly, the population is increasing at an alarming rate, especially in the underdeveloped and developing nations.
A vast majority of these people belong to low socio-economic strata and simply cannot afford to buy enough food. Also, a large quantity of food is wasted by the rich in hotels, parties instead of giving it to the poor and needy people. Then, there are environmental factors too such as crop droughts and famines which result in dearth of food.
Q3.Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
Ans. Of course, having a meal together actually makes the family to spend some quality time with each other. Often, it is dinner time when all family members are together. This helps them to handle the stresses of daily life and hassles of day-to-day existence.


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Cue Card Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future

IELTS Cue Card Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future

Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future
You should say:
– What it is?
– How you knew it?
– What it is like?
– And explain why you think it is perfect?

Sample Answer

In this modern epoch, there are numerous opportunities available in the world most of which are well paid, such as a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a politician and many more. Being an altruistic person, I gain pleasure by helping others. Therefore I firmly believe in getting a job that could give me a chance to help others. Therefore today I would like to talk about being a doctor. Doctor plays a vital role in one’s life. I believe one of the reasons that human’s average life span has increased from 50 to 70 years is because of doctors. Since age-old times, a doctor has been considered a noble profession. I came to know about the profession when I had a pretty rough childhood as I use to fall sick quite often. My dad used to say that the only reason I am healthy today is because of the doctors who made sure you survive through that tough patch in your childhood.
I think doctors are the only ones who would probably care for strangers in this modern world whereas other would either first take a video or a picture while helping you, to gain popularity in social media. I personally love the way the patient smiles and thanks to the doctor after getting healthy. As far as I am concerned, job satisfaction is more paramount for me than high wages because if you are not satisfied with your job you would become exhausted and depressed. That is why I believe a perfect profession for me would most likely be being a doctor.


Q1. Which occupation should be given better pay?
Answer: As far as I believe, the teaching profession should be given more pay as it’s called the mother of all other professions. If today’s children become engineers, scientists, doctors then the whole credit goes to the teachers. So I think teachers must be paid more than others.

Q2. Is being rich a good thing?
Answer: Yes, I think being rich is a good thing. Rich people can help others. They can also satisfy all their needs. For the people who are poor, they consider being rich is beneficial for them as they can lead a prosperous life.

Q3. What makes a person choose a job apart from the pay it offers?
Answer: As I mentioned above, job satisfaction is important than pay. Therefore nowadays people prefer to spend more time with their family instead of doing overwork and job that they enjoy doing is given preference over high paying jobs.

Q4. Do you think people should save for the future?
Answer: Definitely, people must save for their harsh conditions and rainy days. The future is uncertain. There should always be some savings. If they don’t save then they can face much misfortune in their life.

Similar Cue Card Job Career You Hope to Have

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India has some of the world’s most biodiverse regions. The political boundaries of India encompass a wide range of ecozones-desert, highlands, tropical and temperate forests, swamplands, plains, riverbeds, grass lands and islands. These areas have diverse flora and fauna. Let us look at the cue card that asks us to talk about an interesting animal in our country.


    You should say:

  • .what is it
  • .what it looks like
  • .where it lives
  • And explain how you feel about this animal.

Although my country is home to a large variety of flora and fauna species, I would like to talk about “Tiger” which is the largest of all cat species. It is most recognizable for its pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur.
It has been more than 40 years since the Bengal tiger was declared as the National animal of India. It was a part of “project tiger”, an initiative launched to check the dwindling population of tigers in India. Tigers are found in different parts of Asia like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan , Malaysia etc.

Tigers occupy a wide range of habitat types but mostly require thick cover(to provide camouflage), proximity to water and abundance of prey. It is solitary by nature and doesn’t live in prides unlike Lions. Tigers also prefer secluded den locations which may consist of caves or hollow trees. They usually confine their movements within their own territories.

Tigers are one of the most majestic and beautiful wild animals but the situation for this species is critical and requires immediate action. Thousands of tigers have been killed by the poachers for their skin, bones and teeth which are sold in the western countries at exorbitant prices.
I feel that tiger is an iconic species and its conservation should be one of the main objectives of our country. Under the “project tiger” more than 25 tiger reserves have been established in India, in order to protect these animals as much as possible. The population of tigers has increased but poaching still remains a threat. I really hope that these efforts continue in order to preserve this amazing animal. (273 Words)


Q1.So many animals are extinct nowadays. Why you think this is happening?
Ans. In my opinion, habitat destruction and hunting are the two main reasons why so many animal species are getting endangered and extinct nowadays. In order to develop cities, farmlands and industries, deforestation has been done on a massive scale which has in turn led to animal-human conflict. Also, poaching and hunting of animals is done to sell their skin, bones etc. fetching high prices in the international market.

Q2.Why do people have pets in their homes?
Ans. A lot of people in this world are animal lovers and they keep animals like dogs and cats in their homes for a simple reason that they love them, adore them and enjoy their company. These days guide dogs or assistant dogs have become members of many families. Others, who live in the countryside also keep cows, buffaloes, horses for milking and riding purposes. In India, oxen and bulls are still used in villages for farming purposes.

Q3.Earlier people used animals for their work. What do they use now?
Ans. In the past, animals were used extensively as beasts of burden all over the world. For instance, donkeys and mules carried load, elephants carried logs and oxen were used for farming. Also, horses and camels served as means of transportation. However, in today’s technologically savvy world, machines and much faster modes of transportation have taken over the role of animals. At the same time, there are certain remote locations where these animals are used even now. A clear example would be the deserts where camels are still used widely to move from one place to another.


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