IELTS Cue Card #visited as a tourist

Describe an interesting place you have visited as a tourist.
You should say:

  • where this place is
  • why you went there
  • what you did there
  • and explain why you thought this place was so interesting.
Sample Answer:

During my stay in London, I went out with my friends to the city of Bath. Bath is a city in the county of Somerset, England. It is 97 miles (156 km) west of London.
I had always read about the city and its hot water springs, which was discovered in 836 BC by the British king Bladud. The city is famous for Roman Bath, a well preserved Roman site for public bathing, which was built in c AD 60 and for its Georgian architecture….. Royal Crescent, Circus, Pump Room and Assembly Room. Around the 18th century the city became fashion capital of England. Jane Austen the famous English novelist lived there in the early 19th century.
On our first day, we went around the city on foot saw the Royal Crescent, Victoria Garden The Circus, Bath Abbey, went to the Saracens Head a local pub (where Charles Dicken reputedly lived) had a few Guinness talked to the locals, went to Club XL. The following day, we saw the museum, the Pump House and tour the guided bus tour of the city of bath and the spectacular skyline tour and then around the evening we saw the rugby match between the teams of Bath and Bristol.
I really liked the city for its history, which was largely influenced by Roman’s, hot springs, Georgian architecture, natural beauty and for its stint with Jane Austin and Charles Dickens. (236 Words.)


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IELTS Cue Card # Important Letter

There are so many times when instead of choosing a direct face to face conversation, we choose letter or emails to express ourselves. Some of them are the

Describe an important letter you wrote to someone.

You should say:

  • When you wrote it
  • Whom you wrote it to
  • What it was about

And explain why it was an important letter.

Sample Answer One

There have been many letters that I have written which too an extent have shaped my life but I remember writing a letter to a friend I drifted apart after some misunderstandings. For a very long time, I wanted to know the reasons behind the things that happened in between us and why we tried to do the things that we did.
It was almost frustrating and annoying and after three years I gathered all the courage and wrote to him.

I told him about how I felt about our relation and what irritated me and how I felt after it all was over. The entire journey of three years, I penned it down, hoping for some explanation on his behalf as to why he did what he did. But, for my shock or surprise, he simply told me that he has forgotten everything and even if something had happen in the past, it is all over and there is no specific reason behind it.

I was shattered in the beginning because I truly had to think a lot before I could just pen down everything and instead of giving me any explanation he simply sided away. The reason the letter was very important for me because I could finally move on with my life and there were so many things that I learnt. One of them being that there is no point being silent in a relation and then you have to make sure that the first person to respect you and love you is you and you are responsible for whatever happens to you.

I believe had I not written the letter, I wont have ever gathered the will power to move on with my life and make something good out of it.

Sample Answer Two

There have been so many letters that I have written in my life, both at personal and professional level. But, the one letter that I regard as truly important for me and the one which actually helped me shape my career is my resignation letter.

I remember working for a multi national company for about a year and it was during that time that I realized that this job is not giving me any fun and excitement to live about. There is a fixed salary that I get and there is nothing much more than that. No targets to meet and nothing exciting.

There is no work pressure and the feeling of getting things done, because you are working as a team and it is more about collective, so neither the praise nor the punishment comes to individual and I think in some ways it takes away the individuality from the person.

The reason the letter is very important for me is because I had to think lot of times and it was after I had written around 3 resignation letters that I finally decided that I want to do something else with my life. It was a great experience in that company but what was great was to be able to end the journey at the right time. So, I had to fight with my friends and family and the people who care for me the most and then do something that is best for me.

It was after that letter that I realized that I do have lot of courage and can do whatever I want to in my life.



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IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
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IELTS Cue Card # Ways To Relax

There is so much work that we all do but when it is all work and no play we surely get tired easily. Most of the people, hence figure out a way to relax a bit. Let us today have a look at a cue card that talks about ways a person can relax.

Describe a way to relax that you find effective.

You should say:

  • what you do
  • where & when you usually do this
  • who you usually do it with

and explain why this is relaxing for you.

