Speaking CUE CARD – Describe a time when you borrowed something from someone

Describe a time when you borrowed something from someone.

  • What did you borrow?
  • How did it help you?
  • What lesson, if any, did you learn from your experience?

Describe a time when you borrowed something from someone.What did you borrow?How did it help you?What lesson, if any, did you learn from your experience?


Oh! I remember a time when I was appearing in my final exams in class twelfth. I was taking an exam and suddenly I ran out of ink. A day prior, I had planned to buy a new pen, but then it slipped out of my mind, and I forgot to buy it. Making things worse, Mr. Cloyd was our invigilator that day. He was one of the most feared teachers in our school. He was known for his discipline and his strict demeanor. He was certainly not the kind of person you would go to for help. I hesitantly asked him if I could borrow a pen from someone. Contrary to my expectations, he pulled out a pen out of his pocket and gave it to me. On top of that, there was a smile on his face. An hour later when I went to return it to his office he asked me to keep the pen and wished me good luck for my future.

 I don’t know what got into him that day, but his kind gesture really left me stunned. I had always thought of him as someone to be the last person who would provide any kind of help but there he was, helping me in my time of need. We humans tend to make our opinions very quickly. We have this propensity of judging people, even before we know them well. I learnt from this experience that it’s always better to avoid having any preconceived notions about people, and to really make judgments about them only after we know them well. (294 words)


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IELTS cue card: Leisure activity with your family

IELTS Cue Card: Talk about a leisure activity that you enjoy with your family


  • How often do you do it?
  • What do you usually do?
  • Who do you do it with most of the time?
  • Would you like to do more of it?

Leisure activity with your family, How often do you do it? What do you usually do? Who do you do it with most of the time? Would you like to do more of it?

Sample Answer

I left home when I was seventeen and have never lived there full time since. My mother got sick last month and was admitted to a hospital. She was discharged three days later. I went to see her, but since I was very busy at the time, I couldn’t stay with her much longer.

I felt the guilt and asked my employer if I could get an entire week off to spend some quality time with my parents and help my mother recover. My leaves were sanctioned and I visited my parents with my wife. Since it was a surprise, they got shocked and my mother started crying. I took them out for dinner, and upon returning, made them a nice cup of tea, just as they like. My father is a big fan of Sean Connery, so I hired a DVD starring him. We didn’t go to the cinema as the doctors had advised my mother not to stress herself out.

Though it was nothing fancy what we did, but my parents and I had a really great time together. I have only one sister and as she works abroad, it’s very hard for me to spend some leisure time with her. It’s only my parents then who I would like to visit every month and have a great time with.


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Describe a gift which you spent a long time to choose/make

  • What it was
  • Who you gave it to
  • How you chose it and explain why you spent a long time choosing it

Describe a gift which you spent a long time to choose or make. What it was? Who you gave it to?


Choosing a gift for someone is not an easy task because we always want to make sure that the person receiving the gift really likes and appreciates our choice. For this reason, I always spend a lot of time to select the appropriate gift which suits the choice and personality of the receiver.

Today, I would like to share one such incidence when I spent a whole day to purchase a gift. It was my best friend’s 18th birthday. She was my classmate in Class 5 and since then we have grown very close over the years. Though I know her well but I was really confused about selecting a gift for her and thought about it for days. She is a voracious reader and I was unable to decide whether to gift her a book or something to mark her stepping into adulthood.

Finally, I decided to buy a book for her as I know she is a bookworm. Few days before her birthday I went to several bookshops but couldn’t find an appropriate book in spite of spending the whole afternoon. Eventually, I went to a bookstore which is in the suburbs of our city. Despite being far, it is famous for its collection. The best part is the owner recommends excellent books as per the personality of the readers.

I reached the bookstore by late evening and they were about to close. I requested the owner to help me quickly choose a book for my friend’s 18th birthday. He suggested a collection of 4 books which were a compilation of life lessons by a renowned author. I immediately bought the set and went home. When I gifted the book set to my friend she was delighted to have it. She thanked me and hugged me. I really felt happy to have spent so long to buy a special gift for her.

Voracious very eager for something
Suburbs an area on the edge of a large town or city.
Compilation a thing, especially a book, record or broadcast program that is put together by assembling previous separate items.
Delighted feeling or showing great pleasure


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IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Favorite Website

Websites are the talk of the town these days! They are everywhere, everyone has to do something with them! With so many people becoming bloggers or vloggers, the market has just widened. This time we are looking at a cue card that asks the student for their favorite website,


Talk about your favourite Website.

  • Why is it your favourite website?
  • How often do you use it?
  • What would life be without it?

Internet has just changed the way the world operates. Gone are the days when you were tied down to your circumstances. These days, because of internet, you can be anything that you want  to be and every one have in some way become connected to it. We all have our favorite websites, that we visit more often. My favorite is youtube.com. The reason for me liking it is that it is a fantastic way of sharing things. People can upload their work, they can see what people are doing without even knowing them personally. I myself have used it for watching motivational videos, learning new stuff and sharing many a times.

I started using youtube 2 years ago and it has been a great experience. Being a blogger, youtube is another source of information for me, a rather descriptive and more reliable one! So, I use it for my work and also for leisure some times. I can stay on youtube to watch trailers for movies and songs and speeches. Even more, for my exam preparation, there are plethora of channels that I look forward to.

Necessity is the mother of invention. I have been using it since the time I started blogging. Without it, life will be difficult and more importantly, I guess it will be quite limited. But I hope something similar or may be even better than it pops up.


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