Sample Answer One

I really like taking short breaks while I am working. So, after having worked for almost like an hour, I would go out of my seat and walk a little bit here and there, drink water and just completely close my eyes for some time and be proud of myself for the work that I have done for an hour.

I do it almost for everything. So, it could be while I am playing or working or for that matter while I am studying. It is very important for me because I believe that having a ten minutes break in every hour, not only allows me to push myself harder, it also helps me not to get drained by the kind of work that I do.

I am a software engineer and doing the relaxing thing makes me more committed and focused towards the work. Although, people go out and relax with their friends, I prefer doing this activity alone, so I have no one to talk to and can completely feel good about peace and silence and just go back to work with new mind.

The reason it works for me is because, I am not that sort of a person who can work a lot. But, then I have got dreams which I need to get fulfilled. This every hour break makes me feel as if I am having my quality time and I am able to relax a bit here and there. This allows me not to be exhausted or over whelmed by the work that I do.

Sample Answer Two

I love relaxing after a tiring day but for me the best way to relax is by playing badminton. So, every day after I have finished my work I go out to play badminton with my friends. It is almost exciting and relaxing because to be able to play the game well it is very important for me to forget about whatever has happened in the entire day and focus on what is happening at the present.

This exercise not only makes me good because it is a kind of physical activity but also refreshes because there is so much of mental activity involved in it. And then I with my friends take up those silly competitions, like who is going to win, how long can we play and things like where to hit the target. It is amazing and makes me feel good and prepared for the other day.

Also, when I am playing, it makes me feel as if I am having both, work life balance which helps me go out and do my work in a better way. Because, after the work I know that I do have time for myself and I can enjoy with my friends.

The reason I love it is because apart from just whiling away my time, I am actually doing a physical and a mental activity and it helps me to be able to remain fit and work better.



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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Help Received

There are so many times that we help people and more often receive help. Help is the only way, people  believe, that we remain human. A person who cannot help others is of no use being called human. Let us today have a look at a cue card that talks about a help that you received.

Describe a time when someone helped you.
You should say:
  • Who helped you
  • When it was
  • Why s/he helped you
And describe how you felt about it.
Sample Answer One

There have been many a times when I received help and it is something so often that I wonder what would have happened had I not received the help. But, I clearly remember a day when I was helped and I felt really nice.

I had to go to my brother’s college for some work and I was not aware of how to reach there. So, the local transport dropped me at a place and I thought from there the college would be a mere km away. Thinking that I started walking down the road but after walking around an hour I could not find even a hint of his college. As I was exhausted and started asking people as to where the college is, there came a boy in his scooty and told me that the college is really far and there is no way I can reach there on my foot. He asked me to get into his scooty.

Initially, I was scared, because I had really no idea about the place and it was all jungle around. So, either ways I hopped onto his scooty and he did dropped me outside the college. There were times when I was worried but he later asked me if I wanted to go back along with him as well. Although, I refused that help, I was really happy and felt grateful for his help. He did knew me and just like others he could have behaved strangely but he left me to my destination and in no ways sounded someone who wanted any evil out of me.

It was a true pure help and I wished him all the best for his life.

Help Received

Sample Answer Two

There are so many times that I get help but the one time I remember getting help was when I was in eighth grade. I had decided to participate in our school annual festival and was among the seven girls who were part of the dance team. We used to practice a lot and everything but I was one of the weakest. There were times when it took me days to get  the step right and then there were days when I would just even after trying so much could not get the step right.

Those were some irritating days and after some time even my team members started coming in and telling that I should rather leave the group. My initial reaction was that I wont be leaving the group. I have practiced and I will do good. Although I had said that, I felt bad and I started crying in the stairs. May be my teacher came to know about it or whatever, she called me and told me that in life it is not how much you know but how much you practice to get what you want in life.

She told me that I had done a great thing and I should move on with it. After that, she started teaching me extra lesson for the dance and I was able to actually dance well than most of the girls in the school.

I remember it till now because it was for the first time, I can recall, I stood for myself. And then people did started coming in to help me. It felt great because I felt as if I am important as well and my opinion does matter. It has helped me a great deal to do things in life the way I do them now.


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